29 Fully Funded PhD Position Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Position at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Position available at Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD position – Automated orchestration of distributed energy system model workflows.
First, a semantic framework for the description and categorization of energy system models and their underlying methods will be designed. Based on this framework, the characteristics of selected models will be described in the context of a method and soft-ware catalog. To ensure the sustainability and continuous extensibility of this catalog, it will be embedded in the digital structures of the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG).
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(02) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – Simulation-guided design of high entropy cathode materials for Li-ion batteries.
Within the the Computational Materials Modeling group of the IEK-13 (leader: Dr. Piotr Kowalski) we perform atomistic modeling-based investigation of materials properties using world-class supercomputing facilities of Forschungszentrum Jülich and RWTH Aachen University. Our work is undertaken in close partnership with the modeling group of the IEK-1 (Institute of Energy and Climate Research – Materials Synthesis and Processing, leader: Dr. Payam Kaghazchi).
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(03) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – Conception, Design and Development of Neuromorphic Learning Systems with Supercomputer Support.
- Develop multilayer spiking neural network training and inference algorithms within constraints of digital hardware and emerging memory devices.
- Analysis of underlying gradient-based learning theory, the current state-of-the-art in neuromorphic computing hardware implementing SNNs and the mapping of spiking neural network learning and inference algorithms onto existing hardware.
- Work with the Jülich Supercomputing Centre to run your algorithms/tools on large distributed computer systems, and accelerate/support the learning of neuromorphic hardware.
- Write research articles, regularly participate in international conferences to present your own work, and learn about state-of-the-art neuromorphic engineering and their applications.
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
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(04) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD student for the automation of high throughput testing facilities.
- Automation specialist for a high throughput electrochemical characterization setups for PEMEL
- Design, build and validation of the setups in collaboration with other PhD students
- Close collaboration with data scientists to develop a reliable, fast, material testing process
- Collaboration with partners within HI ERN and outside
- Analysis and communication of the obtained experimental data
- Writing scientific publications and presenting the results in
- Representing of the institute in project meetings
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(05) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD student for high throughput materials testing in proton exchange membrane electrolyzers.
- Design and optimization of a high throughput electrochemical characterization setup for PEMEL materials (catalysts and protective coatings)
- Benchmarking state of the art materials as a baseline for the developed system
- Study of next-generation materials degradation during electrolysis
- Close collaboration with data scientists and automation specialists to develop a reliable, fast, material testing proces
- Collaboration with partners within HI ERN and outside
- Analysis and communication of the obtained experimental data
- Writing scientific publications and presenting the results in conferences
- Representing of the institute in project meetings
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(06) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD student for the data management for a high throughput testing facilitiy.
- Data Scientist for a high throughput PEMEL Project
- Design of a data network connecting various testing equipment, and automizing data evaluation
- Close collaboration with automation specialist to develop a reliable, fast, material testing process
- Collaboration with partners within HI ERN and outside
- Analysis and communication of the obtained experimental data
- Writing scientific publications and presenting the results in
- Representing of the institute in project meetings
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(07) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD student – Manufacturing and characterization of membrane electrode assemblies for proton exchange membrane water electrolyzers.
- Additive manufacturing of membrane electrode assemblies for proton exchange membrane water electrolyzers that are made from new catalyst layers
- Physical, spectroscopic, and electrochemical characterization of membrane electrode assemblies prior to, during, and after operation
- Study and process optimization of manufacturing of membrane electrode assemblies in order to improve the achievable performance and stability
- Participation in project meetings
- Coordination with internal and external partners
- Publication and presentation of research results in relevant journals or at international conferences
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(08) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD position – Processing of composite ceramics with tailor-made properties using field-assisted sintering technologies.
- Development of composite ceramics with defined properties with respect to the thermal conductivity, thermal expansion and electrical conductivity by a suitable combination of oxides, nitrides and carbides
- Production of composite ceramics using field-assisted sintering methods, in particular “Field Assisted Sintering Technology/Spark Plasma Sintering (FAST/SPS)”
- Characterization and optimization of all parameters relevant for the production
- Comprehensive characterization of the composite ceramics regarding microstructure, possible interface reactions and physical properties
- Application of the composite ceramics as substrate for functional coatings and development of a technology for co-sintering via FAST/SPS
- Scaling up of the technology to industrial scale in close cooperation with the industrial partner
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
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(09) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Superconducting Quantum Information Processing.
- Your doctoral project will focus on theoretical studies of physical implementations of quantum information processing, such as superconducting qubits, and related enabling quantum technologies.
- You will study, develope, and conduct research on simulating quantum devices using modern theoretical techniques such as circuit QED.
- The project will connect you to active theoretical and experimental collaboration with leading international groups.
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(10) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: Research Assistant / PhD Position for Fault-Tolerant and Robust Parallel-In-Time Integrators.
- Developing parallel-in-time integration methods with the ability to recover after hardware faults or data corruption
- Adapting these methods to modern supercomputer architectures, optimization of scheduling and load balancing
- Assessing the usage of compression techniques to lower the memory and communication footprint of these methods
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(11) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD position – Electronic structure of novel quantum materials.
Have you been fascinated by the novel quantum materials that are the backbone of the second quantum revolution? If yes, consider to apply for a new PhD-student opening at the Electronic Structure group at PGI-6.
The discovery of topology in the electronic structure has revolutionized the way we think about electronic matter. At PGI-6 we are studying novel quantum materials with the main focus on topology and magnetism. Our main technique is a high-resolution spin- and angle-resolved photoemission (spin-ARPES) and we operate one of the best lab-based laser-driven spin-ARPES spectrometers worldwide.
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(12) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – Systems Neuroscience.
- Acquisition and analysis of (ultra-) highfield (f)MRI data and/or TMS-EEG data
- Investigating healthy participants and patients with motor deficits
- Interaction with a dynamic multidisciplinary team members and collaborators from Psychology, Medicine, and Computational Neuroscience as well as the University Hospital Cologne
- Presentation and publication of the results at international conferences and in peer-reviewed journals
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(13) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Computational Neurosciences / Translational Clinical Neurosciences.
The successful candidate will investigate neurobiological mechanisms underlying brain dynamics using multimodal neuroimaging data and computational neurosciences approaches. In particular, the changes of brain dynamics in the context of psychological or neurological disorders will be investigated as well as the relationship to risk- and resilience-factors. This includes:
- Design of fMRI experiments and acquisition of the data
- Preprocessing and analysis of existing structural and resting-state functional MRI data
- Implementation of analysis algorithms
- Presentation and publication of the results
- Interaction with team members and collaborators from Psychology, Medicine, and Computational Neuroscience
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(14) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – Characterization of advanced alkaline water electrolyzers.
The project, you will be working on, is a collaboration with several industry partners who work on high-performance diaphragms, electrodes and cell design for alkaline water electrolysis. You will test the components supplied by the partners and benchmark materials, investigate the influence of the various parameters on the performance and optimize it.
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(15) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: Two PhD positions – Experimental investigation and scale bridging modeling of solid oxide fuel cell ageing.
In the framework of a project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in cooperation with academic and industrial partners a fundamental chemo-physical understanding of degradation mechanisms on the material and cell level will be elaborated, to understand and evaluate the ageing resulting from the interplay of ceramic and metallic functional layers during operation. To reach this goal, the influence of thermal and thermo-atmospheric effects on microstructure evolution and long-term behavior will be investigated. Based on this, ageing models for the degradation over extended timescales will be developed. The distribution of tasks is coordinated in the team of two PhD students according to their interests and qualifications.
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
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(16) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD position – Impact of the reduction of NOx on formation of secondary pollutants.
- Improvement and characterization of a laser induced fluorescence instrument for the measurement of HO2 and RO2 radicals in the simulation chamber SAPHIR Star
- Experiments in the simulation chamber SAPHIR Star
- Planning, execution and coordination of experiments using anthropogenic and/or biogenic precursor at different NOx and temperatures (current and future scenarios)
- Data interpretation using chemical box modelling to simulate observations
- Participation in international conferences and publication of the findings in peer reviewed journals.
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(17) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD student – Simulation of the photoactive layer formation during drying of solution-processed organic solar cells.
Organic solar cells belong to the emerging photovoltaic technologies that can contribute to the energy transition in the near future. They have been greatly improved in the past few years, reaching outstanding 18% conversion efficiency. Compared to silicon devices, these solution-processed solar cells are low cost and eco-friendly, and allow new kind of application thanks to their flexibility and partial transparency. Nevertheless, the efficiency and life time of these solar cells have still to be improved. Aside from material development, the fabrication process is known to play a crucial role in their performance: during drying of the light-absorbing layer, a complex nanostructure forms that determines the layer properties. However, the understanding of the process-structure relationship has to be improved.
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(18) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – Optimal Control Theory for Quantum Technologies.
- cooperate with and support experimental partners ranging from Nitrogen vacancy centres to atomic systems, to quantum dots, to superconducting qubits, with an aim towards practical technological implementation
- develop techniques to simulate and control the dynamics for increasing system complexities
- design and implement optimization techniques for controlling the dynamics of experimental quantum-technology platforms
- model and mitigate major sources of experimental error (such as dissipation)
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(19) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – IC realization of variable phase-lag coupled oscillators for in-memory computation.
The goal of this doctoral researcher project is tackling this challenge making use of both, established concepts in RF CMOS applications and the particular features of new nanostructured materials. The work will build upon developed concepts for phase-lag coupled recurrent neural networks plus simulation models of the nanostructured devices and will cover the developing process from the architectural model down to the layout towards the tape-out.
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(20) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD position – Highly energy efficient integrated circuits comprising new nanoscale devices.
New nanoscale structures promise the realization of highly energy efficient integrated circuits and may help Moore’s law to survive for some more years or even pave the way to post von Neumann computing architectures. Although the potential of these new structures could be shown in simulations and first demonstrators, the establishment in real world application and thus the utilization for energy saving on a large scale is still a long-term goal.
The target for this doctoral researcher topic is to realize integrated circuit solutions comprising new nanoscale devices already available in foundries for state-of-the-art technology tasks. Based on concepts which have already been verified in simulation models the performance of the new approaches realized in hardware is to be benchmarked against standard CMOS solutions.
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(21) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: Phd Position – Automated Calibration for Quantum computing.
- Investigation and analysis of operational parameters of multiple qubits
- Modelling and development for an automated calibration
- Simulation and optimization of the calibration system towards minimum iterations and best possible noise suppression
- Collaboration in various interdisciplinary research projects
- Self-driven development of solutions
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(23) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD position – Development and application of high-performance models for the analysis of European energy systems.
- Modelling and analysis of the European energy markets
- Modeling and analysis of Europeans power and gas grids
- Development of energy scenarios
- Development of a data basis and models for the erngy infrastructures of the European Electricity market
- Development and programming af a simulation platform that is able to capture the interaction between markets and grids using HPC infrastructures
- Development of integrated software tools for automated data analysis
- Integration of web interfaces for user-friendly operation and application
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(24) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD position – Use of Hardware Solutions for Modern Energy System Simulation and Control.
- Analysis of the current state of the art in the simulation and control of energy systems with the aid of specialized computer hardware (e.g. based on FPGAs)
- Definition of innovative methods for the simulation and control of multi-modal energy systems based on application-specific instruction-set processors
- Development of test cases and scenarios for the evaluation of implemented methods
- Validation of the approaches with benchmarks and real-world energy system models (data is, for instance, available from research projects such as Living Lab Energy Campus)
- Evaluation of defined methods` performance using last generation computer hardware and Hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) approaches
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(25) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – Methodical Conception, Design and Development of Modern Multi-Modal Energy System Simulation.
- Analysis of the current state of the art in continuous and discrete simulation
- Development of innovative approaches for the simulation of multi-modal energy systems with the aid of hybrid simulation and co-simulation
- Validation of the approaches with benchmark and real-world energy system models
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(26) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD-Position – Conception, Design and Development of Multi-FPGA Simulation Methods for Real-time Verification of Power Electronics enabled Energy Systems.
- Analysis of the current state of the art in real-time simulation methods
- Development of simulation methods for multi-FPGA platforms
- Programming of a simulation solution that is able to execute on multi-FPGA platforms with execution time below 50ns
- Development of test case and scenarios for the evaluation of the developed platform
- Development of simulation interfaces between the developed simulator and commercial products
- Validation of the simulation models on the basis of the energy infrastructures of the campus Forschungszentrum Jülich
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(27) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – Innovative highly integrated Digital-to-Analog Converters for Scalable Quantum computing.
Our team is working on integrated circuits which combine analog and digital components from modern CMOS technologies. One research focus is the development of System-on-Chip solutions (SoCs) for scalable control and read-out of semiconductor qubits for Quantum Computing (QC). The SoCs will be operated at temperatures below 1K which generates very special requirements on circuit design, Silicon area as well as power consumption. The focus of the doctoral work will be on new and innovative concepts/solutions for quantum bit biasing control.
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(28) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – Conception, Design and Development of Modern Power System Simulation and Control Solutions.
- Analysis of the current state of the art in control of multi-modal energy systems
- Develop innovative control solutions for multi-modal decentralized energy systems
- Support the design and development of a Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) laboratory
- Development of real-time capable models for the energy infrastructures on the campus Forschungszentrum Jülich
- Validation of the simulation models on the basis of the energy infrastructures of the campus of Forschungszentrum Jülich
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(29) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: Ph.D. position: Developing and applying unique DFT code for leadership applications on HPC architectures.
We are looking for a Ph.D. student who shares our excitement to develop KKRnano further as a unique scientific method on the fastest supercomputers in the world and feels the thrill to carry out leadership simulations in condensed matter physics and material sciences that have never been done before. The candidate has the opportunity to work closely with scientists who design future Tier-0 supercomputers.
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
About Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany –Official Website
Forschungszentrum Jülich is a member of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres and is one of the largest interdisciplinary research centres in Europe. It was founded on 11 December 1956 by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia as a registered association, before it became “Kernforschungsanlage Jülich GmbH” or Nuclear Research Centre Jülich in 1967. In 1990, the name of the association was changed to “Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH”. It has close collaborations with RWTH Aachen in the form of Jülich-Aachen Research Alliance (JARA).
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