University of Copenhagen, Denmark invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Computer Science
Organismal morphology is studied in biology to decode evolutionary relationships among species and test hypotheses about the evolutionary tree. The Stochastic Morphometry project aims for developing statistical models of morphological change through evolution, thereby making phylogenetic inference tools applicable for studying shape evolution. The aim is to revolutionize how evolutionary analyses of morphological data are performed to fully take advantage of the rich information of changes in complex biological structures. The developed models will be applied to studies of a rich set of biological data. The project is lead by Stefan Sommer (UCPH), Rasmus Nielsen (UCPH, Berkeley), Mads Nielsen (UCPH) and Christy Hipsley (UCPH).
Deadline : 01-05-2022
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Innovation Management in Hospital Systems
The PhD fellowship is based on a close collaboration with the Capital Region of Denmark (CRD), the regional authority of the Copenhagen Region, which is responsible for managing Denmark’s largest hospital organization, including 11 hospitals and 36.000 employees. The overall objective of the fellowship is to conduct research in innovation processes and innovation management and contribute new knowledge that can support the future development of the CRD’s innovation practices. The PhD fellowship is expected to focus one of the following three research project themes:
Deadline : 30 April 2022
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD scholarship in Digital Media and Political Contention
Rapidly emerging technologies are playing a significant role in shaping the way in which people engage with politics and pursue social justice, as we see in the cases of Black Lives Matter, the #MeToo movement, and the Arab Spring. We know a great deal about the technologies people use in political contention and movements, as illustrated by terms like “Twitter uprising” or “Facebook revolution,” which became interchangeable with “the Arab Spring.” And yet, we know very little about why people choose some but not other technologies, and how people decide on specific political uses of certain technologies as what Tilly calls “repertoire of contention.” The To-Use-or-Not project explores the reasoning behind people’s diverse decisions on use and non-use of technology for political contention in specific contexts. A short description of the project can be found here: (English); (Danish).
Deadline : 19 April 2022
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship at Department of Food and Resource Economics
IFRO carries out pure basic and applied social science research and have a number of educational and public sector advisory service responsibilities within our thematic fields. We are characterized by a high involvement in interdisciplinary research at both international and national levels.
Deadline : 19-04-2022
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(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellow in Particle Astrophysics at the Niels Bohr International Academy and DARK
Neutrinos are weakly interacting particles playing a fundamental role in astrophysical environments. Because of their feeble interacting nature, neutrinos escape unimpeded from their sources, hence being powerful messengers of extreme astrophysical sites not otherwise accessible. We are interested in unveiling the nature of these puzzling particles and at using them as messengers of the engine behind the most energetic events in our Universe.
Deadline : 03-04-2022
(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Scholarship (3 years, full time) in Social Data Science in Joint Research Initiative by the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) and the University of Edinburgh (UK)
We are looking for a PhD candidate in the area of Social Data Science, broadly defined. The PhD project should deal with important problems and phenomena related to social (data) science (e.g., algorithmic fairness, challenges of digitalization, computational hermeneutics, machine behavior, misinformation). The PhD candidate is expected to address research questions using methods from computational/data science such as computational text analysis, machine learning, netnography, or network analysis.
Deadline : 01-04-2022
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(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD stipends in Statistics, and the mathematics of Insurance and Economics
Department of Mathematical Sciences (MATH) invites applications for PhD stipends in applied mathematics, including statistics, the mathematics of insurance and economics, and mathematical biology.
Deadline : 01-04-2022
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD stipends in Matematics
There will be PhD stipends available in:
- Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry, Combinatorics, Geometry and Geometric Analysis, Number Theory, Representation Theory, and Topology as covered by the section Algebra & Geometry and Copenhagen Center for Geometry & Topology (GeoTop).
- Classical Analysis, Descriptive Set Theory, Functional Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, History of Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, Operator Algebras, Partial Differential Equations, Quantum Information, Quantum Computation, Quantum Simulation and Random Matrix Theory as covered by the section Analysis and Quantum, the Centre for the Mathematics of Quantum Theory funded by the Villum Foundation and the ‘Quantum for Life‘ Center funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation.
Deadline : 01-04-2022
(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Neolithic archaeology
The overall goal of the project is to explain why figurative representations are missing among Northern Europe’s first farmers. As farming spread from southeast to central Europe, the number of figurines decreased and when agriculture expanded to northern Europe, they had disappeared. The project seeks explanations for the absence of figurines in deep socio-cultural and ritual-religious differences dividing Neolithic Europe in a figurative southeastern part and an imageless northern part. This will include the identification and analyses of shifts in social organization and ritual-religious practices across early agricultural communities in southeast and central Europe.
Deadline : 28-03-2022
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in protected area effectiveness and threats to biodiversity at Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate
This PhD will focus on understanding the effectiveness of protected and conserved areas (including other effective area based conservation measures) in reducing threats to biodiversity. Working with a newly developed dataset on the distribution of the primary threats to biodiversity (See Harfoot et al. 2021, Nature Ecology and Evolution: the candidate will explore questions related to whether protected and conserved areas are located where they may best curb threats as well as investigating the impact of protection on reducing threats. The project is global in scope and will (in addition to the data from Harfoot et al. 2021) rely on multiple open-access data sources including the World Database on Protected Areas, the Human footprint as well as integrate relevant data on socio-economic and environmental context to assess the effectiveness. However, depending on the candidates interest and experiences there will be scope for regional or national analysis as well as exploring different thematic elements related to the topic of protected area effectiveness and threats to biodiversity.
Deadline : 27-03-2022
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Respiratory Physiology/Pulmonary Immunology at the Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, and the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Hvidovre Hospital
We are offering a PhD fellowship from August 1st, 2022, or as soon as possible thereafter. The project will focus on the host immune response in the lungs of critically ill patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), notably the interactions between the local microbiome and immune cell populations within the pulmonary compartment, and the effects of this on pulmonary gas exchange. All the studies will be conducted on patients in the clinical setting.
Deadline : 24-03-2022
(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Project in radiologist-AI interaction and pancreatic surgery planning
Funding for two PhD positions working on two projects is available. One position is on radiologist-AI interaction, while the second one is on pancreatic image analysis and surgery planning. The PhD fellows will work on both theoretical aspects of machine learning solutions development and the application of the developed solutions on clinically relevant problems.
Deadline : 15-03-2022
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(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD scholarship(s) within the project “What is keeping unemployed workers from finding employment? The role of information, job characteristics, and behavioral biases” at the Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen
Unemployment is detrimental to society and individuals. Helping unemployed workers find good jobs is therefore very important. The aim of the research project is to improve our understanding of how job search works and how we can improve job outcomes for the unemployed.
A main problem for previous research on job search is lack of data. While many data sets contain information about unemployment and job finding, very few data sets contain information about job search behavior. At the center of this research project sits a range of brand new data sources that try to fill this gap. This includes data on actual job applications, click-by-click data on how job seekers search for jobs online and novel survey data to be collected in the project. These data will be combined with the detailed administrative register data from Statistics Denmark.
Deadline : 14-03-2022
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Functional Proteomics
We seek an enthusiastic, passionate researcher to perform a PhD project in functional proteomics. The main objective of the PhD project is to develop mass spectrometry-based proteomics workflow to typify skeletal muscle fiber and investigate the skeletal muscle fiber heterogeneity within skeletal muscle. The successful applicant will apply proteomics, bioinformatics and microscopy techniques on single muscle fibers and work in an interdisciplinary team comprising molecular biologists, bioinformatics and cell biologist.
Deadline : 10-03-2022
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellow in Infant Gut Microbiome
The position is available in the Research Group of Gut Microbes, Diet and Health, which conducts research to understand the mechanisms by which the gut microbiota contributes to food digestion and health. The interactions between diet, gut microbiota and health are studied both in infant cohorts and in human dietary intervention studies. We apply cutting-edge metabolomics and microbiomics, and collaborate with leading national and international microbiome researchers and experts in immunology and intestinal host receptors to elucidate host-microbial cross-talk.
Deadline : 06-03-2022
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Bioinformatics
The successful candidate is expected to work on projects aiming to establish transfer learning in regulatory genomics and develop interpretable deep learning models to infer 1) the DNA sequence grammar of gene regulatory elements, and 2) enhancer-promoter communication. The projects will be based on large-scale sequencing data generated within the lab of Robin Andersson and within partnering consortia.
Deadline : 06-03-2022
(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowships in the field of Real World Data/Evidence (Big Data) at Department of Pharmacy
The use of real-world data (RWD) for evidence generation to support regulatory and clinical decision-making is not new. In disease epidemiology and in post-market safety evaluation RWD and real-world evidence (RWE) are already quite well established, and often used in the context of use of observational data and pharmacoepidemiological methods. The US Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) define RWD as “routinely collected data relating to a patient’s health status or the delivery of health care from a variety of sources other than traditional clinical trials”, and RWE is the evidence derived from analysis of RWD.
Deadline : 06-03-2022
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in experimental superconducting qubit development at the Niels Bohr Institute
We are seeking candidates for a PhD fellowship in the field of experimental superconducting qubit development, with a focus on new approaches to superconducting qubits using hybrid superconductor/semiconductor Josephson junctions for realizing protected qubit encodings.
Deadline : 06-03-2022
(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Veterinary Parasitology
The PhD project is part of two projects related to parasite infections in outdoor livestock. The EU-project Robust animals in sustainable mixed free-range systems, investigates parasite infections and welfare in outdoor organic pigs, including use of anti-parasitic phytochemicals. The project Parasite infections on large pasturelands will assess non-invasive methods of monitoring parasite infections in free-roaming cattle. Both projects will involve extensive field studies, lab work (parasite egg and larval counts, in vitro assays, molecular methods for parasite identification and quantification) and data handling. The work will be a collaboration with Aarhus University and other universities in EU. Visits to these or other collaborating labs will be part of the project.
Deadline : 06-03-2022
(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Animal Science/Parasitology
The PhD project is part of the project ‘BIOHEALTH: Utilizing green bio-refining side streams as a novel tool to control disease and promote healthy livestock’ funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. The focus of the project will be identifying and characterizing bioactive phytochemicals that are produced during bio-refining of plants that may have anti-parasitic and other health-promoting properties. The work will involve biochemical analysis, in vitro approaches (cell-based assays, nematode mortality assays) and in vivo studies in small (mice) and large (sheep) animal models to assess effects on infection and gut health. The work will be a collaboration with Aalborg University and the University of Turku, Finland. Visits to these or other collaborating labs will be part of the project. Full training in all techniques will be available.
Deadline : 6 March 2022,
(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Computer-Support Collaborative Learning with a focus on Multimodal Learning Analytics and STEM Education
The project goal is to help develop new frameworks, methods, and technologies for supporting STEM education with computational thinking. The prospective student can be engaged in all related research topics, including, but not limited to, design and evaluation of scenario-based learning narratives, quantitative ethnographic, learning analytics with a focus on multimodal sensors.
Deadline : 06-03-2022
(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Forensic Genetics
Your main task will be to investigate large families with rare primary arrhythmias with no mutation in the known disease-causing genes, followed in the clinic for inherited cardiac diseases in Rigshospitalet. You will subsequently employ whole genome sequencing with the purpose of discovering novel disease-causing genetic variants using the already established experimental and bioinformatical pipelines at the section of Forensic Genetics at the Department of Forensic Medicine. Through co-segregation analysis, you will then investigate the probability that an affected first-degree relative of a variant-carrying proband also would carry the variant.
Deadline : 04-03-2022
(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in GPCRs and the blood-brain barrier Department of Biomedical Sciences
This project is designed to determine the role of GPR125 in the blood-brain barrier. The successful applicant will investigate the effect of genetic knock-out of GPR125 in mice, with characterization including analysis of cerebrospinal fluid volume and content, detection of intracranial pressure, assessment of barrier integrity, and transcriptome analysis using RNAseq data. In the next phase of the project, the student will attempt to introduce exogenous substances across the blood-brain barrier via modification or interaction with this receptor, with subsequent evaluation of the effect of these manipulations on development and behavior. The aim is to develop a method for delivery of disease-modifying agents to treat neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease.
Deadline : 02-03-2022
(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in theoretical condensed matter physics at the Niels Bohr Institute
The main objective of the project is to investigate emergent physics of in solid state hybrid systems, such as superconductor-semiconductor heterostructures and various qubits platforms, all in close collaboration with experimental colleagues. Depending on the interests and background of the successful candidates, the research could involve, for example, modeling of topological superconductors, protocols for observation of nonlocal quantum information storage in Majorana bound states, or next generation superconducting qubits using hybrid materials.
Deadline : 01-03-2022
(25) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Quantum Optomechanics at the Niels Bohr Institute
The fellowship aims to take this platform to the next level, by generating and harnessing quantum correlations and entanglement via parametric interactions in hybrid opto- and electromechanical systems. The candidate will perform cutting-edge experiments using quantum optical, superconducting microwave, and ultralow-temperature (milli-Kelvin) cryogenic techniques. They will also develop theoretical models and compare it to the data taken. Applications of this research range from gravitational wave detectors, via quantum memories and transducers, to quantum-limited scanning probe microscopy. The project enjoys dedicated support from the European Research Council (ERC) and the Novo Nordisk Foundation.
Deadline : 01-03-2022
(26) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Food Engineering
The aim of the PhD is to develop knowledge that will enable optimization of Cleaning in Place (CIP) processes in the dairy industry. The PhD will investigate the fundamental mechanisms at microscopic and macroscopic scales during cleaning of dairy formulations. Small scale rigs will be used to obtain fundamental understanding of the phenomena. Interactions of dairy materials with equipment surfaces and cleaning material, e.g. swelling, will be investigated using a range of techniques, e.g. microscopy, to obtain relevant kinetics. The potential of using a range of sensors, e.g. spectroscopy, to monitor the process will be explored. We will model the dynamics and cleaning processes aiming to develop on-line optimisation/monitor systems
Deadline : 01-03-2022
(27) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Community Dentistry at the Department of Odontology
The research project is in collaboration between Department of Odontology and Copenhagen Centre for Health Research in the Humanities (The Saxo Institute, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen). Further, Frederiksberg and Greve municipalities will be close collaborators in the project.
The aim of the project is to investigate the oral health in fragile elderly persons using quantitative methodology, develop initiatives for improving oral health in a co-creational process, and evaluate these initiatives.
Deadline : 01-03-2022
(28) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowships in eukaryotic model transcription factors
The projects focus on various emerging functions of eukaryotic model transcription factors, including specific nuclear receptors, related to protein intrinsic disorder (ID). The projects will concentrate on the function of transcription factor ID for:
- Regulation of DNA-binding and intramolecular communication
- Cellular degradation and turnover
- Large interactomes
- Condensate formation
Deadline : 01-03-2022
(29) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Experimental Quantum Optics
The project will be part of the center for Hybrid Quantum Networks, which aims at merging single photons sources with mechanical oscillators for long term quantum memories in quantum networks. The present project will be within experimental quantum optics with the aim of using our advanced single-photon source for proof-of-concept quantum communication experiments. The overall goal is to perform quantum key distribution experiments towards realizing fully device-independent solutions.
Deadline : 28-02-2022
About The University of Copenhagen, Denmark – Official Website
The University of Copenhagen is a public research university in Copenhagen, Denmark. Founded in 1479, the University of Copenhagen is the second-oldest university in Scandinavia, and ranks as one of the top universities in the Nordic countries and Europe.
Its establishment sanctioned by Pope Sixtus IV, the University of Copenhagen was founded by Christian I of Denmark as a Catholic teaching institution with a predominantly theological focus. In 1537, it was re-established by King Christian III as part of the Lutheran Reformation. Up until the 18th century, the university was primarily concerned with educating clergymen. Through various reforms in the 18th and 19th century, the University of Copenhagen was transformed into a modern, secular university, with science and the humanities replacing theology as the main subjects studied and taught.
The University of Copenhagen consists of six different faculties, with teaching taking place in its four distinct campuses, all situated in Copenhagen. The university operates 36 different departments and 122 separate research centres in Copenhagen, as well as a number of museums and botanical gardens in and outside the Danish capital. The University of Copenhagen also owns and operates multiple research stations around Denmark, with two additional ones located in Greenland. Additionally, The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences and the public hospitals of the Capital and Zealand Region of Denmark constitute the conglomerate Copenhagen University Hospital.
A number of prominent scientific theories and schools of thought are namesakes of the University of Copenhagen. The famous Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics was conceived at the Niels Bohr Institute, which is part of the university. The Department of Political Science birthed the Copenhagen School of Security Studies, which is also named after the university. Others include the Copenhagen School of Theology and the Copenhagen School of Linguistics.
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