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30 PhD Degree-Fully Funded at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

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KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden invites online Application for number of  Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Lignin-based Materials

The project aims at gaining fundamental insights on the synthesis of sustainable bioplastics from lignin. Lignin is the world’s largest source of biophenolics and is found in biomass. In this project, new production processes for high quality lignin from biomass will be developed, and the obtained lignin will be chemically modified for synthesis of thermosets. The modifications are focused on green and sustainable chemistry. The structure properties relations of the material are the foundation for future lignin biorefinery processes and application spectra of lignin-based plastics. Accurate characterization  for molecular structure include 1D and 2D NMR, GC MS, LC MS, and GC FID and material characterization techniques include DMA, TGA, FTIR.

Deadline : 10.Mar.2022

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(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (licentiate) student in Geographic Information Science

The person who takes this position will conduct a research project titled “SUM-NetSustainable Urban Mobility Network” funded by the Swedish Research Council Formas. The project aims to develop and test a new digital solution that supports the analysis of urban mobility and accessibility and the design of route plans with a particular focus on people who rely on walking, cycling, and mass transit subject to various social and physical (and physiological) constraints. 

Deadline : 03.Mar.2022

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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student (Licentiate) in Fluid and Climate Theory

In the transition toward low-energy buildings and the 5th generation of district heating, using data-driven approaches to integrate decentralized renewables with optimal control will play a vital role. You will join an exciting research team and interdisciplinary EU project to develop and apply machine learning (ML) techniques, novel system control and optimization methods to integrate/operate various decentralized renewable systems in the 4th-5th generation of district heating and building HVAC systems. You will perform dynamic simulations of energy operation (both thermal and power), as well as testing the developed ML methods/control solutions in multiple live-in-labs across Europe. You will work closely with a large number of industry partners and other researchers to manage project deliverables. Additionally, you will be also expected to perform limited percentages of department duties, i.e., teaching, supervisions of thesis students, etc

Deadline : 17.Mar.2022 

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(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in trustworthy machine learning for cyber-physical systems

The aim of the project is to develop algorithms and methods for vulnerability and security risk management for ML-enabled cyber-physical systems. The project will advance the state of the art in exploring the vulnerabilities of ML algorithms to realistic attacks, and the potential impact of such attacks on the trustworthiness of the entire system. It will develop solutions based on multiple sensing modalities and algorithmic solutions for introducing redundancy in ML-enabled systems, and will attempt to develop a methodology for addressing the pressing need for the certification of AI/ML enabled components of automated and autonomous systems. The project will be executed in close cooperation with major industrial and public collaboration partners from the railway domain.

Deadline : 09.Mar.2022 

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(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Edge Computing and Beyond 5G Mobile Networking

Our group is focusing on research paving the way for novel edge computing systems and applications, emphasizing challenges related to predictability, safety and security of edge systems and collocated mobile networks. Edge computing is a new computing layer, providing substantial computing and storage resources near users and end systems. Our research agenda is facilitated through a world-leading research center on edge computing at KTH – TECoSA ( ) as well as a significant multi-year fund to establish an experimental research facility in the area of edge computing and related applications. We are seeking for candidates with the ambition to conduct experimental research in this domain. The position comprises on the one hand research with respect to enabling applications for edge computing systems like intelligent transportation, industrial robotics or safe augmented reality. On the other hand, research in the direction of future mobile network architectures and algorithms (beyond 5G systems) is of interest to us. While a substantial part of the work will relate to experimental work and prototyping, theoretical interests for instance in resource allocation system modeling and/or machine learning is a plus for this position. Furthermore, the position involves collaborations within our research group as well as with other research groups from different disciplines. It will also comprise collaborations with industrial partners.

Deadline : 03.Mar.2022

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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Human-Robot Interaction and Social Decision Making

We seek a PhD student interested in Human-Robot Interaction, Psychology, Behavioral Economics, and Artificial Intelligence and  who will work in a newly funded five-year project at the Department of Speech, Music and Hearing ( at KTH. The project is financed by Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation, and is a collaboration between KTH (PI Gabriel Skantze), Stockholm University (co-PI Jonas Olofsson) and Stockholm School of Economics (co-PI Anna Dreber Almenberg). Gabriel Skantze will be the main supervisor of the PhD student and the others co-supervisors. 

Deadline : 01.Apr.2022 

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(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Computer Vision and Machine Learning

The Division of Robotics, Perception, and Learning (RPL) is offering a doctoral student position on machine learning for image-based 3D modeling, as part of the WASP-funded collaborative project “3D Scene Perception, Embeddings and Neural Rendering” led by Fredrik Kahl (Chalmers), Kathlén Kohn (KTH), Cristian Sminchisescu (Lund University), and Mårten Björkman (KTH). The project will study disentangled and controllable generative neural network models for the creation and modification of 3D scenes for rendering. The goal is to increase the flexibility of scene models by decomposing them into properties related to individual 3D objects, the overall scene, and changes over time, to allow for easy instantiation and manipulation of objects, variation in lighting, and viewing conditions, as well as dynamics and deformations.

Deadline : 11.Mar.2022 

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(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in numerical studies of mass flux at interfaces

The aim of this project is to forge new fundamental understanding on the role of flow transport and chemical reactions on heat- and mass-transfer across interfaces. The objectives are i) Develop a numerical tool for interface resolved simulations of heat- and mass-transfer at a gas-liquid interface, with chemical reactions on the liquid side. ii) Quantify the role of turbulence in both phases on the interfacial fluxes by means of large-scale simulations. Identify the main mechanisms determining the fluxes. The simulations will be validated against experiments performed by our international collaborators. The work will be performed within the multidisciplinary research environment Interface.

Deadline : 02.Mar.2022

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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral students in Communication Theory for Wireless 6G Technology

Wireless technology has evolved over five generations, but the need for higher efficiency and reliability is never-ending. The 6G research goal is to identify new groundbreaking methods that can enable tomorrow’s wireless applications. In this doctoral project, you will contribute to the 6G theory formation and establish yourself at the international forefront. Some possible research areas are physically large antenna arrays, cell-free networks, intelligent reflecting surfaces, terahertz communication and wireless sensing, but there are opportunities to adapt the research to your personal interests. The research will focus on the physical layer but can also cover aspects of the media access control and network layers. Methods from communication theory, signal processing, electromagnetics, optimization, machine learning, and networking will play an important role.

Deadline : 10.Mar.2022 

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(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Computational Fluid Mechanics

Turbulent flow has a major impact in many areas of engineering, not least in terms of frictional resistance to vehicles or the efficiency of turbomachines. In the project, we look at how the flow on surfaces such as wings or turbine blades is affected by incoming turbulence, so-called free-stream turbulence. We use large simulations on the best supercomputers as a numerical wind tunnel to investigate how the turbulence affects the flow on the surface, and analyze the large amounts of data produced via modern analysis methods. Among other methods we use dynamical systems to understand the complexities in the simulated flows. The results provide a detailed understanding of the process how the flow on the surface changes from laminar to turbulent flow and how it can be modeled, something that has a direct application to the design of environmentally friendly aircraft with less fuel consumption and more efficient turbo engines. The doctoral student will work in a research group within the successful research environment FLOW at the Department of Engineering Mechanics with Professor Dan Henningson as supervisor. The work will take place in collaboration with some of the best research groups worldwide in the field and also provide opportunities for longer stays abroad in connection with such collaborations. Within the research group there are collaborations with industrial partners that are related to the project.

Deadline : 10.Mar.2022

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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Distributed Control in Weightless Environments.

We look for a Ph.D. student to work on multi-agent planning with applications to underwater and space robotics. These two environments share the common feature of unconventional gravity conditions with respect to traditional ground and aerial robots. Underwater environments induce buoyance, while space induces zero-gravity. We call this common feature weightlessness.

Deadline : 15.Mar.2022 

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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in simulations of wetting of complex fluids droplets

Viscoelastic fluids flow through porous media is crucial for natural and industrial processes: medical filtration such as face masks (mucus), cleaning of contaminated surfaces, recovery of groundwater, oil and materials in geologically challenging locatilocations, CO2 sequestration for climate change, pharmaceutical technologies and human body tissues. These complex fluids flow in a very different way to Newtonian fluids such as water. Transport in porous media is dramatically affected by flow instabilities in microscale, improving mixing and propagation; yet, instabilities of complex fluids remain a challenge. This proposal will result in completely new understanding of viscoelastic fluids flow through porous media by fluid flow simulations using high-fidelity computation methods recently developed by the group. We aim to: i) reveal unique new insight of the transport and instabilities of complex fluids through porous media, and ii) develop novel analysis tools, and couplings between micro- and macrostructure, to enable controlled design of the process.

Deadline : 15.Mar.2022 

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(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doktorand inom strategisk bio-CCS-samverkan genom artikel 6

I doktorandprojektet kommer förutsättningar att utveckla en integrerad nordisk marknad för avskiljning och lagring av biogen koldioxid (bio-CCS) att undersökas. En sådan marknad skulle skapa förutsättningar att öka nyttiggörandet av den potential för bio-CCS som framför allt finns i Sverige och Finland. Det skulle också underlätta för enskilda nordiska länder, och Norden som region, att nå uppsatta mål om nettonollutsläpp av växthusgaser.

Deadline : 2022-02-28

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(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral students in mathematics

Applications are invited within the areas listed below. For further details, please contact the corresponding advisor. Applications in other areas may also be considered; inquiries may be directed to the head of the Ph.D. program.

Deadline : 22.Apr.2022

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(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in speech synthesis for collaborative robots

We are looking for a doctoral student interested in AI, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing and Human-Robot Interaction, that will work in a newly funded project at the Division of Speech, Music and Hearing ( within the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH. It is an internationally recognized research lab in speech and language technology, with a special research focus on human-like multimodal interaction with social robots. The newly started project “Perceiving and communicating correct-by-design autonomous systems”, where the aim is to develop collaborative robots that can perform physical tasks in a smart home environment. The project is financed by the Swedish AI-program WASP (Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program,, which offers a graduate school with research visits, partner universities, and visiting lecturers. The PhD candidate will collaborate with a team of researchers from the Division of Robotics, Perception and Learning ( The overall goal is to design robot behaviours that are not only guaranteed to be safe, but are also perceived as safe and accepted by people. The task of the candidate is to develop control methods for an adaptive conversational speech generation system that can convey the robot’s inner state as well as adapting the voice style to external factors, such as social situation or different robot appearances. Matching cues are useful not only in order to reduce human cognitive load, but also in terms of setting the right expectations regarding what the robot can do.

Deadline : 21.Mar.2022

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(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral students in 6G Wireless Networks for Connected Sky

3 PhD positions are available, which are partly connected with a European Celtic-Next project called “6G for Connected Sky”. 6G for Connected Sky project aims at solutions to enable reliable and robust connectivity for aerial and ground users via flexible and adaptive network architecture adopting multiple technologies such as satellite and direct air to ground communication (DA2GC). In addition, this project focuses on novel wireless network design and management schemes in 3-dimensional (3D) space including different types of flying vehicles with their unique requirements. Another focus is to provide robust, low latency and/or high-capacity communications to ground users in the rural areas without any infrastructure via non terrestrial networks (NTNs).

Deadline : 10.Mar.2022

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(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in modelling and characterization of bearing steel

The current project is within a newly started collaboration between SKF and Materials Science and Engineering and Solid Mechanics at KTH. You will be working in an international research environment, in collaboration with female and male experts in theoretical, computational and experimental studies of materials. Your project will be on rolling bearing steels that require excellent resistance to wear and rolling contact fatigue. This is usually achieved with a martensitic microstructure with residual austenite and carbides where performance can be improved by controlling the amount of austenite and its stability. This project aims to predict this stability and how it is affected by composition, heat treatment and applied load. This will be done through a multi-scale modeling approach involving: thermodynamic models, crystal plasticity models and finite element analyses but also experimental characterization. These models will finally be used to design rolling bearing steels with improved properties, which in turn have a positive environmental impact during use and production.

Deadline : 11.Mar.2022

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(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in X-ray polarimetry for astrophysics

The Particle and Astroparticle Physics division at the Department of Physics seeks a Ph.D. student to work on the development of X-ray polarimetry. This new observation method in astrophysics stands to provide significant new knowledge on celestial compact objects, e.g. mass-accreting neutron stars, black holes and pulsars. Techniques for X-ray polarimetry have been developed at KTH for more than a decade, including preliminary observations of bright sources using balloon-borne instrumentation. The group currently participates in a new mission, XL-Calibur, which is planned to be flown in 2022 (Sweden) and 2023/4 (Antarctica) for precision polarimetric studies of a range of sources. The Ph.D. project concerns preparation and execution of the XL-Calibur mission, associated data analysis/interpretation and computer simulations, as well as the development of future space missions. 

Deadline : 10.Mar.2022

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(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in quantum communication

Quantum technology offers unprecedented possibilities for entirely new schemes for computation, communication and sensing, holding great promise for drastic improvements in performance and functionality, showing disruptive potential with profound impact on society, markets and everyday life. Quantum optics lies at the heart of these new developments as photons are ideal carriers of quantum information due to high-speed and low-noise propagation. Within this project, we aim at the development of quantum devices for the generation, manipulation and detection of light at the single photon level with high efficiency. The devices will be implemented in real-world applications to demonstrate and assess the advantages of quantum devices. You will develop quantum devices using thn film deposition techniques, electron beam lithography as well as etching and metalization tools. The devices will be characterized and operated in customized optical setups based on cryostats using quantum optics techniques.

Deadline : 24.Mar.2022

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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in thermodynamic and mechanical simulations of steel

The current project is within a newly started collaboration between SKF and Solid Mechanics and Materials Science and Engineering at KTH. You will be working in an international research environment, in collaboration with female and male experts in theoretical, computational and experimental studies of materials.

Deadline : 11.Mar.2022

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(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in urban and regional studies

The position is situated in the Division of Urban and Regional Studies. The candidate will work within a Formas-funded project that aims to study the publicness of public transport historically and in the present day. How do publics form in and around public transport, and how does spatial and material aspects of public transport feature in processes of public formation? These questions are addressed through historical case studies in Stockholm related to (1) how publics are forged around contestations over new public transport routes or the abandonment of existing ones, and (2) the materially patterned interaction and production of public space on board public transport. The Candidate will be part of an emerging research group that engages in social science approaches to inquire into traffic and mobility in cities and regions.

Deadline : 11.Mar.2022

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(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in cloud robotics

We are looking for a Ph.D. student to work on Machine Learning-based methodologies for robotic manipulation with a focus on large-scale cloud-based robotic systems where multiple robots are utilized to collect training data in parallel at scale.

This position will focus on the development of robust and scalable machine learning methodologies for robotic object manipulation and transfer-learning of robotic manipulation policies trained on a cloud-robotics system under development at KTH and which will feature both local and cloud-based compute infrastructure.

Deadline : 15.Mar.2022 

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(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in intelligent power systems

With the high penetration of renewables, power electronics and the tightly coupled cyber and physical networks, future power systems will be more complex with stochastics and vulnerabilities. Recent advancements in artificial intelligence, big data and advanced control/optimization technologies provide possible novel approaches to address above challenges. This project will develop intelligent operation and control schemes for future sustainable power systems. And the solution will be demonstrated in a smart microgrid. 

Deadline : 14.Mar.2022

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(25) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in secure networked control systems

The Division of Decision and Control Systems is currently looking for on doctoral student with a very strong background and interest in control systems, mathematics, and modeling. The successful candidate will join a project on developing novel tools for the fundamental understanding and engineering design of networked control systems, with a particular focus on secure control systems in Smart Grids in collaboration with European industry.

Deadline : 08.Mar.2022

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(26) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in distributed model pred. control for smart construction

The school of EECS announces a Ph.D. position within the Digital Futures (DF) project “Towards Safe Smart Construction: Algorithms, Digital Twins and Infrastructures”. The position will involve the topic of distributed model predictive control with applications to smart construction. The doctoral student will develop novel algorithms for distributed model predictive control under temporal logic specifications. Learning-based tools will be used in order to tackle modeling and environmental uncertainties. The developed theory will be applied to a multi-robot application in smart building construction within the aforementioned DF project. The latter brings together KTH and industrial partners Skanska and Ericsson.

Deadline : 11.Mar.2022

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(27) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in distributed robust control in weightless environments

The school of EECS announces a Ph.D. position within the WASP NEST project DISCOWER: Distributed Control in Weightless Environments. The position will involve the topic of distributed robust model predictive control of multi-agent systems with applications to underwater and space robotics. These two environments share the common feature of unconventional gravity conditions with respect to traditional ground and aerial robots. Underwater environments induce buoyance, while space induces zero-gravity. This common feature will be analyzed and exploited in the design and analysis of relevant distributed robust controllers that will be applied to both environments in a uniform manner. Applications involve robot formation control and collaborative manipulation for space and underwater systems. Within the project, a total of 4 doctoral positions will be announced and the research will take place in close collaboration between supervisors from automatic control, robotics, and space and underwater technology at KTH.

Deadline : 11.Mar.2022

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(28) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in distributed coordination of space robots

A doctoral position within the WASP NEST project DISCOWER: Distributed Control in Weightless Environments. The employment is part of and funded by Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP), the largest individual research program in Sweden ( The project will involve the subject of distributed robust model predictive control of multi-agent systems with applications in space and underwater robotics. These two environments jointly share unconventional gravitational conditions (relative weightlessness) compared to traditional land-based and flying robots. Both space and underwater environments also involve operations in extreme and inaccessible environments. These common features will be used in the design and analysis of relevant distributed robust control methods that will be applied in both environments in a uniform manner. Applications involve control of robot formation and collaborative manipulation for space and underwater systems. Four doctoral positions will be announced within the project, two at The School of Engineering Sciences (SCI) and two at The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) and the research will take place in close collaboration between supervisors from control technology, robotics, as well as space and underwater technology at KTH. This advertisement is for one of the doctoral positions at the SCI school.

Deadline : 15.Mar.2022

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(29) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in distributed coordination of underwater robots

Two doctoral positions within the WASP NEST project DISCOWER: Distributed Control in Weightless Environments. The employment is part of and funded by Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP), the largest individual research program in Sweden ( The project will involve the subject of distributed robust model predictive control of multi-agent systems with applications in space and underwater robotics. These two environments jointly share unconventional gravitational conditions (relative weightlessness) compared to traditional land-based and flying robots. Both space and underwater environments also involve operations in extreme and inaccessible environments. These common features will be used in the design and analysis of relevant distributed robust control methods that will be applied in both environments in a uniform manner. Applications involve control of robot formation and collaborative manipulation for space and underwater systems. Four doctoral positions will be announced within the project, two at The School of Engineering Sciences (SCI) and two at The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) and the research will take place in close collaboration between supervisors from control technology, robotics, as well as space and underwater technology at KTH. This advertisement is for a doctoral position at the SCI school.

Deadline : 15.Mar.2022

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(30) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Sensor Systems and Signal Processing for Health

We are looking for a highly motivated individual to pursue a PhD in sensors systems and signal processing in the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems. We conduct research on medical sensor, information and communication systems in health technologies. Candidates with biomedical, mechanical, electrical, or computer engineering profiles and research interests in sensors systems and signal processing are welcome to apply.

Deadline : 04.Mar.2022

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About KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden – Official Website

KTH Royal Institute of Technology, abbreviated KTH, is a public research university in Stockholm, Sweden. KTH conducts research and education within engineering and technology, and is Sweden’s largest technical university. Currently, KTH consists of five schools with four campuses in and around Stockholm.

KTH was established in 1827 as Teknologiska Institutet (Institute of Technology), and had its roots in Mekaniska skolan (School of Mechanics) that was established in 1798 in Stockholm. But the origin of KTH dates back to the predecessor to Mekaniska skolan, the Laboratorium Mechanicum, which was established in 1697 by Swedish scientist and innovator Christopher Polhem. Laboratorium Mechanicum combined education technology, a laboratory and an exhibition space for innovations. In 1877 KTH received its current name, Kungliga Tekniska högskolan (KTH Royal Institute of Technology). The King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf is the High Protector of KTH.

KTH is the highest ranked technical university in Sweden. It is ranked top 100 in the world among all universities in the 2020 QS World University Rankings.



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