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30 Postdoctoral Fellowship at Inria, France

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The National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (Inria), France invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at Inria, France.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Post-Doc fellowship in the framework of CWI-Inria International Lab

Candidates interested in the projects currently supported are welcome to submit their application to a post-doctoral fellowship. Candidates are strongly encouraged to get in touch with the PIs of these projects, either at CWI, or at Inria.

Deadline : 2022-08-15

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(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Post-doctoral research fellowship OR research scientist in modelling of the immune response to vaccine

The challenge is to analyze these BIG DATA to answer clinical and biological questions by using appropriate statistical methods. With data on the machinery of a cell to the clinical status of individuals in any circumstances including in clinical trials, new tools are needed to translate information obtained from complex systems into knowledge. This has led to the field of « systems biology » and « systems medicine » by extension, which naturally takes place in the context of translational medicine that links clinical and biological research.

Deadline : 2022-06-01

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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Socially-Aware Embodied Conversational Agents: Achieving Task and Social Goals in Human-Computer Conversation

The objective of this project is to build embodied conversational agents (also known as ECAs, or virtual humans, or chatbots, or multimodal dialogue systems) that have the ability to engage their users in both social and task talk, where the social talk serves to improve task performance. In order to achieve this objective, we model human-human conversation, and integrate the models into ECAs, and then evaluate their performance. Depending on the candidate’s experience, she or he can be hired as postdoc, or as “young researcher”, which is a more advanced position. 

Deadline : 2022-04-01

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(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Geometry of plasma confinement in stellarators

The post-doc will be based in the Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions at Sorbonne Université and will involve periodic visits to Renaissance Fusion in Grenoble. He/she will work in collaborations both with experts in control theory (team CAGE), plasma physics (Renaissance Fusion), and shape optimization (Yannick Privat, Université de Strasbourg). The stellarator design opens many technological and theoretical research challenges. At the core of the proposed project is the design of coils generating a magnetic field in a toroidal domain whose integral lines are sufficiently twisted to optmize the confinement. Such twist is needed to counteract natural drifts of the plasma towards the exterior of the stellarator.

Deadline : 2022-03-31

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(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Reinforcement learning

This job offer is part of the Artificial Intelligence chair held by O-A. Maillard and Ph. Preux, funded by public institutions (MEL, I-Site ULNE, Inria, Université de Lille). This research chair is part of the Scool team-project at Inria, and UMR CRIStAL (CNRS, University of Lille, France). Scool has activities ranging from pure research to collaborations with and transfer to companies or other users of RL.

Deadline : 2022-03-31

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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Post-Doctoral Fellowship on “Multiscale problems and Homogenization: Theoretical and Computational issues”

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral fellowship to work on the development of theoretical tools and efficient computational approaches in the context of multiscale materials.

Deadline : 2022-03-31

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(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral F/M Measuring and modeling the energy consumption of deployment and reconfiguration procedures at OVH

In this project we want to take a first step towards the challenge mentioned above by recruiting a postdoctoral fellow for 24 months . For this, we plan to proceed in two phases of work. First of all (1) we want to set up a map of the different deployment and reconfiguration procedures at OVH , some of them being manual, others automated, some using a single DevOps tool, while others can use several etc. The goal here is to understand, model, and experiment with these procedures, to understand their patterns and to classify them according to certain criteria. We then wish (2)extract from this mapping concrete cases where the deployment or reconfiguration procedure must be taken into account in the overall energy measurement for decision-making, and build an initial prototype to support these choices.

Deadline : 2022-03-31

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(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Multi-sensor data and embeded digital maps fusion for Autonomous vehicle localisation

This position is part of a very close partnership between Inria and the Valeo group, but also as part of a national collaborative research project of the programme “Plan de Relance de l’Automobile” including the RITS team of Inria and Valeo’s DAR department (SAMBA project).

The objective is to contribute to the development of localization algorithms dedicated to autonomous vehicles, operating in road and urban environments. These modules will be validated on real instrumented prototypes belonging to the project partners.

Deadline : 2022-03-26

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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M On the Interactions between Fairness and Privacy in Machine Learning

The research will be conducted in the MAGNET team ( The main objective of the team is to develop ethically acceptable machine learning algorithms focusing on privacy and fairness and to empower end users of artificial intelligence. The recruited person will be under the supervision of Michaël Perrot, who is currently working on the problem of fair machine learning.

Deadline : 2022-03-18

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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Unstructured mesh adaptation strategies for reduced order modelling of fluid flows

Anisotropic mesh adaptation has proved over the past decades its eciency to increase the accuracy of numerial simulations, while reducing its computational cost. ROM also aim at dramatically decreasing the computational time of complex parametrized simulations. The goal of the position is to explore coupling of both methods in the context of the European project EuroHPC-02-2019 Eflows4HPC, that aims at designing high performance computational workflows to create and use digital twins of industrial or environmental processes using Articial Intelligence and Reduced Order Models (ROM).

The position is part of the European project EuroHPC-02-2019  eflows4HPC, and in collaboration with the partners of the pillar I of  the project: CIMNE, SISSA, SIEMENS and Duke University.

Deadline : 2022-03-03

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(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M h-adaptation strategies and unified basis representation for surrogate and reduced order modelling of fluid flows with immersed/embedded parametrized geometries

The main objetive of this work is to develop improved adaptive remeshing techniques in the framework of model reduction and optimization with parametrized geometries, and in particular in conjunction with immersed and/or embedded boundary simulations

Deadline : 2022-02-28

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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position


Selected candidates will join the research lab Empenn in Inria-Irisa, located in Rennes, France. Empenn ( is jointly affiliated with Inria, Inserm (National Institute of Health and Scientific Research), CNRS (INS2I institute), and the University of Rennes I. The Empenn group operates the Neurinfo imaging facility in the context of a partnership with the University Hospital of Rennes, Inria, the CNRS, and the Cancer Research Center. The team has access to several computing facilities (e.g. IGRIDA cluster) and established collaborations with other Inria/Irisa research teams in the field of machine learning.

Deadline : 2022-02-28

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(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Inference of regional patterns affected by ENSO dynamics

You will join an active team of multi-disciplinary research and must be prepared to work both on the theoretical aspects of dynamical systems inference, as well as the hydro-climatological aspects of the ENSO effects we are trying to model and quantify. This work is part of an on-going collaboration described on this page :

Deadline : 2022-02-28

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(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Postdoctoral Fellow Position at Inria on Visual Perception Experiments in Virtual Reality

Our goal is to give you the possibility to join us to develop your experiment in 3D, share together our expertise, and see how PTVR could help you address new scientific questions that require 3D environments. To reach your objectives, you will be supported by the project coordinators (P. Kornprobst – Inria, and E. Castet – CNRS) and the group of PTVR engineers (J.Termoz-Masson, C. Hugon, and J. Delachambre). You will be at the heart of a multidisciplinary consortium with specialists in vision, 3D and VR, game design, and cognitive sciences, thus allowing you to broaden your horizons. You will work with state-of-the-art equipment and in a dynamic and caring environment.

Deadline : 2022-02-28

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(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M An international multi-registry approach to identify pre-clinical markers of neurodegenerative disease Leveraging medical records to identify patients at risk of neurodegenerative disease

Role of the Postdoctoral fellow: The postdoctoral researcher will perform association testing in collaboration with consortium members, in order to identify pre-clinical markers associated with the risk of neurodegenerative disease. They will analyze the relationships between clinical diagnoses, use of prescribed medications, healthcare use, and biological test results. Analyses include disease specific (AD/PD/LBD/MND), as well as cross-disorder investigations, controlling for age, sex, socio-economic status, and disease susceptibility (e.g., family history), whenever feasible. The results for individual associations will be shared between the partners of the project to allow for meta-analyses and identification of country-specific as well as cross-country associations.

Deadline : 2022-02-28

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(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Deep Learning on the Edge

The project aims at determining and analyzing how deep learning algorithms and models could be considered at the edge. We will also study and propose new placement and offloading strategies while optimizing constraints such as the required accuracy, the response time, network bandwidth, as well as device and edge energy consumption.

Deadline : 2022-02-28

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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctorant F/H Méthode d’adaptation de maillage pour les écoulements turbulents modélisés par la DES (Detached Eddy Simulation)

L’EPI GAMMA développe depuis plus de 20 ans des technologies d’adaptation de maillage pour la prédiction numérique de phénomènes complexes : avions en configuration de décollage, avions d’affaires supersoniques, propagations d’explosion en milieux complexes, écoulement de turbomachine, …

Deadline : 2022-02-28

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(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctorant F/H Spectral theory in honeycomb periodic media with line defects

In some frequency ranges, periodic structures behave as insulators or filters: the corresponding monochromatic waves, also called Floquet modes, cannot propagate in the bulk. The study of these modes is, from a mathematical point of view, related to the spectrum of the underlying operator that presents so-called a band structure: the spectrum may contain some forbidden frequency intervals, called band gaps. In addition the presence of a boundary, an interface or more generally a line perturbation in a periodic medium, energy localization can be created. This is due to some monochromatic waves that propagate along the perturbation and are localized transversely to the perturbation. Such phenomena can be exploited in quantum, electronic or photonic device design.

Deadline : 2022-02-28

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(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Eye-tracking and Electrodermal activity real-time measurements for attention analysis during neurofeedback training.

This 2-years postdoctoral position is part of an Exploratory Action funded by the research national institut Inria. This means we are exploring original ideas to address difficult challenges.

You will be working in the Empenn research group, one of the very few lab in the world, equipped with the bi-modal EEG-fMRI neurofeedback technology, at the Neurinfo platform (located at the University Hospital of Rennes).

Deadline : 2022-02-28

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(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Musculoskeletal modeling and machine learning to quantify the biomechanical activity of manual wheelchair users

The MimeTIC research team and the INI-CERAH are hiring a postdoctoral fellow for 12 month  at MimeTIC research team, Rennes, France, on the topic of the quantification of the biomechanical demand associated to wheelchair locomotion in various daily situations.

Deadline : 2022-02-25

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(21) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Ergonomics and biomechanics impact of a wrist exoskeleton on cutting and deboning tasks

The main mission of the recruited post doctoral fellow will be to qualify in biomechanical and ergonomics terms the impact of the successive exoskeleton prototypes on the task (cutting and deboning) realization. This will be done thanks to experimentation in simulated conditions of meat cutting tasks and a motion analysis based on motion capture, EMG and musculoskeletal analysis of the aforementioned tasks.

Deadline : 2022-02-25

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(22) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctorant F/H Méthode d’adaptation de maillage pour les écoulements turbulents modélisés par la DES (Detached Eddy Simulation)

L’EPI GAMMA développe depuis plus de 20 ans des technologies d’adaptation de maillage pour la prédiction numérique de phénomènes complexes : avions en configuration de décollage, avions d’affaires supersoniques, propagations d’explosion en milieux complexes, écoulement de turbomachine, …

Deadline : 2022-02-23

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(23) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Personalized Intelligent Tutorial Systems (ITS) for attention training: Modelling of personalization algorithms and effectiveness study

The postdoctoral position addresses the challenge to build a “human-centered digital word” with innovative interactive systems providing “adaptive and personalized interactions with humans” for supporting “their wellbeing and health”. Additionally, this PhD program is primarily based on interdisciplinary approach of individuals’ intrinsic motivation (curiosity) as critical ingredient for synergistic human-computer interactions. Today, very few studies provide information on the impact of intrinsic motivation and curiosity on the inter-individual variability of learning across life span or on their neuro-protective role against the aging effects or attentional disorders.

Deadline : 2022-02-21

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(24) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctorant F/H Planification et commande optimale de systèmes multi-agents coopératifs

ACENTAURI est une équipe de robotique dirigée par Ezio MALIS qui étudie et développe des robots autonomes et intelligents qui collaborent entre eux pour réaliser des tâches difficiles dans des environnements complexes et dynamiques. L’équipe aborde les problèmes de perception, de décision et de contrôle pour la collaboration multi-robot en proposant une approche hybride originale de l’intelligence artificielle basée sur les modèles et les données et en étudiant des algorithmes efficaces. L’équipe se concentre sur les applications telles que les systèmes multi-robot rondiers pour la surveillance de l’environnement et le transport de personnes et de marchandises. Dans ces applications, plusieurs robots partagent des informations multi-capteurs provenant éventuellement de l’infrastructure. L’efficacité des approches proposées est démontrée sur des systèmes robotiques réels comme les voitures et les drones en collaboration avec des partenaires industriels.

Deadline :  2022-02-20

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(25) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Transparent privacy-preserving AI

This post-doctoral position will be supported by the TIP project on Transparent artificial Intellgence preserving Privacy. This project will be jointly funded by I-Site, INRIA, U-Lille and MEL. This is a project in the MAGNET team (INRIA-Lille,

Deadline : 2022-02-15

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(26) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Interactive Approaches for Algebraic Machine Learning

The postdoctoral position is funded for two years by a European Union’s Horizon 2020 grant for ALMA: Human-centric algebraic machine learning, which is part of the European HumaneAI program.

The chosen candidate will join the ExSitu research team and collaborate with Prof. Wendy Mackay and Dr. Janin Koch, as well as the DFKI (German Institute of Artificial Intelligence) and other partners.

Deadline :  2022-02-15

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(27) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Post–Doc in computational bio-physics applied to plant development

Plants continuously develop at the tip of growing axes through the activity of the apical meristems. The genetic regulation of the shoot apical meristems (SAMs), which produce all plant aerial organs, has extensively been studied in the last decades. Various key molecular actors have been identified and their function in patterning the SAM has been mapped in space and time. According to recent works, these molecular actors not only regulate cell identities but also likely induce the physical deformation of tissues by modifying cell wall mechanical properties, in turn inducing leaf or flower primordia outgrowth. From these works progressively emerges a new mechanistic insight on the link between gene regulation, tissue deformation and organ growth in plants. However, despite these recent progresses, the contribution of turgor pressure and water fluxes regulation, that decisively contribute to tissue morphogenesis, is still elusive. 

Deadline : 2022-02-15

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(28) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Ergonomics and biomechanics impact of a wrist exoskeleton on cutting and deboning tasks

The project is leaded by a R&D company specialized in the food industry, in charge of the development of the exoskeleton, with in coordination with two other actors that are an industrial meat company – use case provider and integration evaluation – and ENS Rennes – virtual prototyping and biomechanical evaluation.

The main mission of the recruited post doctoral fellow will be to qualify in biomechanical and ergonomics terms the impact of the successive exoskeleton prototypes on the task (cutting and deboning) realization. This will be done thanks to experimentation in simulated conditions of meat cutting tasks and a motion analysis based on motion capture, EMG and musculoskeletal analysis of the aforementioned tasks.

Deadline : 2022-02-11

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(29) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctorant F/H PATH (PArcours paTient en milieu Hospitalier)

Le projet de recherche s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une action exploratoire de l’INRIA d’un consortium de médecins, bio-statisticiens, statisticiens. L’objectif est de permettre une meilleure compréhension des étapes clés dans les parcours de soins des patients en associant les producteurs de données au plus proche du patient, ceux qui les gèrent, ceux qui les pré-traitent, ceux qui les analysent, pour avoir au final un résultat au plus proche du terrain et un retour vers le clinicien et le patient le plus efficient possible.

Deadline : 2022-02-07

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(30) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Statistical learning for the detection and classification of circulating tumor cells in the bloodstream based on their biophysical characteristics

This project is established in the framework of a consortium with technologists, physiciens, biologists and statisticians. It aims to develop a breakthrough approach for the diagnosis and evaluation of cancer metastasis from blood samples by the first smart MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems) equipment performing high content biophysical characterization of cells in flow for their identification by statistical learning.

Deadline : 2022-02-07

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About  The National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (Inria), France –Official Website

The National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (Inria)  is a French national research institution focusing on computer science and applied mathematics. It was created under the name Institut de recherche en informatique et en automatique (IRIA) in 1967 at Rocquencourt near Paris, part of Plan Calcul. Its first site was the historical premises of SHAPE (central command of NATO military forces), which is still used as Inria’s main headquarters. In 1980, IRIA became INRIA. Since 2011, it has been styled Inria.

Inria is a Public Scientific and Technical Research Establishment (EPST) under the double supervision of the French Ministry of National Education, Advanced Instruction and Research and the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry.




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