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33 PhD Degree-Fully Funded at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Netherlands

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Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Netherlands invites online Application for number of  Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Netherlands.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Software Restructuring

We are seeking two PhD Students to join the Spoofax team to (1) extend the theory and application of scope graphs to the specification of programmable software restructurings, (2) develop analogs to scope graphs for capturing and transforming control flow, (3) develop a software restructuring framework for the C++ programming language based on this framework, and (4) validate the restructuring infrastructure through restructuring production C++ code at Philips Healthcare.

Deadline : 31 December 2022

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(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Process Systems Engineering for Sustainability

In this PhD project, you will develop novel PSE tools for the modeling and optimization of carbon upcycling technologies with a focus on closing carbon cycles towards a fully circular economy. You will use a wide range of modeling approaches (mechanistic models, commercial simulators, surrogate models), optimization tools and assessment techniques (techno-economic assessment, life cycle assessment, social LCA). The target processes for this study will include waste-to-resource (e.g. chemical recycling of plastics) and emissions to resource (i.e. carbon capture and utilization) technologies. Special emphasis will be given to identify the technical challenges of scaling up upcycling technologies and provide a realistic roadmap for their integration in existing chemical economies. 

Deadline :15-11-2022 

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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Extremely Fast and Sustainable Assembly Processes For Small Electronic Chips

We set out to research new assembly processes. Challenges include extreme throughput (at least 10x better than with current machines), high precision chip positioning, small chip handling (<100 micrometre), and sustainability of assembly processes. Current assembly processes are based on fast moving machine structures and are contact-based; we aim for non-contact / soft-contact processes using physical effects and force fields that are relevant at the small length-scale (micro-scale). Example effects include use of fluid-structure interactions; use of surface modifications (topography, chemical); self-assembly; and highly-parallel micro-assembly processes. You will study innovative assembly processes and explore and understand the underpinning physics. You will develop analytical or numerical models to gain systematic understanding and carry out experiments to verify the models, and quantify performance limits. You will be involved in the design, realisation and operation of experimental setups. You will explore the integration of new assembly processes into industrially viable chip assembly and packaging flows.

Deadline : October 31, 2022

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(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position on Artificial Intelligence for Collaborative Climate Risk Management

Climate changes, such as sea level rise, soil subsidence, extreme rainfall, and drought, induce new challenges and risks for real estate and infrastructures, especially in low lying urbanized deltas, as in the Netherlands. While people’s homes, communities, and livelihoods are at stake, real estate climate risks also stand to destabilize markets and society at large. Climate risk management requires collaborative, integrated strategies that cut across public, private, and civic spheres to achieve societal impact.

Your goal, in this PhD project, is to develop Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques for supporting an Integrative Forum (IF), which facilitates two-way exchange and knowledge co-creation on climate risk management. The IF, on the one hand, provides a ‘soft space’ for debate and reflection between research teams, societal partners, and citizens at large. On the other hand, the dialogue in the IF provides an opportunity for innovative research on institutionalized logics, tactics, and procedures that hinder or enable effective cross-disciplinary collaboration.

Deadline :  1 November 2022 

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(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position on Synthesis of Sustainable Polymer Matrices

Carbon fibre reinforced polymer composites have unprecedented mechanical performance at low weight and contribute to a sustainable aviation. In carbon fibre epoxy prepreg systems epoxy monomers (Bisphenol-based) are crosslinked via multifunctional curing agents resulting in thermal, dimensional mechanical stability enabling supreme load transfer of the carbon fibres. Current manufacturing relies on Bisphenol-derived toxic and petroleum-based epoxy matrices that are affiliated with carcinogenic side effects thus considered for restricted use in EU; therefore developing alternative materials with high sustainability is of great societal relevance. This PhD position will explore novel routes for upgrading biobased sustainable molecules into monomer and curing agents that will constitute high performance polymer matrices. Scalability of synthetic routes will be governed and library of materials will be formed. Total cost, energy input, raw material input and CO2 footprint of each reaction is of relevance. Following that; curing characteristics and mechanical-chemical characterizations will be performed.

Deadline : 1 November 2022

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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position Physics-based machine learning of marine hydrodynamics

The PhD candidate on this project will study the application and development of Φ-ML modelis of marine flow fields such as those induced by ships, hydrofoils, and breaking waves. Computational fluid dynamics tools for these problems are well established, but are too slow for rapid design and operational use. The candidate will make use of the experimental and numerical modelling facilities at TU Delft, including the towing tank and the new two-petaflop DelftBlue supercomputer, to develop and validate a new prediction framework for Φ-ML modelling of marine flows. This project is also aligned with ongoing research at The Alan Turing Institute in London and The Institute for High Performance Computing in Singapore.

Deadline : 31 October 2022

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(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Sediment Transport North Sea Shelf and Norwegian Trench

The objective of the PhD at TU Delft is to determine the physical and biogeochemical parameters that control benthic lateral transport of fine, organic‐rich sediment into and within the Norwegian Trench. You will join the research cruises to the Norwegian Trench, where you will install frames with various instruments to measure hydrodynamics and sediment transport and you will take sediment samples to determine sediment composition and erodability. Furthermore, you will model sediment transport pathways with regional scale models of the North West European Shelf. The sediment transport results will be input for quantification of the carbon cycle.

Deadline : 1-11-2022 

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(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Probabilistic Tensor Methods

The research in this PhD project will be on developing a new theory to make learning models from data sustainable. The key idea of this theory is to significantly compress model parameters with a novel technique: tensor networks. By exploiting correlations tensor networks can capture relevant information such that only a fraction of the original model parameters is required. The focus of this PhD project will be on developing theory for learning kernel machines (support vector machines, Gaussian processes, …) with tensor networks and by using a Bayesian inference approach.

Deadline : October 28, 2022

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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Two-Phase Flow Turbulence Measurements and Modelling

The PhD candidate on this project will study these flows, using experimental facilities, direct numerical modelling, and statistical analysis. TU Delft has a range of appropriate experimental facilities including a new cavitation tunnel capable of running saltwater experiments. TU Delft has also opened its new two-petaflop DelftBlue supercomputer and the PhD candidate will have access to a validated direct numerical simulation two-phase flow solver for fresh water. The goal of the project will be to use and extend these tools to build a better understanding of turbulent two-phase flows, particularly in saltwater. 

Deadline : 26 October 2022

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(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD on development of new disordered electrode materials for batteries

We will be investigating a new class of materials featuring atomic-scale disorder between mobile light metal ions (A e.g. Li+, Na+) and transition metals (M; e.g. Co, Fe). This is a new concept, in stark contrast to conventional electrode materials in which A and M are perfectly segregated in alternating atomic layers. The disordered materials have already shown great promise for increased performance (higher capacity, higher rate capability, slower aging) that could translate directly to lighter, faster-charging, longer-lasting next-generation batteries, respectively. Beyond performance, the disordered concept allows for more flexibility on the choice of transition metal(s) used which directly affects the economic potential and societal impact in view of battery mass-production. Current state-of-the-art lithium-ion technology heavily relies on cobalt and nickel. These are both rather rare, costly-to-produce (and in the case of cobalt, ethically unacceptable, see e.g. link) metals which go directly against the principles of sustainability, environmental protection and the green energy transition. Disordered structures can accommodate cheap, benign, abundant transition metals such as iron and manganese, paving the way for sustainable mass-deployment of electrochemical energy storage for electric vehicles (electromobility) and renewable energy sources (grid scale). For a deeper dive into the concept and problematics around disordered electrodes, interested candidates are invited to watch a recent webinar of Prof. G. Ceder on the topic (link below).

Deadline :  October 24st, 2022

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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Unravelling the effects of Large-scale Sand Extraction on Flow and Transport in the southern North Sea

Are you an MSc graduate with a deep interest in understanding flow and transport in our coastal seas and deltas and impacts of climate change on these systems? Are you motivated to contribute to their sustainable development? Do you have a strong background in physical oceanography, environmental fluid dynamics, coastal engineering, numerical modelling, and/or are you a mathematician or physicist who would like to apply your skills to sustainable coastal protection? Then this job might be for you!

Deadline : 25 October 2022 

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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Aerodynamics of Unsteady Wing-Wake Interactions

This four-year PhD project will develop methods for the identification of the dependence of instantaneous forces experienced by unsteadily oscillating bodies, such as the wings of insects or the blades of a wind turbine, on their kinematic time history. The focus will initially be on kinematics related to the flapping flight of insects, because of the complex reciprocating motion they employ and commensurately complex interplay of force-producing mechanisms. The ultimate goal is to develop both physical understanding of the aerodynamic mechanisms involved in wing-wake interaction and a methodology for nonlinear time-dependent system identification which can be more broadly applied to unsteady industrial flows in, for example, wind energy and aerospace applications.

Deadline : 20 October 2022

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(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position “Unraveling the precipitation kinetics in nanosteels by small-angle neutron scattering”

Precipitation strengthening is a powerful metallurgical tool to gain strength in nanosteels for future automotive applications. This project aims to unravel the fundamentals of nanoscale precipitation strengthening to create precipitate structures with optimal properties. In this project Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) will be used as primary technique. SANS is excellently suited to in-situ probe the precipitate size distribution in the size range of 1-100 nm during thermal processing. The experiments will be performed both at the SANS instrument at the Reactor Institute Delft and at international neutron facilities. The project will be conducted in close collaboration with research groups in the field of modelling and electron microscopy and with industry.

Deadline :October 19th, 2022

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(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Data-Driven Predictive Modelling in Oncology

Within the Dutch Research Council project “ANTICANCER: Game theory empowered by data science and control theory to improve treatment of metastatic cancer” we are looking for PhD candidates to join our team focusing on predictive and intervention modelling to improve our understanding and treatment of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer.  Within this PhD position, you will validate game-theoretic models of cancer response to therapy through patient volumetric and omics data from two different hospitals. You will compare predictive capabilities of game-theoretic models to those of machine learning techniques and optimize treatment strategies in the validated models with respect to different objectives to find treatments that fit different treatment goals, to propose novel treatment strategies.  

Deadline : 17 October 2022

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(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Game Theory of Cancer and Its Treatment

Within the Dutch Research Council project “ANTICANCER: Game theory empowered by data science and control theory to improve treatment of metastatic cancer” we are looking for PhD candidates to join our team focusing on mathematical oncology to improve our understanding and treatment of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer.  Within this PhD position, you will extend existing evolutionary game-theoretic models of cancer so that they can include multiple cancer cell types and multiple treatments. You will analyze properties of these models, such as evolutionary stability, with respect to different parameters, and design therapies that can maximize patient quantity and quality of life indepently of the model specifics, utilizing Stackelberg and evolutionary game theory and optimal control. You may be also validating the models with patient data, together with another PhD candidate within this project.

Deadline : 17 October 2022

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(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Argumentative Dialogsystem for Human-Robot deliberations

One of the most pressing matters that holds back robots from taking on more tasks and reach a widespread deployment in society is their limited ability to understand human communication and take situation-appropriate actions. This PhD positions is dedicated to addressing this gap by developing the underlying data-driven models that enable a robot to engage with humans in a socially aware manner. This position is specifically targeted at the development of an argumentative dialogue system for human-robot interaction.  The PhD candidate will explore how to fuse verbal and non-verbal behaviour to infer a person’s perspective. The candidate will use, and further develop, reinforcement learning techniques in order to drive the robot’s argum

Deadline : October 16, 2022.

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(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD researcher: Synthetic cells and sustainability: a philosophical assessment

The PhD project will be part of the BASYC (“Building a synthetic cell”) project, a Dutch national research programme funded through a Gravitation grant by OCW/NWO. BaSyC proposes to build a synthetic cell from the bottom-up, to elucidating the intricate working of cellular life. At the same time, this endeavour raises fascinating philosophical questions. This PhD project explores how BaSyC contribute future technologies that foster sustainability and societal equality. Based on the recommendations by the BaSyC future panel, resulting in the Position Paper “Society and Synthetic Cells”, the project will address three objectives:

1. Ensure that the synthetic cell contributes to the sustainability transition

The synthetic cell may contribute to the development of technologies which are sustainable and bio-compatible rather than disruptive, provided this type of research becomes part of a broader transition which involves cultural, political, and normative dimensions as well, i.e., a technology that is guided by respect for nature.

2. Organize societal participation in synthetic cell research

Establishing, regaining, and maintaining public trust in science requires genuine and sincere participation of civil society in scientific research in such a way that it may have important consequences for future developments in research and society. In order to ensure that synthetic cell technologies become sustainable rather than disruptive, an inclusive and participatory process of reflection is required, open to public intelligence, and sensitive to expectations and concerns.

3. Set up a platform for the interaction between researchers and societal stakeholders

Organize a platform for formal and informal communication in which researchers and societal stakeholders may participate from the beginning of the research process. Meetings with societal stakeholders should be organized on relevant issues at different moments of the project and should be designed as interstices: in-between spaces in which different meanings, interests and societal values come together and are explicated.

Deadline : 16 October 2022

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(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD-position Co-creation of AI-agents for Public Safety

The PhD-candidate will be employed at the Delft University of Technology and closely collaborate with the partners and PhDs of the interdisciplinary AI-MAPS-lab (AI for Multi-Agency Public Safety), one of the so-called ELSA-Labs (Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects). The AI-MAPS research shall support the development of AI-included innovations that safeguard public values and constitutional rights, respect human rights – and strengthen these where possible – and that can count on public support. The research will therefore apply a co-creation and value-driven approach that involves the experiences, values, and concerns of citizens and societal stakeholders from the very outset. Four PhD-projects will jointly work towards societal sustainable AI-solutions in a variety of use cases in which trustworthy AI helps to understand and mitigate social unrest (“maatschappelijk ongenoegen”). In addition to the Delft University of Technology, Erasmus University Rotterdam and Leiden University, also the Hague University of Applied Sciences, TNO, The Hague Security Delta, the Impact Coalition Safety and Security and the Dutch Police will collaborate with leading companies in the field of applied AI.

Deadline : October 17, 2022

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(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD on assessment and modelling of noise annoyance of current and future aircraft

This PhD project will focus on the development of novel perception-based assessment techniques and modelling of aircraft noise annoyance. The PhD researcher will benefit from the extensive in-house expertise in the field. To perform the necessary experiments, the PhD researcher will be able to use the state-of-the-art equipment present at the research group, such as microphone arrays for acoustic measurements and the newly-developed psychoacoustic listening room.

Deadline :15th October 2022 

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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position Finite element methods for simulating tokamaks

The Numerical Analysis group at the Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics (DIAM) is looking for a motivated PhD candidate to develop, analyze and implement novel finite element methods for the simulation of tokamak reactors. Tokamaks are plasma confinement devices and are being actively studied because of their potential use as nuclear fusion reactors. The ability to reliably simulate complex plasma dynamics within a tokamak is of great scientific importance as it can lead to an understanding of optimal operational criteria without resorting to expensive experimentation. The development of such simulation methods involves many scientific challenges, and these challenges form the focus of this PhD project.

Deadline : 15-10-2022

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(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Acoustic resonance for boundary layer flow control

The project scope is inspired from direct applications of the topic to the aerospace industry. This project aims to investigate the underlying flow physics of a passive approach for turbulent boundary layer flow-control, utilizing acoustically self-resonating surfaces. The intent is to subtly attenuate features of the boundary layer turbulence that are primarily responsible for the generation of turbulent skin friction. Research will comprise the development of this passive, distributed surface technology for boundary layer flow control, and has applications towards friction reduction and wake suppression of separating boundary layer flows. Your R&D efforts will comprise experimental and numerical investigations of the flow-induced acoustic resonance, the receptivity of the turbulent flow to this type of control, detailed investigations of the integrated performance of these surfaces and optimization strategies for tailored applications.

Deadline : 15 October 2022

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(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position “Development and characterization of interphases for next-generation lithium batteries”

The PhD position will part of the BatteryNL Dutch battery consortium project focusing on electrolyte-electrode interfaces in solid-state batteries. In this project 17 PhD’s and 5 PD’s at five Dutch universities are collaborating on investigating interface processes with a range of techniques (diffraction, imaging and spectroscopy) to obtain better understanding, and on the development of improved interphases with various deposition methods. This specific position is located at the Storage of Electrochemical Energy group at the Reactor Insttitute Delft of the Delft University of Technology

Deadline : October 15, 2022

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(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD student Wearable Biosensors

In this PhD project, our goal is to understand the real-time physiological response at the individual level through the development of wearable skin patches for a) personalized, real-time biomarker sensing and b) monitoring and understanding individual behavioral response towards environmental exposure.These breakthroughs will enable evidence-based personalized interventions, providing citizens and clinicians with the toolsets and knowledge to implement personalized prevention and treatment strategies, while empowering policy-making agencies with analytics based on real-time data to develop cost-effective and ethical policies for mitigating environmental health challenges.

Deadline : 15-10-2022

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(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position on data-driven surrogate modelling for floating wind turbines

The PhD candidate will develop and apply a surrogate model based on Gaussian process regression to predict the local aerodynamic characteristics of floating wind turbines. The candidate will generate an initial training dataset based on the results of a free wake vortex model coupled to the engineering tool OpenFAST. They will also be able to train the surrogate model on higher-fidelity data delivered by another PhD project. The PhD candidate will work as part of the project DataFlowt, “Physics-informed data-driven modelling and control of floating wind turbines”, funded by the Dutch national research council under the Talent Programme Vidi scheme. The candidate will work in a vibrant research group and will interface with ongoing large research projects in the field, e.g. STEP4WIND (, as well as engage with the activities of the Floating Renewables Lab at TU Delft.

Deadline : 08-10-2022

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(25) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position on the high-fidelity coupled simulation of floating wind turbines

The PhD candidate will develop and apply a high-fidelity computational framework to compute the dynamic response of a floating wind turbine subjected to nonlinear wind and wave conditions. The candidate will work with the tools developed by Whiffle, a SME company specialised in high-resolution weather forecasting. The company has developed a GPU-resident atmospheric simulation programme (GRASP) able to perform Large Eddy Simulations (LES). The ASPIRE interface of GRASP will be coupled to the engineering model OpenFAST and will provide a GPU-based model for the dynamics of floating wind turbines. The coupled library preCICE, developed by the University of Stuttgart, will test different coupling schemes for projecting forces between the two solvers. The coupled framework will be verified and validated with the results of other numerical methods (e.g. free-wake vortex model) and experimental data obtained at Politecnico di Milano. It will then be used to generate a high-fidelity data set for training a surrogate model. The possibility to correct OpenFAST hydrodynamic data based on the high-fidelity results will also be investigated.

Deadline : 8-10-2022 

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(26) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD 3D super-resolution microscopy

The PhD position is part of the ERC-Advanced Project Nanocubic, in which we target 3D super-resolution microscopy by breakthrough designs of illumination patterns that are sequentially projected into the sample volume, together with advanced image reconstruction techniques. We strive for isotropic resolution on the 100 nm scale in standard fluorescent samples and 1 nm in single-molecule imaging based techniques. The envisioned advances in microscopic imaging further open the nanoscopic world for scientific exploration. The project builds on the lab’s track-record in the field of computational imaging techniques for super-resolution microscopy. 

Deadline : 7 October 2022

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(27) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position Multi-disciplinary non-intrusive damage monitoring of off-shore wind turbine blades

The PhD candidate will work within the framework of the Holi-DOCTOR project that aims at designing and implementing an experimental methodology for the non-intrusive damage monitoring of wind turbine blades located off-shore. Within the project, the PhD candidate will carry out wind tunnel and in-field combined acoustic, infrared and vibrometry to detect the blade damages, identify which technique is more suitable to detect each of the most common damages, and use or develop analytical or semi-empirical equations to relate the blade damage level to the measurements.

Deadline : 3-10-2022

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(28) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD groundwater wells for heat storage: Methods for drilling and completion

The EU aims to have a net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) economy by 2050. At present, heating and cooling represent around 50% of the final energy use in Europe and are mainly supplied by fossil fuel derived energy. Because sustainable heat is mainly available in summer and demand is in winter, large scale seasonal heat storage is a key strategy to decarbonize heating in order to achieve EU ambitions. TU Delft leads a large European project that will showcase and develop full-scale application of heat storage (up to 90°C) in geothermal reservoirs using three different technologies: Aquifer, Borehole and Mine Thermal Energy Storage (ATES, BTES, MTES), at 6 different sites in Europe which together represent a relevant range of geological conditions across Europe. In this PhD project you will develop and test methods for drilling and completion of ATES wells with a focus on high temperature (>60-100°C) levels. You will contribute to a demonstration site, where technology will be investigated at field scale.

Deadline :  30 September 2022

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(29) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD in Fractured Geothermal Reservoirs

In the global north, over 40% of the total energy consumption is used for heating and cooling of buildings. Geothermal energy has the potential to significantly decarbonise energy supplies not only for heating and cooling but also for electricity generation, and therefore make a major contribution to the transition to a sustainable and just low-carbon energy future.

Naturally occurring fractures often provide the primary permeability for fluid flow and heat transport in many geothermal reservoirs. However, predicting heat flow through fracture networks to assess the viability of a potential geothermal development is challenging due to the inherent uncertainties in the fracture network and its properties. To date, no systematic studies have aimed to establish the properties that fundamentally control the characteristics of heat flow in naturally fractured geothermal reservoirs. For example, it is unclear how the combination of hydraulic connectivity within the fracture network and the size of the less permeable matrix blocks impact heat flow, i.e., under which conditions heat flow in a fractured geothermal reservoir can be characterised by effective properties that approximate a single porosity system and when heat flow needs to be characterised by more complex approaches.

Deadline : 30 September 2022

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(30) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Physics/Microscopy – Biomedical Imaging with Scattered Light

Computational Scattered Light Imaging (ComSLI) is a highly promising new imaging technique that resolves nerve fiber pathways and their crossings with micrometer resolution. While other scattering techniques raster-scan the tissue with a light beam and measure the distribution of scattered light behind the sample, ComSLI uses a reverse setup: The whole tissue section is illuminated from many different angles and the normally transmitted light is measured, thus enabling much higher resolutions and requiring only standard optical components (LED light source and camera). Our lab aims at further developing ComSLI and exploiting applications beyond neuroscience.

Deadline :  30 September 2022 

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(31) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Modelling Nonlinear Structural Dynamics in Marine Fluid-Structure Interaction

The aim of this PhD project is to develop and validate a method that can resolve fluid-structure interaction with structural nonlinearities. This will be achieved by combining methods from nonlinear structural dynamics and a strong coupling with existing linear hydrodynamic solvers.

We are looking for an enthusiastic PhD candidate to be the main developer of the numerical tools that will allow us to better understand these challenges. The outcomes of this project will be disseminated to the scientific community and to a general audience through presentations at (inter-)national conferences and through publications in peer-reviewed journals. Additionally, the candidate is expected to take part in educational activities within the department (for example, assist in teaching or supervise master thesis work).

Deadline : 30 September 2022

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(32) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Organizational Learning Around AI in the Security Sector

The research focus of this PhD candidate will look at how existing legal constraints can be implemented more systematically to enable organizational learning. Building on the work of Linda Argote (2012) on organizational learning and Mikkel Flyverbom on transparency (2016), we will study the “management of visibilities” (Flyverbom 2016) within the intelligence and security services. Our research will have a particular focus on current and upcoming legal constraints, as these have a considerable effect on the ways in which data can be managed and shared.

This PhD position is part of the project ‘Hybrid Explainable Workflows for Security and Threat Intelligence’, in which five PhD students will work on this issue as a team. Three PhD students will have a more technical focus, while the two working at Leiden University and TU Delft will have more of a social science or legal focus. We are looking for innovative researchers who want to collaborate with your colleagues and be open to new and innovative concepts and relationships between different academic disciplines.

Deadline : 30 September 2022

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(33) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Positions in Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Multimodal Molecular Imaging

The Van de Plas lab is offering PhD positions in signal processing and machine learning for multimodal imaging, to build 3-D molecular atlases of human tissue. The positions have a special focus on spectral imaging modalities such as imaging mass spectrometry and multiplexed immunofluorescence microscopy, as well as on exceptionally large and high-dimensional data.

Our lab is located at the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in the Netherlands and is part of the Delft Center for Systems and Control. Our research lies at the interface between (i) mathematical engineering and machine learning; (ii) analytical chemistry and instrumentation; and (iii) life sciences and medicine. We explore new ways of acquiring, processing, and mining the massive (multi-terabyte) datasets that imaging mass spectrometry and other molecular imaging modalities commonly deliver.

Deadline : September 30, 2022

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About Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Netherlands  –Official Website

Delft University of Technology, also known as TU Delft, is the oldest and largest Dutch public technical university. Located in Delft, Netherlands, it is consistently ranked as one of the best universities in the Netherlands, and as of 2020 it is ranked by QS World University Rankings among the top 15 engineering and technology universities in the world.

With eight faculties and numerous research institutes, it has more than 26,000 students (undergraduate and postgraduate) and 6,000 employees (teaching, research, support and management staff).

The university was established on 8 January 1842 by William II of the Netherlands as a Royal Academy, with the primary purpose of training civil servants for work in the Dutch East Indies. The school expanded its research and education curriculum over time, becoming a polytechnic school in 1864 and an institute of technology (making it a full-fledged university) in 1905. It changed its name to Delft University of Technology in 1986.

Dutch Nobel laureates Jacobus Henricus van ‘t Hoff, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, and Simon van der Meer have been associated with TU Delft. TU Delft is a member of several university federations, including the IDEA League, CESAER, UNITECH International and 4TU.


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