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33 Postdoctoral Fellowship at ETH Zurich, Switzerland

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ETH Zurich, Switzerland invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at ETH Zurich, Switzerland.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:  Postdoctoral Researcher in the field of Pulsed Laser Deposition of Magnetic Systems

You will be responsible for running a basic pulsed laser deposition system and fabricating high-quality thin films, nanocomposites and multilayers. Furthermore, you will carry out research that fits with one or more of the research fields of the Laboratory for Mesoscopic Systems including frustrated spin systems, ultrafast processes, hybrid systems and spintronics. In addition, you will be part of a team ascertaining the properties of the systems with large-scale facilities (synchrotron x-rays and neutrons).  In this postion, you will have the opportunity to create nanostructures with state-of-the-art nanofabrication methods, and study ultrafast processes with lab-based equipment and x-ray-free electron lasers. Finally, you are expected to make measurements and take responsibility for the group instruments such as the x-ray diffractometer, and SQUID-VSM and PPMS measurement systems.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc summary/title:  Post-Doctoral Researcher / Senior Assistant in Energy Systems Analysis

The Post-Doctoral Researcher’s / Senior Assistant’s primary responsibility will be to co-manage the group alongside the Chair holder. This means carrying out world-class research broadly within the Chair’s domain of interest and publishing in the top-tier international venues. As part of this responsibility, the postdoctoral researcher will co-supervise and work closely with PhD students, undergraduate and masters students within the Chair. Opportunities for external collaboration with both academic and industry partners at other institutions will be plentiful, and promising collaborations with top external colleagues will be encouraged.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:    Postdoctoral position – Accelerating the roll-out of net zero pathways for the Swiss and European energy system

There is an urgent need to create sustainable and resilient value chains to support and speed up the energy transition. However, Switzerland and the EU are highly dependent on imported critical devices and raw materials – especially in strategic sectors, such as renewable energy. The project SPEED2ZERO of the joint initiative of the ETH domain aims to develop toolboxes, action plans, and technology to enable a sustainable transformation to a net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) and biodiversity-positive Switzerland. Solutions will target immediate action conducive to halving GHG emissions by 2030, developing the required infrastructure, ensuring a resilient energy system, and securing biodiversity. In the context of this project, the Reliability and Risk Engineering group will research transition pathways for the Swiss and European energy systems that are compatible with climate targets (i.e., net-zero GHG emissions by 2050) and will analyse factors that can hinder the roll-out of net zero pathways. These include global industry production capacity of renewable devices, policy-driven adoption rates, and propose measures that can accelerate the Swiss energy system transition to 2030.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:    Postdoc position: Atmospheric retrieval and planet interior characterization

This Postdoc project is highly interdisciplinary as it links atmospheric sciences, planetary science, and observations of exoplanets. You will focus on the combined characterization of atmospheres & deep interiors of exoplanets using JWST data of transiting exoplanets with RV follow-up observations. This is a pioneering endeavour, as the use of spectroscopic data for the characterization of the deep interior is still very novel. This Postdoc project is a great opportunity to build a unique research profile. You are expected to bring in expertise from atmospheric retrieval and learn about deep interior physics. The exoplanet community is eager to know what we can learn from atmospheres about the deep interior of planets, and with this project, you will achieve key milestones on your way answering this question.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:  Postdoc position: Evolution of super-Earths and sub-Neptunes

This Postdoc project is highly interdisciplinary as it links planetary science, geodynamics, and observations of exoplanets. You will explore the evolution of Super-Earths and Sub-Neptunes with a new generation of interior models. The focus is the influence of deep magma oceans on the evolution of planet atmospheres and planetary radii. How do volatiles in magma oceans affect the cooling and chemical differentiation of planets? By combining and further developing existing models, you will investigate the evolution of volatile-rich magma oceans that exist on hot rocky super-Earths and deep in the interiors of sub-Neptunes. This will also allow you to link newly discovered young TESS sub-Neptunes to the generally old population of planets. This project will impact our understanding of planet diversity and is important for the interpretation of exoplanet populations and individual planets.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:    Postdoctoral Researcher in the field of Microscale Robots

You will be responsible for creating novel microscale robots incorporating nanomagnets that can be actuated in a magnetic field. The microscale robots will be fabricated using cleanroom processes and their behaviour will be tracked with a dedicated optical microscope. Furthermore, you will develop new methods to control the motion of the robots in different environments and demonstrate different applications.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:    Postdoctoral Researcher in the field of Spintronic Devices

You will be responsible for developing novel spintronic devices for in-memory and neuromorphic computing applications. The characterisation will be carried out using lab-based characterisation methods (optical and scanning electron microscopy, nanoMOKE, wide-field Kerr microscopy, transport, SQUID-VSM) as well as synchrotron x-ray techniques at international facilities.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:    Postdoc: History of Art and Architecture

In line with our values, ETH Zurich encourages an inclusive culture. We promote equality of opportunity, value diversity and nurture a working and learning environment in which the rights and dignity of all our staff and students are respected. Visit our Equal Opportunities and Diversity website to find out how we ensure a fair and open environment that allows everyone to grow and flourish.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:    Postdoc: Kunst- und Architekturgeschichte (m/w/d)

Im Einklang mit unseren Werten unterstützt die ETH Zürich eine inklusive Kultur. Wir fördern Chancengleichheit, schätzen Vielfalt und pflegen ein Arbeits- und Lernumfeld, in dem die Rechte und die Würde aller Mitarbeitenden und Studierenden respektiert werden. Auf unserer Webseite zur Chancengleichheit und Vielfalt erfahren Sie, wie wir ein faires und offenes Umfeld sicherstellen, in dem sich alle entwickeln und entfalten können.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:  Post-Doctoral Researcher in Architectural Cognition in Practice

The Architectural Cognition in Practice (ACP) research group, within Future Cities Lab Global, Singapore-ETH Centre, aims to improve how architects conceptualise the end-users in the architectural and urban design process, by providing empirical knowledge and evaluation methods from the multidisciplinary field of Architectural Cognition. The project integrates a range of research techniques and methods from cognitive and behavioural science, implementation science, computer science, as well as from architectural research; these include, among others, behavioural mapping, eye-tracking, space syntax and others.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:    Postdoc positions in Experimental Quantum Engineering group

Arrays of individual atoms trapped in optical tweezers are promising for quantum simulation and quantum information processing. The new apparatus in our group combines arrays of individual atoms and arrays of small atomic ensembles, with the individual atoms for encoding qubits/spins and atomic ensembles for ancillary operations. This project is devoted to implementing new schemes for scalable local qubit operations, fast and non-demolish measurements, and a significant higher experimental repetition rate. These developed schemes enable the study of out-of-equilibrium quantum dynamics, quantum information processing protocols with mid-circuit measurement and feedback, and eventually quantum error correction.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:    Post-Doc Position: Mechanistic Mathematical Modelling for Personalised Medicine

You will focus on the development of predictive mathematical models that integrate literature data and newly generated data from farm animals and patients (3D images, hormone levels, gene expression time series) into a consistent mathematical framework that will allow us to provide data- and model-driven guidance regarding the best IVF treatment schedule. In collaboration with a PHRT-funded PhD student, the mathematical model will be carefully tested in clinical settings and then integrated into software for clinical use.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:    Postdoctoral position: Laser development for infrared spectroscopy of exotic atoms

We are part of the CREMA collaboration at PSI aiming at the measurement of the hyperfine splitting in muonic hydrogen (an atom formed by a muon and a proton) to investigate the proton structure and test fundamental theories such as quantum electrodynamics. The postdoctoral work will be carried out in a team formed by members of our ETH group, the Laboratory for Particle Physics at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), and other partners.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:    Postdoctoral fellowship in drone-assisted collection of environmental DNA for biodiversity monitoring

With the historic Kunming-Montreal Agreement of 18 December 2022, more than 200 countries agreed to halt and reverse biodiversity loss. But becoming nature-positive is an ambitious goal, also held back by the lack of efficient and accurate tools to capture snapshots of global biodiversity. This is a task where robots, in combination with environmental DNA (eDNA) technologies, can make a difference. Measuring biodiversity with eDNA involves collecting and sequencing the genetic traces shed by local species in the environment. eDNA surveys are revolutionizing biodiversity monitoring because they are non-invasive and multiple species, even the most elusive ones, can be detected from a single environmental sample (e.g., water, soil, air). The collection of the samples is one of the most labour-intensive and costly parts of the workflow. Robots can automate eDNA collection, providing inexpensive, standardized sampling and enabling surveys in normally difficult-to-access environments. See our work recently published in Science Robotics.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:    Postdoctoral Researcher/Scientific Collaborator

You are expected to conduct independent research on relevant topics linked to the group’s research. You will be required to present your research at national and international conferences, contribute to group tasks and activities, and publish research findings in international peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:  Postdoctoral position: AI at work

Involvement in existing projects, for instance on explainable AI for medical teams and railway operators, and collaboration with PhD students in those projects is expected, as well as the creation of a personal research portfolio which combines prior own research with the research opportunities provided by this position.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:    Postdoctoral position in “Microbial chemotaxis at the continental scale”

The focus of this postdoctoral position will be to quantify and characterize chemotactic behaviour in situ as part of the TREC (Traversing European Coastlines) expedition. This expedition, conducted by the Tara Ocean Foundation, Tara Oceans Consortium, and EMBL, will carry out land-sea transects (sampling soil, sediments, shallow waters, and oceanic waters in parallel at each site) to study coastal interfaces at 120 sites in Europe. You will deploy ISCAs to characterize chemotaxis towards ecologically relevant molecules at selected sites. In addition, you will work with the shallow water sampling team and deploy ISCAs in the marine environment. You will then quantify the strength of chemotaxis towards each molecule tested using flow cytometry, to determine the taxonomy and genomic characteristics of the chemotactic microorganisms using molecular approaches (amplicon sequencing, metagenomics). Furthermore, you will leverage the large amount of contextual data collected by the other teams to pinpoint environmental drivers influencing the strength of chemotaxis. By bringing field and laboratory expertise in environmental microbiology, you will considerably advance our understanding of microbial chemotaxis in the ocean at scales never attempted before, with opportunities for collaborations and co-authorship in publications through the TREC expeditions.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:    Postdoctoral Positions in Climate Modeling and Data Science

You are expected to contribute to one or more of the respective projects and to take leadership in one of the research fields noted, including the supervision of students. The positions are for two years initially and can be extended subject to performance and availability of funding. The starting date is as soon as possible but can be negotiated.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:    Postdoctoral Researcher in Machine Learning and Perception for Autonomous Wheelchair Robot Navigation

At our research lab, we are focused on advancing scene understanding through onboard sensing, enabling real-time evaluation of the environment for full autonomy and shared control with dynamic path planning. Our goal is to leverage advanced real-time sensor fusion and a novel personal mobility device with holonomic capabilities to achieve highly reactive shared control at different levels of autonomy.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:    Postdoc position in heterogeneous catalysis for the development of catalysts for the hydrogenation of CO2 to methanol (green methanol)

Applicants for the position are expected to have earned a PhD in heterogeneous catalysis with documented expertise in catalyst synthesis and characterization. We are looking for motivated, committed, creative individuals able to work in a team and with excellent communication skills. Working in a top-level research environment with advanced laboratory infrastructure, the candidate will have a unique opportunity to develop further their research abilities. The position is available from May 2023 onwards.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(21) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:    Postdoc or Researcher Industrial Biotechnology for Defossilized Chemistry

The Bioprocess Laboratory (Prof. Panke), an international (currently 11 different nationalities) and interdisciplinary (microfluidics, enzyme engineering, synthetic biology, bioprocesses, biocatalysis, green chemistry) group located at the Basel campus of ETH Zurich and part of the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering (D‐BSSE) ( We are in direct vicinity to – and constant exchange with – the life-science and the chemical industry and academic research groups of the greater Basel area.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(22) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:    Postdoctoral Research Scientist in quantum optics and networking with superconducting circuits

You will perform collaborative research towards the realization of distributed, or measurement-based quantum computing, realize device-independent protocols such as quantum key distribution or randomness amplification, perform error correction on quantum channels, or work on the generation and study of highly entangled states of microwave photons. You will both benefit from the expertise developed at the Quantum Device Laboratory and expand the state of the art in this field of research.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(23) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:    Postdoc Position for Synthetic Biology-Inspired Therapies

The projects will combine basic and translational research to develop novel synthetic biology-inspired principles. Rational programming the behavior of human cells will shape future biomedical applications. This may include the design of novel biosensors, gene switches and genetic closed-loop circuits, the synthesis of novel chemical structures to interface and actuate cellular activities or to design programmable cellular implantable devices.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(24) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:    Postdoctoral fellowship in soft eDNA collectors for biodiversity monitoring

In our work recently published in Science Robotics, we showed that a drone can collect eDNA from tree branches with commercially available adhesive materials (tape or humified gauze). We now want to study collectors with materials that are specifically designed for eDNA. Therefore, the proposed research project will explore new methods and materials to collect DNA and DNA-containing particles from various sources (e.g. surface, air) and substrates (e.g. soil, bark and leaves). This research includes:

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(25) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:    PostDoctoral Researcher in Urban Quantitative and Theoretical Economics (C3282)

The project is embedded in a large-scale venture dubbed “Future Cities Lab”, and the subdomain it belongs in is concerned with measuring people’s mobility patterns within the urban space. Such mobility patterns can be measured by georeferenced cell phone data in conjunction with rich data on the supply of services. This type of measurement will be provided by Work Package 1 of the same project and utilized to inform a theoretical and quantitative model of the city. The latter should feature a hierarchy of clusters of services supply (ranging from administration to education, leisure, etc.) to mimic on a micro- and mesogeographical scale the activity patterns of individuals within the city. The model is supposed to be designed in a way to allow counterfactual simulations for rearranged services supply clusters in order to inform about transport demand, energy demand, etc. The latter will be an input into the project’s Work Package 3 which is interested in distilling recommendations regarding the optimal design of the urban space.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(26) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:    Postdoctoral researcher in single-cell phylodynamics

The ultimate goal of the project is to quantify important developmental processes from single-cell data that have so far only been qualitatively described. You will quantify the rates of cell division (i.e., replication), cell apoptosis (i.e., death), and cell differentiation (i.e., transition) based on single-cell phylogenies that are estimated from single-cell lineage tracing (e.g., GESTALTiTracer) and single-cell transcriptomic data. We recently developed and implemented a conceptual framework for such quantification. You are envisioned to contribute your ideas on biological questions as well as computational method extensions such that single-cell lineage and transcriptomic data can deepen our understanding of development.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(27) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:  Post Doctoral Researcher – Gramazio Kohler Research / NCCR Digital Fabrication

We are looking for a postdoctoral candidate who will implement a computational design environment that is geared towards coupling advanced computational design techniques with bespoke digital prefabrication processes. The computational design environment will include common design and fabrication libraries, and it will be open to computational customisation and to the application of automated or integrated human-machine collaborative fabrication systems. We expect excellent programming skills (Python, Grasshopper, Rhino), experience in robotic planning  and ideally exposure to sensing and AR technologies. You should feel confident in leading a small team of young researchers, be fluent in English and German, demonstrate a high level of initiative and enjoy working in an interdisciplinary research team. The exploration and development strongly focuses on real-world applications, and builds upon the direct collaboration with on-going research of the Gramazio Kohler Research group as well as with interdisciplinary partners from the National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Digital Fabrication.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(28) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:    Postdoc Researcher: Value of Information and Hybrid Modelling in Support of Intelligent Infrastructure for Efficient Diagnosis, Prognosis and Decision Making (1 year contract)

To support learning, models based on the subjacent physics, at least partially known, will be incorporated in the assessment loo, with a particular focus on the assimilation of advanced model order reduction techniques, in both their intrusive and non-intrusiveformulations.The primary advisor for the SEC-based Postdoctoral position will be Prof. Eleni Chatzi (SEC-ETHZ), with Prof. Francisco Chinesta (SNRS) as co-supervisor. The hired researcher will work with the CNRS-based Postdoctoral position, under the primary supervision of Prof. F. Chinesta. The earliest starting date is April 1st, 2023. Please note that the employment will be at the Singapore-ETH Centre.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(29) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:  Postdoc in modelling bacterial ecology, evolution and epidemiology

Join the Evolutionary Epidemiology group to work at the intersection of evolutionary theory and public health. We combine mathematical modelling with genomic and epidemiological data to answer fundamental questions about the behaviour of clinically important traits, such as antibiotic resistance, in bacterial populations.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(30) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:    Postdoctoral positions on “Microscale Microbial Oceanography”

The above examples illustrate opportunities for cutting-edge research in microbial oceanography that you can pursue. While work along these lines of investigation will be favoured, you will have the opportunity to significantly shape your research projects. A broad range of microfluidic and imaging technologies will be available, as will opportunities to conduct field research.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(31) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:    Postdoctoral Researcher in Applied Combinatorial Optimization

Your main responsibility of you is to take a pivotal role in research collaborations with industrial partners. This includes the design of algorithms for challenging real-world problems, the efficient implementation of such algorithms, and also being the main contact person for some of our industrial research partners. The position provides excellent opportunities to build a strong profile on the interface of academic and industrial research. It strengthens and expands the applied profile of the group, which complements a strong existing theoretical research thrust, and comes with exciting opportunities to contribute and shape existing applied projects and also spawn new ones, typically in collaboration with industrial partners. The Combinatorial Optimization Group is part of the Institute for Operations Research within the Mathematics Department of ETH Zurich. We are a well-connected research group with strong international visibility. We offer a very stimulating work environment with a highly competitive salary and benefits, excellent working conditions and infrastructure in the centre of Zurich, and generous travel support. The position is initially for two years with the possibility of an extension. The starting date is flexible within 2023.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(32) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:    Postdoc position: Development of viral vectors for gene and cell therapy (Roche collaboration)

We are looking for a researcher to join our multidisciplinary team of scientists and work on a new collaborative project with Roche focused on the development of viral vectors for gene and cell therapy. You are passionate about science, technology, collaboration, communication, and the development of translation-oriented products with industry partners.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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(33) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:  Postdoc position: friction in meta-materials

This position is part of a project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, which will support a total of four researchers, and focuses on the development of interfaces with unconventional mechanical properties. This postdoc position will focus on the friction properties of meta-materials. The objective is to study the mechanical properties of interfaces in architected materials with a particular focus on friction. Both numerical and experimental approaches will be developed and applied to test the interfaces. You will be responsible for the development of the experimental testing procedure and the numerical simulation framework. You will apply these methods to analyze the mechanical properties of various meta-material designs. This postdoc position provides opportunities to co-lead a research project, co-supervise graduate students, and establish and lead collaborations with research partners.

Deadline : Open Until Filled

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About ETH Zurich, Switzerland- Official Website

ETH Zürich is a public research university in the city of Zürich, Switzerland. Founded by the Swiss Federal Government in 1854 with the stated mission to educate engineers and scientists, the school focuses exclusively on science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Like its sister institution EPFL, it is part of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology Domain, part of the Swiss Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research.

In the 2021 edition of QS World University Rankings, ETH Zurich was ranked 6th in the world, placing it as the second-best European university after the University of Oxford. In the 2020 QS World University Rankings by subject, it ranked 4th in the world for engineering and technology (2nd in Europe) and 1st for earth & marine science. Also, ETH was rated 8th in the world in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings of 2020.

The university is an attractive destination for international students thanks to low tuition fees of 809 CHF per semester, PhD and graduate salaries that are amongst the world’s highest, and a world-class reputation in academia and industry. There are currently 22,200 students from over 120 countries, of which 4,180 are pursuing doctoral degrees.

As of November 2019, 21 Nobel laureates, 2 Fields Medalists, 2 Pritzker Prize winners, and 1 Turing Award winner have been affiliated with the Institute, including Albert Einstein. Other notable alumni include John von Neumann and Santiago Calatrava. It is a founding member of the IDEA League and the International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU) and a member of the CESAER network.



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