KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student Single Atom Catalysts for Sustainable Conversion Chemicals
This recruitment is connected to the Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability (WISE,wise-materials.org). WISE funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation is the largest-ever investment in materials science in Sweden and will encompass major efforts at Sweden’s foremost universities over the course of 10years. The vision is a sustainable future through materials science.
Deadline : 30.Mar.2023
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in fusion plasma physics and nuclear engineering
The PhD project will focus on the development of modelling tools for simulations of RE-induced PFC damage and their validation against data from EUROfusion Consortium, https://www.euro-fusion.org and DIII-D (USA), https://www.ga.com/magnetic-fusion/diii-d, experiments. The validated models will be employed for predictive modelling of specific ITER & DEMO scenarios following input from the ITER Organization and the DEMO Central team. The simulations of MeV RE energy deposition in PFCs will be performed with the GEANT4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit, https://geant4.web.cern.ch. These results will serve as input to melt motion modelling by the in-house MEMENTO code (https://www.kth.se/ee/spp/research/projects/modelling-of-melt-motion-1.1022839), which has emerged as the premier tool for the modelling of PFC thermal response and macroscopic melt motion, and has been benchmarked with multiple dedicated EUROfusion experiments.
Deadline : 30.Mar.2023
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Experimental Oncology
Cancer treatments have improved in recent years, but the mortality of cancer is still high. A major problem is the occurrence of relapses after treatment. It is important to reduce the risk of developing cancer (prevention) and to be able to detect recurrence early (sensitive screening method). The current project aims to understand the molecular mechanisms that influence the development of colorectal cancer, as well as to develop a new method for early detection of relapse. The project includes studying how cancer cells use the secretion of exosomes for communication with the tumor microenvironment as well as the development of an exosomal screening method. Part of the project is performed in collaboration with Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, and exchange visits (of approximately 12 months in total) are planned.
Deadline : 02.Mar.2023
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in space physics
The goal of the project is to advance our understanding of solar wind formation and energization processes. We use in situ observations of the solar wind by the NASA Parker Solar Probe spacecraft launched 2018 and according to NASA being the first-ever mission to “touch” the Sun. Solar wind acceleration occurs over a larger height interval and Parker Solar Probe allows for the first time sampling regions where significant solar wind acceleration is ongoing locally. The solar wind formation is a very dynamic process and the project plans to quantify the relative role played in it by localized dynamic structures such as switchbacks, current sheets and flux ropes forming at close distances to the Sun. The project particularly focuses on the regions around the critical Alfvén surface, an important region where the solar wind goes from being sub-Alfvénic at small distances to being super-Alfvénic at larger distances. The science questions to be answered are how the properties of switchbacks, currents sheets and flux ropes change across the region surrounding the critical Alfvén surface and what are the new physical processes appearing in the regions close to and below the critical Alfvén surface?
Deadline : 07.Mar.2023
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Biobased polymer materials
We are looking for a Ph.D. student with a genuine interest in material chemistry, a strong drive, and the ability to solve problems for a new project on bio-based polymeric materials. This Ph.D. project aims to i) extract polymers and other molecules from macroalgae, ii) functionalize the molecules with green chemistry, and iii) create functional bioplastics and gels from the algal components for biomedical and other applications. The research is conducted in interdisciplinary collaboration between researchers in polymer technology and biomedicine. The use of renewable material resources and sound methods for converting them to value-adding materials that can replace fossil-based products are integral parts of the global strive to meet the grand challenge of a future sustainable society
Deadline : 13.Mar.2023
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in non-ideal plasmas and warm dense matter
The collaboration between KTH and CASUS, Görlitz, Germany (www.casus.science) aims to exploit state-of-the-art QMC simulations for the construction and validation of novel schemes within existing formalisms. The project focuses on the development of novel dielectric schemes and the numerical implementation of novel & existing schemes, thus providing unprecedented insights across multiple coupling / degeneracy regimes. The underlying approximations will be guided by and the predictions validated against exact QMC results by CASUS. A PhD student is sought to: develop & implement self-consistent theories of the dynamic local field correction, perform numerical calculations on modern high performance computing facilities, analyze uniform electron fluid and WDM properties, explore synergies with and get insights into QMC-methods during extended stays at CASUS.
Deadline : 16.Mar.2023
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student on dynamic loads for hydropower concrete structures
The project is part of a national research program within the hydropower area called SVC – Swedish Centre for Sustainable Hydropower. The research is carried out in collaboration with senior researchers at KTH and another doctoral student at Luleå University of Technology and industry partners. The objective with the project is to find strategies to minimize the risk for unpredicted downtime on hydropower units due to concrete structure related issues or vibrations induced as a result of deficiencies causing reduced stiffness in hydropower unit concrete supports. The goal is to assure a long-life span of the concrete structures supporting hydropower units even after replacing the runner and generator several times.
Deadline : 02.Mar.2023
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in High-entropy magnetocaloric materials
This recruitment is connected to the Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability (WISE, wise-materials.org). WISE, funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, is the largest-ever investment in materials science in Sweden and will encompass major efforts at Sweden’s foremost universities over the course of 10 years. The vision is a sustainable future through materials science. Read more: https://wise-materials.org
Deadline : 09.Mar.2023
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student on air-water flow for hydropower spillway discharge safety
The project is part of a national research program within the hydropower area called SVC – Swedish Centre for Sustainable Hydropower. The research is carried out together with senior researchers at KTH and in interdisciplinary research collaboration with international researchers and industry partners. The aim is through adaptation of turbulence and air-water models and against laboratory data to investigate the reliability of two-phase modelling approaches and, and thereby ensuring quality and trust in CFD modelling. To provide best-practice recommendations in modelling procedures for safe discharge of spillway flows, in which air entrainment, flow forces, safety margins, erosion risks etc. are safety concerns is also part of the project. One of the goals is to help improve hydraulic design of spillways in upgrade/refurbishment projects.
Deadline : 02.Mar.2023
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Metabolic engineering of Clostridium thermocellum for sustainable products
The overall purpose of this project is to develop Clostridium thermocellum as a next-generation robust microbial cell factory that can convert (ligno-)cellulose to sustainable fuels and chemicals with minimum pretreatment. The use of lignocellulosic feedstocks, instead of refined sugars, is preferred to expand (future) production volumes, improve cost-competitiveness and avoid competition with food. The project will apply state-of-the-art molecular biology techniques, genomics and proteomics combined with laboratory evolution and quantitative physiology in bioreactors to unlock the potential of C. thermocellum, including: Design and analysis of research strategies to achieve increased understanding of the metabolism of the obligately anaerobic thermophile C. thermocellum. Quantitative physiology of different C. thermocellum strains in shake-flask and bioreactors operated in batch and chemostat mode. Functional analysis of the central metabolism of C. thermocellum through enzyme activity assays, molecular biology and state-of-the art omics-based approaches.
Deadline : 02.Mar.2023
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Applied and Computational Mathematics
Only those admitted to postgraduate education may be employed as a doctoral student. The total length of employment may not be longer than what corresponds to full-time doctoral education in four years ‘ time. An employed doctoral student can, to a limited extent (maximum 20%), perform certain tasks within their role, e.g. training and administration. A new position as a doctoral student is for a maximum of one year, and then the employment may be renewed for a maximum of two years at a time.
Deadline : 09.Mar.2023
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in numerical algorithms for applications in oceanography
Computation is nowadays viewed as the third scientific tool as a complement to theory & experiment. New data analytics tools can be seen as the fourth approach, which lately has had tremendous impact on problems outside the reach of previous scientific techniques. Scientific problems within computational sciences and data analytics are often formulated using the language of linear algebra, whose solution can be computed with numerical linear algebra. In this project you will obtain the opportunity to work with algorithms for data analytics and numerical linear algebra specifically designed for high-dimensional data originating from oceanography. The ocean has absorbed 90% of the warming due to increasing greenhouse gases in the last decades. Ocean processes like algae blooms have negative impacts on coastal cities and industries. Scientific problems in oceanography feature high-dimensional time series and multiple-dimensional space series, and development of tailored high-dimensional data analysis algorithms is a priority. Techniques to develop these algorithms will consist of a combination of algorithms from numerical linear algebra, for example matrix functions, domain specific techniques from oceanography as well as machine learning techniques, such as deep learning. No prerequisites in oceanography is required.
Deadline : 09.Mar.2023
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in multi-energy microgrid-based smart buildings.
The national vision to be a climate-neutral society motivates the wide utilization of renewable energy sources (RESs) and electric vehicles (EVs), as well as the development of energy-efficient buildings. A microgrid connecting RESs, EVs, energy storage, building loads (e.g., HVAC system) and possible interconnecting multiple buildings, is promising to accelerate the sustainable transition of buildings. The building microgrids are also flexible to provide grid services for additional profits and reduced peak power demand from grid.
Deadline : 06.Mar.2023
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Power Electronics
With the increasing integration of renewable energy, future power grids will be power converter dominated grids, as power electronic converters are interface of renewable energy. However, high penetration of power converters bring new stability and security challenges due to their fast dynamics, low inertia and interaction issues. On the other hand, power converters have full controllability that are promising to provide different grid support functions, like voltage support, frequency support and inertia support. The development of AI and digitalization provide powerful tools to further enhance the functionalities of power converters. This PhD project aims to develop intelligent and multi-functional converters to support future sustainable power systems. The developed solutions will also be validated by hardware prototypes. The project is funded by Swedish Energy Agency, Future Electricity System program.
Deadline : 06.Mar.2023
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student (licentiate) in building energy system control
In the transition toward low-energy buildings and the 5th generation of district heating, using data-driven approaches to integrate decentralized renewables with optimal control will play a vital role. You will join an exciting research team and interdisciplinary EU project to develop and apply machine learning (ML) techniques, novel system control and optimization methods to integrate/operate various thermal storage and building HVAC systems. You will perform dynamic simulations of energy operation (both thermal and power), as well as testing the developed ML methods/control solutions in multiple live-in-labs across Europe. You will work closely with a large number of industry partners and other researchers to manage project deliverables. Additionally, you will be also expected to perform limited percentages of department duties, i.e., teaching, supervisions of thesis students, etc.
Deadline : 08.Mar.2023
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in indoor air quality and health
The research will establish new knowledge development by applying an interdisciplinary methodology with researchers utilizing their disciplinary perspective, collaborating with stakeholders with the societal connection providing knowledge, systems, and indoor spaces. The research offers the opportunity to establish an interdisciplinary platform to obtain the new knowledge required. The methodology will utilize a collaboration network that will be established and activated. The results suggest best practices for the design of future sustainable buildings with a healthy indoor environment.
Deadline : 09.Mar.2023
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(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Power electronics
The variability of renewable energy sources and the localization, for instance offshore or in remote sites in the society, requires a grid that can handle large power variations over large distances. If our society should exploit as much renewable energy as possible highvoltage direct current (HVDC) grids will be necessary. This grid will have different voltage levels as different parts of the grid will be interconnected at different instants in time. In order to control the power flows between the voltage levels DC-DC converters will be necessary. The solutions that are available today are costly and voluminous. The latter is a big drawback if the equipment is located on an offshore platform. The project aims at generating new knowledge on how to design DC-DC converters for HVDC grids such that the highest possible energy efficiency, compactness, and cost-effectiveness can be achieved.
Deadline : 06.Mar.2023
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in modelling of future power systems
A particular challenge when simulating large systems is the enormous amount of data that need to be collected and processed. For example, to study the Nordic electricity market or the European energy system, it would not be possible to model each power plant in detail. Therefore, it is necessary to aggregate similar power plants into so-called equivalents. In order to get reliable simulation results, it is important to set up equivalents in such a manner that they correctly represent the technical possibilities and limitations (in terms of energy storage, possibility to control the electricity generation etc.) of the underlying resource.
Deadline : 02.Mar.2023
(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student (licentiate) in Socio-technical studies on artificial intelligence
The project focuses on developing new methodologies to investigate the social, ethical and cultural consequences of AI to patient safety, quality of care and health care professionals work environment, with a specific focus on conversational AI in elderly care. Tasks will include the development of quantitative and qualitative methodologies, data collection in health care environment and design workshops with stakeholders.
Deadline : 02.Mar.2023
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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student (licentiate) in Thermal Management of mobile networks
The PhD candidate will join the Department of Energy Technology at KTH. The research group within the department has the main focus on Techno-economic analysis of Energy Systems in Buildings and cities within both education and research. The candidate is expected to be an active member of the research group, working on existing projects and courses as well as developing new projects. Particularly, the PhD project aims at recovering the heat dissipated by mobile network enclosures. The integration should follow several goals simultaneously: more efficient thermal system which will simultaneously act as the cooling system for enclosures and heating system for building, simple and affordable retrofit method, and finally by smart control and energy storage mechanism to match heat supply and demand, shave the peak power and avoid high electricity prices.
Deadline : 02.Mar.2023
(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Information Processing for Sensor Based Detection
As part of the Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking, funded by the European Commission, you will participate in a project to improve the safety at railway level crossings, with a system to detect humans, animals, vehicles and other objects at the crossing. The project involves evaluation of sensor types, design and analysis of signal processing and machine learning algorithms for detection with high level of safety and reliability, as well as development of a demonstrator, in collaboration with Swedish Transport Administration and Alstom. The results will be published in scientific publications as well as within the project.
Deadline : 02.Mar.2023
(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Advanced Artificial Intelligence for Brain Connectivity
Structural brain connectivity estimates the degree of connectivity among regions in the cortex by analyzing the distribution of neural fibers in the white matter. The current tools for brain connectivity are not accurate enough for clinical use. In this project, we aim to close this gap by proposing new advanced artificial intelligence (AI)-based tools for performing structural brain connectivity analysis. For this, we will use advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences, including diffusion MRI (dMRI), multidimensional dMRI (MD-dMRI), and MR elastography (MRE). In collaboration with researchers at Karolinska Institute (KI), we will test the effectiveness of the tools to answer clinically relevant questions for Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and normal aging. This project is funded by the Swedish Research Council.
Deadline : 09.Mar.2023
(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in quantum condensed matter theory
The project will be concerned with many-body quantum dynamics and localization. The approach will be largely based on numerical simulations, but analytical skills are also important for the development of the theory. The group studies both many-body systems and topological quantum matter and there will plenty of opportunities to overlap with both topics.
Deadline : 09.Mar.2023
(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Ph.D in Smart power electronic converters for future power systems
Driven by environmental concerns and development towards a sustainable society the future power systems will have a high penetration of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power. This in turn leads to a high penetration of power electronics converters as they form the interface to the grid from the renewable energy sources. Power electronic converters enable full controllability, high efficiency and flexibility. However, due to their characteristics of low inertia, fast dynamics, high order nonlinearities and strong interactions, they are vulnerable to disturbances and attacks, which may result in system failures and collapse.
Deadline : 06.Mar.2023
(25) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Condensed matter theory
In a recent year, experimental discoveries were made that revised half-century-old paradigms: the discovery of electron quadrupling condensate https://phys.org/news/2021-10-reveal-formation-state-electron-quadruplets.html, and topological defects carrying an arbitrary fraction of magnetic flux quantum. The discovery opened up many fundamental questions on the nature of this new state of matter and its possible applications. That will be the main focus of the project.
Deadline : 30.Mar.2023
(26) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in applied electrochemistry
In this project AEMWE will be investigated in collaboration with a world-leading group within water electrolysis at DTU in Denmark. and in total about one year of the total study period will be located at DTU. The doctoral student will be employed at the division of applied electrochemistry at KTH, with about 30 PhD students and seniors doing research in the fields of batteries, fuel cells and electrolytic processes in an international and creative environment. The work will be mainly experimental in character and conducted in close collaboration with researchers in the applied electrochemistry division and at DTU. Read more about the division here.
Deadline :02.Mar.2023
(27) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in thermal energy storage optimization with heat pumps
Global thermal demands cover 50% of final energy use, largely based on fossil fuels. Thermal Energy Storage (TES) is thus crucial for decarbonizing energy systems. Latent heat thermal energy storage (LHTES) is gaining momentum as a compact TES. Heat pumps, together with TES enable flexible coupling of electrical and thermal sectors. This project aims to develop, design, construct, operate and optimize a pilot-scale LHTES in combined operation with heat pumps at a real heating application (KTH Live-in-Lab). The project includes: phase change material characterization in bench-scale; numerical design and optimization of pilot-scale LHTES (and heat exchanger) configurations; the construction and commissioning of the optimal LHTES; its installation in-combination with heat pumps in KTH Live-in-Lab; and the control and techno-economic optimization of this LHTES-heat pump solution. This is within a European project collaboration, also including internal collaborations between ITM and ABE schools at KTH.
Deadline : 01.Mar.2023
(28) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in space physics
The sun emits not only electromagnetic radiation, but also a stream of ionized gas, a plasma, the so-called solar wind. The solar wind interacts with the space environment of the planets in the solar system, and creates e.g. the northern lights at Earth. Another effect is that the solar wind slows down from supersonic to subsonic velocity at the bow shocks that form around the planets, similar to the shock around a supersonic plane. A phenomenon that occurs around the bow shocks is called Short Large-Amplitude Magnetic Structures (SLAMS). SLAMS may have several important effects on how the space environment around the planets is formed, e.g. by contributing to acceleration of ions and electrons to high energies. In this project we will use space probes that make measurements at Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, and Jupiter to compare the properties of SLAMS at these planets. In this way, we will learn much more about how SLAMS work and how they affect our space environment. It is also a preparation for future exoplanet exploration.
Deadline : 07.Mar.2023
(29) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student interaction of protection and power electronic sources
This is one of two projects about the interaction of protection systems with present and new types of power electronic converters that are used with wind, solar and HVDC infeeds. A range of problems has already been noted for some existing protection methods, regarding the converters’ fault current level, phase-current balance, nonlinearity etc. The project will work on identifying future problems and proposing designs of converter control and protection algorithm that work efficiently together. This project is focused more on the protection systems. Both projects will work closely together and give the students a strong grasp of both of these important subjects. The projects are sponsored by Swedish Energy Agency and Hitachi Energy, and will include collaboration with industry experts. This project will include simulations of existing types of protection scheme with different mixes of inverters in the system. Then there will be more focus on the grid forming converters and on considering the state-of-art knowledge for protection methods that overcome particular problems. There will be testing of proposed methods, and development of further methods. The ability to change inverters as well as protection systems must be investigated, to find a most effective solution.
Deadline : 03.Mar.2023
(30) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in in Applied Math. within Optimization and Systems Theory
The project aims at developing new algorithms and methods for solving certain types of mixed-integer problems. How to obtain strong continuous relaxations is one of the key questions in the project. You will have the opportunity to explore and develop alternative formulations and algorithms. You will work with both mathematical theory and practical tasks, such as, implementing and testing optimization techniques. The overall goal is to develop methods for solving certain types of problems that are currently difficult, or even computationally intractable.
Deadline : 10.Mar.2023
(31) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in sustainable hard metals
The project aims to combine cemented carbide with high-strength steel and thereby produce new cemented carbide grades without cobalt. The driving force is to contribute to the transition into a more sustainable society through better materials and phasing out harmful substances. To succeed, a multi-scale approach is needed where both modeling and experiments are important. The modeling will focus on the connection between structure and properties where different predictive tools will be used and developed. The experimental part will focus on characterization to validate models by imaging the materials’ microstructure, e.g. with electron microscopy.
Deadline : 02.Mar.2023
(32) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in characterisation of materials for solar cells
In this project, perovskite materials for solar cells will be investigated using photoelectron spectroscopy, which can give insight into the chemical and electronic properties of interfaces between different layers in a solar cell. New materials, which are promising in terms of stability, will be synthesized, and then systematically studied together with other components of the solar cell. The project’s aim is to gain direct insight into why materials work in solar cells and how the interfaces between materials are impacted by illumination, heat and other environmental factors. The project will involve synthesis of materials, fabrication of solar cell samples, measurements at KTH and at synchrotron radiation facilities and data analysis.
Deadline : 23.Mar.2023
(33) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD (Licentiate) in Collaborative Innovation & Sustainable Transport Design
You have a master’s in Integrated Product Design, Industrial Engineering, and Management or Sociotechnical systems or similar, and experience from conducting workshops. The position entails a study period of two years for full-time studies. The ambition is to extend the position towards a doctoral degree, which in total corresponds to four years of full-time studies.
Deadline : 06.Mar.2023
(34) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Applied Math. within Optimization and Systems Theory
We are looking for a PhD student in the project Large-scale nonlinear optimization. The project concerns the development of new methods for solving large-scale nonlinear optimization problems. The methods considered are based on solving, or approximately solving, a sequence of simpler subproblems. We put particular emphasis on the choice of subproblems and the accuracy in the solution of the subproblems. There is a balance between complexity in the subproblems and accuracy of the solution of these to make the overall method as efficient as possible. The methods are often Newton based and numerical linear algebra is central for the development of the methods. Although these research questions concern the fine details of the methods, they are of utmost importance for the overall performance of the methods. Nonlinear optimization is a central area within optimization. It covers applications in many important application areas.
Deadline : 10.Mar.2023
(35) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Computational Neuroscience
The research group of Arvind Kumar is interested in how neural hardware (neuron, synapses, and connectivity structure) shapes the dynamics and function of the brain. A key goal of our research is to develop mathematical models of brain diseases and create a theoretical framework to understand the mechanisms underlying the emergence of disease related aberrant activity dynamics in diseases (e.g. Parkinson’s diseases, epilepsy). While the group uses computational and analytical tools to study the brain activity dynamics, they are well integrated in the broad Stockholm neuroscience community and have active collaborations with experimentalists.
Deadline : 31.Mar.2023
(36) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Heating and Cooling with Phase Change Material Storage
We aim to investigate the potential of using Phase Change Materials (PCMs) in combination with underground thermal energy storage (UTES) and heat pumps for accelerating heating and cooling transition. Here we will perform technical-economic analysis of existing energy storage systems. The three goals are: Monitoring ongoing projects with key performance indicators in different climate regions; development of integrated UTES with PCM with optimized control strategies to cover both short/long term storage; and business cases development with environmental and economic sustainability considerations. During the work, the PhD candidate is expected to have international cooperation with EU partners and nationally from the respective projects funding the doctoral project. The final outcome of this project will serve as benchmark for other thermal energy storage projects and will be published in both scientific and popular science journals with a final dissemination workshop.
Deadline : 01.Mar.2023
(37) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Intelligent 6G Communications
While 5G networks have been deployed, 6G mobile techniques have been investigated and developed recently. To achieve ambitious objectives, intelligent wireless communications are considered to be one of the major methods, which can provide high rates and large coverage and high efficiency. This project will investigate the emerging technologies of 6G mobiles such as semantic communications and digital twin. The students will have opportunities to strengthen cutting-edge knowledge in communication, information theory and optimzation. The project will be hosted by the Division of Information Science and Engineering.
Deadline : 15.Mar.2023
(38) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Biotechnology
Next-generation therapeutic viral vectors for gene therapy applications will have a profound impact on society and may help alleviate or cure currently untreatable diseases. Of great importance are highly efficient and sustainable production processes for the viral vectors. The competence center AdBIOPRO is funded by Vinnova and strives to develop efficient processes for the production of biological drugs, including different types of viral vectors, and we are looking for a talented PhD student to participate in the work. The work will aim at the development of next-generation therapeutic viral vectors, cell lines and, in collaboration with other colleagues, processes for their production.
Deadline : 02.Mar.2023
(39) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Transport Science
The Department of Urban Planning and Environment at KTH is looking for an excellent candidate for a doctoral student position in the area of Transport Science. We are working on quantitative methods in urban modelling and decision support, including development of new methods for data acquisition, AI, and Machine Learning, which is creating new opportunities in planning and urban and regional studies by the intersection of urban data science, technology, and design.
Deadline : 06.Mar.2023
(40) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Transport Science
The Department of Urban Planning and Environment at KTH is seeking a highly qualified candidate for a doctoral student position in the Transportation field. The applicant will research innovative solutions for freight and passenger urban transportation in order to address crucial challenges of future mobility. The study will concentrate on the modeling and optimization of alternative urban mobility options from a systems standpoint (service provider, users, and city). Alternative methodologies, such as ML, agent-based modeling, and simulation-based optimization, will be researched and applied to different challenges. The guiding concept will be in the design of sustainable urban systems.
Deadline : 06.Mar.2023
(41) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student (licentiate) in Transport Science
The project is “Investigating Sidewalks’ Mobility and Improving it with Robots” within Digital Futures, and in collaboration with Integrated Transport Research Lab (ITRL). The project aims to understand sidewalk robot delivery in realistic scenarios. It will explore pedestrian and sidewalk mobility from a new angle focusing on routing problems and walkability measures. The candidate will adopt ML techniques and other quantitative methods to analyze sidewalk mobility and design innovative routing strategies.
Deadline : 06.Mar.2023
(42) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Student in Control of Power Electronic Systems Using AI
Power electronics technology plays a critical role in the green transition of modern energy systems. Power electronic systems, equipped with digital controllers, enable flexible control of electric power. In recent years, the evolution of power semiconductor devices and the advances in digital technologies bring even higher controllability of the system. This project intends to exploit those advances and, particularly the edge computing and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, for a system-level optimizations of power-electronic-based energy systems. Both physics-based and data-driven approaches will be investigated in the project. The edge Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies will be explored to redefine the control of power converters, considering a wide range of operating conditions. The project will be industry-oriented and have close collaborations with the global industry leaders. Both AI programming skills and power-electronics hardware testing experiences are essential to the project.
Deadline : 31.May.2023
(43) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in mathematics
At the division of mathematics, there are lively research groups in a number of areas, for example algebra and geometry, combinatorics, complex analysis, differential geometry and general relativity, dynamical systems, harmonic analysis, mathematical physics, number theory, numerical analysis, partial differential equations, and spectral theory. At the moment, there are about 25 graduate students at the division.
Deadline : 21.Apr.2023
(44) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Ph.D in interaction of power electronic sources and protection
The projects are sponsored by Swedish Energy Agency and Hitachi Energy, and will include collaboration with industry experts. This project will include simulations of different mixes of inverters in the system, with testing of how they can affect projection systems. Then there will be more focus on the grid forming converters and on what details of the control and hardware are most significant for the effect on protection systems. The ability to change inverters as well as protection systems must be investigated, to find a most effective solution.
Deadline : 03.Mar.2023
(45) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Power electronics
A fossil-free society requires that important industrial processes and specific transports are provided with hydrogen. Great amounts of hydrogen have to be produced and it has to be made using renewable electricity. This electricity is often produced at great distance from hydrogen consumption centers, which indicates that high-voltage direct current supply is a reasonable solution. As electrolyzers are supplied from a low voltage, a modular technology converting very high direct voltages to comparably low voltages is necessary. No such technology is available today, and the project, therefore, will search for realistic solutions providing high energy efficiency and cost efficiency. As Hitachi Energy is part of the project group, a fortunate project may lead to a product development, and a strengthened Swedish industry on an enormous market.
Deadline : 06.Mar.2023
(46) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD in AI enhanced optimization and control for future power system
The goal of this project is to use artificial intelligence (AI) and deep reinforcement learning (DRL) to advance the current control and optimization designs. Depending on the candidate’s qualifications and scientific interests, the project can be directed towards smart grid optimization, AI/DRL algorithm development and implementation, or smart converter control and coordination. This project is funded by Sweden’s Innovation Agency (Vinnova).
Deadline : 06.Mar.2023
(47) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Software Engineering
In this project, we will study the feasibility and applicability of optimizing programs with backpropagation, in order to automatically repair them. The Ph.D. candidate will work towards this goal by conducting research on differentiable programming languages and neural program repair. The candidate will join a group of researchers working on related topics, and is expected to bring expertise in the areas of programming languages and machine learning.
Deadline : 02.Mar.2023
(48) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Physical chemistry and environmental chemistry
The PhD work will consist in performing experiments, both at the Lightning Research facility at Uppsala University and in the laboratory at KTH, to characterize the reactions resulting from different types of lightning discharges (products, mechanisms, etc…). The results will allow to identify and quantify the contributions of lightning to atmospheric chemistry and potentially, over long term, on climate.
Deadline : 31.Mar.2023
About KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden – Official Website
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, abbreviated KTH, is a public research university in Stockholm, Sweden. KTH conducts research and education within engineering and technology, and is Sweden’s largest technical university. Currently, KTH consists of five schools with four campuses in and around Stockholm.
KTH was established in 1827 as Teknologiska Institutet (Institute of Technology), and had its roots in Mekaniska skolan (School of Mechanics) that was established in 1798 in Stockholm. But the origin of KTH dates back to the predecessor to Mekaniska skolan, the Laboratorium Mechanicum, which was established in 1697 by Swedish scientist and innovator Christopher Polhem. Laboratorium Mechanicum combined education technology, a laboratory and an exhibition space for innovations. In 1877 KTH received its current name, Kungliga Tekniska högskolan (KTH Royal Institute of Technology). The King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf is the High Protector of KTH.
KTH is the highest ranked technical university in Sweden. It is ranked top 100 in the world among all universities in the 2020 QS World University Rankings.
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