48 Postdoctoral Position at University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Position in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc positions available at University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral researcher in Tax Law.
- The successful candidate will contribute to the research activities undertaken by the ATOZ Chair for European and International Taxation under the direction of the chairholder Professor Werner Haslehner
- In particular, the Post-Doc will be tasked with coordinating a research project on Luxembourg tax law that shall culminate in the first full commentary of Luxembourg’s income tax code. This will involve key editorial work in addition to contributing original research on Luxembourg tax law
- The Post-Doc shall also contribute to the organisation of workshops related to the project and publish academic contributions in relevant journals
- The Post-Doc shall contribute to the teaching needs in tax law where necessary
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 15 June 2021
(02) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral researcher in criminal proceedings and the use of AI
The Department of Law of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance of the University of Luxembourg is looking for a Postdoctoral Researcher to conduct research in the context of the interdisciplinary research project on” Criminal Proceedings and the Use of AI: Challenges for Common Criminal Procedure Principles and the Principles of the Rule of Law”. The research project is funded by the Fonds National de la Recherche. It gathers highly qualified experts in criminal law, IT law, data protection law, as well as in AI and machine learning, cybernetics, ethics and representatives of the private sector developing AI to examine critical questions about using AI in criminal proceedings.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: June 30th, 2021
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(03) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral researcher positions in Political Science and Related Fields.
The PROPEL project is seeking a team of committed scholars who, jointly, will use interdisciplinary and multi-method approaches to (1) identify the political inputs that shape housing markets and housing policies, (2) trace the ways in which housing markets and policies generate economic, social, and political inequalities in high-income OECD countries, and (3) propose policy-relevant and evidence-informed solutions to address contemporary inequalities. The project focuses on countries primarily but not exclusively in Europe and North America. It examines economic, social, and political inequality across important subgroups including younger and older generations, larger and smaller families, different racial and ethnic groups, and households with varying levels of income and wealth. It links housing to other related policy areas such as employment and pension policies. Each major work package of the project adopts a qualitative, quantitative, or experimental design and will be jointly led by the PI and one additional member of the PROPEL team
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(04) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher in Sociology
The successful candidate will investigate the social, economic, and health consequences of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic among young people. A specific focus will be on various policy-relevant facets of social inequality, mental health, and well-being. To this end, the postdoctoral researcher will analyze data collected by the Youth Survey Luxembourg (YSL) and the project Young People and COVID-19: Social, Economic, and Health Consequences of Infection Prevention and Control Measures among Young People (YAC), supervised by Prof. Dr. Robin Samuel. YSL and YAC cover a range of topics such as attitudes, health, political participation, values, and various items related to the pandemic. Luxembourg is a highly diverse society and there is a need to better understand how social background shapes life chances and outcomes in these challenging times.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 11 June 2021.
(05) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral researcher in the field of digital public history
The Public History as the New Citizen Science of the Past (PHACS) project is looking to hire one postdoctoral researcher to work on digital public history. The researcher will behosted at the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) and will work under the direct supervision of Prof. Dr. Thomas Cauvin. Focusing on the production of history with a public perspective, public history has developed as one of the most dynamic international fields of the historical discipline. In collaboration with cultural institutions and universities all over Europe, PHACS studies, researches, but also develops, constructs and evaluates the impact of public participation, coproduction, and shared authority for history-making.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: July 1st, 2021.
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(06) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher in Digital Procurement.
The Chair in Digital Procurement at the Department of Economics and Management within the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance of the University of Luxembourg has an opening for 1 postdoctoral researcher (Postdoc) in Digital Procurement.
The candidate will be affiliated with the Chair in Digital Procurement at the Luxembourg Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LCL) which is a member of the MIT SCALE network.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(07) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher in Entrepreneurship, Innovation or Business
The Management Group within the Department of Economics and Management is looking to recruit a highly-motivated post-doctoral researcher in the fields of entrepreneurship or innovation
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(08) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher position in Biophysics of Cancer Microbiome
The Postdoctoral project interfaces two rich complex biophysical systems: physics of microbial active matter and cancer biophysics, with an overarching goal to understand how feedback between the two complex systems regulates cancer progression and metastasis. The project will be funded by the prestigious Audacity Grant, awarded recently by the Institute of Advanced Studies, U. Luxembourg. The selected scientist will conduct her/his research in the Physics of Living Matter Group headed by Prof. Anupam Sengupta (DPHYMS), with close collaboration with Dr. Elisabeth Letellier, co-head of the Molecular Disease Mechanisms (MDM) Group at the Department of Life Sciences and Medicine. Beyond research, the candidate will enjoy ample training opportunities in technical and transferable skills, support for career development, and opportunities to teach a highly diverse international student community of the University.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
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(09) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral position in the field of Human-Computer Interaction.
You will support the research team to devise a taxonomy of dark patterns and study the effect of dark patterns on user behaviour empirically. The project goal is to define interventions that will enable educators, designers, engineers and regulators to repel the use of dark patterns in online services. More generally, you will support the research group’s expertise in User Experience design for socio-technical security.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(10) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Reduced Order Modelling for urban wind flows
The successful candidate will join the LEGATO team led by Prof. Stephane Bordas by contributing to the “Data-Driven Approach for Urban Wind Energy Harvesting – DATA4WIND” project granted by Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR). It is expected for the candidate to perform following tasks:
- Performing systematic literature review on possible reduced modelling techniques (including meta-models and artificial neural networks) with direct application in wind engineering
- Implementing different model reduction approaches in the Reduced Order Modelling tool
- Testing developed tool for wind flow over urban location based on the experimental and computational fluid dynamics data sets
- Exploring the use of a developed reduced modelling tool for urban comfort studies
- Disseminating results through scientific publications
- Preparing project deliverables and reports
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(11) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Space Dynamics within the Remote Sensing Research Group
The successful candidate is expected to perform the following tasks:
- Investigation of novel multi-satellite flight paradigms such as rendezvous, formation flight and constellation assessment of multi-satellite applications for remote sensing and rendezvous
- Research algorithms for distributed flight control
- Development of proximity flight laboratory scenario and develop experimental algorithms accordingly
- The candidates are expected to actively contribute to the different research projects, either coordinating technical contribution and/or preparing project deliverables
- Providing assistance in the supervision of PhD students
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(12) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) on data science and machine learning for Industry 4.0 factories.
As the successful candidate, you will join the Security, Reasoning and Validation (SeRVal) group of the SnT, under the supervision of Prof. Yves Le Traon and Dr. Maxime Cordy, working on a research collaboration between Cebi (worldwide expert company in the manufacturing of components for the automotive and household appliances industry) and SnT for conducting a full data driven process, designing an automated and scalable system to deploy, evaluate, maintain and evolve machine learning models on top of a factory equipped with monitoring capabilities (continuous sensor data collection, aggregation and exploitation). Cebi is investigating to what extent data science and more specifically machine learning could contribute to improve the efficiency of their operations, their internal processes and statistical analyses. Among various use cases, Cebi is particularly interested in conducting an in-depth analysis of production data, predictive maintenance & quality, production lines capacity optimization The ultimate goal is to create a digital twin of the factory for predictive and prescriptive analysis for a better decision-making.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(13) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Computer Vision & Data Science.
The successful candidates will join the Computer Vision, Machine Intelligence and Imaging (CVI2) headed by Prof. Djamila Aouada. CVI2 offers the opportunity to work on multiple projects (projects with industrial partners such as Lift-Me Off, POST, ARTEC 3D and DataThings and/or national and international academic projects). All projects require conducting full scale experiments, including real-time implementation, data acquisition, training and validation at the SnT Computer Vision Lab. CVI2 is a group composed of highly motivated and active members.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(14) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral researcher in quantum machine learning for chemical discovery.
The candidate will be integrated into the activities of the Theoretical Chemical Physics group lead by Prof. Alexandre Tkatchenko (www.tcpunilu.com). This project will allow the candidate to interact with the scientific staff from some of the world’s top universities and to develop the building blocks of a startup in ML-based chemical discovery.
The candidate’s tasks include:
- Performing quantum mechanical calculations.
- Developing machine learning-based tools for chemical discovery.
- Participating actively in the TCP research group (tcpunilu.com).
- Communicating research results in international conferences and journals.
- Defining the applicability range and feasible commercialization areas of the final product.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(15) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Advanced Technologies for Future Wireless Communication Networks
The successful candidates are expected to perform the following tasks:
- Investigating challenging issues and developing novel techniques/algorithms to address some of the identified critical issues related to the topics below:
- Multi-antenna techniques (e.g. precoding/beamforming)
- Optimization techniques and tools
- Synchronization aspects
- Channel State Information Acquisition
- Multiuser scheduling
- Develop SW-based simulations (e.g. MATLAB) and / or implement the algorithms in the HW-based SIGCOM lab using SDR tools.
- Disseminating results through scientific publications and conferences
- The candidates are expected to actively contribute to the different research projects, either coordinating technical contribution and/or preparing project deliverables
- Preparing new research proposals to attract industrial, national and European projects
- Providing assistance in the supervision of PhD students
- Assisting in the organization of relevant workshops and demos
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(16) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral researcher in mathematics.
The candidate will be expected to work on an independent research program while being encouraged to interact with different research groups. The candidate should contribute to the life of the department, including teaching, seminars, working groups and other research related activities.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(17) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoc in Computer Vision for Autonomous Vehicles
We offer an attractive Research Associate (Postdoctoral) position in close cooperation with our industrial partner Civil Maps. Civil Maps, is a provider of HD mapping technology that enables autonomous vehicles to safely and efficiently navigate the world. Learn more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6DRfAC1JXA
The successful candidate will join the 360Lab research team led by Prof. Raphael Frank to work on the following tasks:
- Conducting research in the area of 3D computer vision: Structure from Motion (SfM), Stereo Vision, Visual SLAM, Visual (Inertial) Odometry
- Coordinating research projects and delivering outputs
- Providing guidance to PhD and MSc students
- Disseminating results through scientific publications
- Attracting funding in cooperation with industrial partners
- Organizing relevant workshops and demonstrations
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(18) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Computer Vision for Autonomous Vehicles
We offer an attractive Research Associate (Postdoctoral) position in close cooperation with our industrial partner Civil Maps. Civil Maps, is a provider of HD mapping technology that enables autonomous vehicles to safely and efficiently navigate the world. Learn more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6DRfAC1JXA
The successful candidate will join the 360Lab research team led by Prof. Raphael Frank to work on the following tasks:
- Conducting research in the area of 3D computer vision: Structure from Motion (SfM), Stereo Vision, Visual SLAM, Visual (Inertial) Odometry
- Coordinating research projects and delivering outputs
- Providing guidance to PhD and MSc students
- Disseminating results through scientific publications
- Attracting funding in cooperation with industrial partners
- Organizing relevant workshops and demonstrations
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(19) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral researcher in Computational Biology / Artificial Intelligence.
In this particular project, we are looking for a postdoctoral researcher who has a computational background. We are looking for a candidate, who can work independently but also enjoys to collaborate closely with other members of the lab (developmental biologists and neuroscientists). A particular focus of the project shall be on the development of computational pipelines for analyzing high-throughput image data generated in patient-specific models. Furthermore, the management and integration of different kinds of experimental data-sets beyond image data will be an important aspect.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(20) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral researcher in Computer Science
The successful applicant will be integrated in the research group COIN, a recently established research group in the University of Luxembourg. The researcher will be an employee of the University of Luxembourg.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(21) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Biology/Statistical Bioinformatics.
The successful postdoctoral candidate will develop computational and statistical models using multi-omics data (including transcriptomics, proteomics, lipidomics, and immunomics data) generated from patients to identify novel diagnostic patterns/biomarkers that match clinical findings. The modeling methodologies include, but not limited to, statistical modeling and machine learning, network biology, bioinformatics and information theory, The project is funded by ERA PerMed and includes a consortium of international collaborators, including medical practitioners with existing record of achievements in treatment of SIRS.
In addition, the successful candidate will curate the group’s contribution to the consortium and provide it with statistical and computational support, which requires ability to work with various professional backgrounds (biologists, doctors and others).
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(22) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Biology/Statistical Bioinformatics
In particular, the successful candidate will develop computational and statistical models using multi-omics data (including single-cell transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics data) to identify potential molecular targets for subsequent drug repurposing in the context of MILS. The modeling methodologies include, but not limited to, network biology, bioinformatics, information theory, statistical modeling and machine learning, agent-based modeling and others.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(23) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral researcher in “First-principles understanding of bio-nano interactions”
A postdoctoral position is available at the Chair for Theoretical Chemical Physics, led by Prof. Alexandre Tkatchenko, at the Department of Physics and Materials Science (DPhyMS) of the University of Luxembourg (http://www.tcpunilu.com). This position is embedded within the H2020 FET-OPEN Project ProID “Ultrafast Raman Technologies for Protein Identification and Sequencing” and offers a competitive salary.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(24) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Satellite-assisted Edge Caching and Multicasting in Beyond 5G Networks
This is a fully funded position for 2 years within a large, national research project (INSTRUCT – INtegrated Satellite-TeRrestrial Systems for Ubiquitous Beyond 5G CommunicaTions). The project is run in close cooperation with SES (https://www.ses.com/). Therefore, the objectives of the project are aligned with the research interests of SES towards their next-generation of satellite systems. More precisely, this project aims to research, develop and validate payload resource optimization (e.g. carrier bandwidth, beam design/allocation) and the corresponding edge caching algorithms towards enabling the combination of broadband and broadcast capabilities in a single payload in future SatCom systems while utilizing the ongoing advances in digital transparent processing and dynamic beamforming.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(25) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) in 3D computer vision
We offer an attractive Research Associate (Postdoctoral) position in close cooperation with our industrial partner Artec3D. Artec3D is a global leader in handheld and portable 3D scanners and has been at the forefront of developing innovative 3D technology since 2007 (www.artec3d.com). The successful candidate will join the Computer Vision, Imaging and machine Intelligence (CVI²) research group (http://cvi2.uni.lu) headed by Prof. Djamila Aouada to conduct exciting research in the field of 3D Computer Vision. The CVI² research group is very active in 3D Computer Vision research community, by conducting high-impact research and organising relevant workshops and challenges such as SHARP2020 in conjunction with ECCV2020 (https://cvi2.uni.lu/sharp2020/) and SHARP2021 in conjunction with CVPR2021 (https://cvi2.uni.lu/sharp2021/). He/she will help out in shaping research directions and carry out high-impact research within the SnT and Artec3D R&D activities.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(26) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Satellite Communications Systems
The successful candidates are expected to perform the following tasks:
- Investigating challenging issues related to PHY and MAC layer design related to next generation of satellite communications systems
- Developing novel techniques/algorithms to address some of the identified critical issues related to the topics below:
- Interference mitigation for GSO high throughput satellite systems
- Simulation and Analysis of NGSO constellations
- GSO-NGSO Spectrum coexistence
- Active antenna systems and on-board beamforming design
- Satellite integration in 5G
- Reconfigurable payloads
- Feeder link congestion and multi GW scenario
- Synchronization aspects
- Disseminating results through scientific publications and conferences
- The candidates are expected to actively contribute to the different research projects, either coordinating technical contribution and/or preparing project deliverables
- Preparing new research proposals to attract industrial, national and European projects
- Providing assistance in the supervision of PhD students
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(27) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associates (Postdocs) in symmetric cryptography
- Shaping research directions and producing results in one or more of the following topics, depending on candidate’s interests:
- Design and cryptanalysis of symmetric cryptographic primitives
- Cryptography for currencies and blockchains
- Privacy enhancing technologies, Tor
- Side-channel attacks and white-box cryptography
- Disseminating results through scientific publications and presentations at conferences
- Providing guidance to Ph.D. and M.Sc. students, teaching assistance
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(28) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Biology/Bioinformatics
The Computational Biology Group seeks a highly skilled and motivated postdoctoral fellow to work on an exciting project that aims at developing a computational framework for modeling inter-cellular interactions to understand the mechanisms of tissue homeostasis and regeneration. In particular, the successful candidate will develop cell-cell interaction models, using network-based computational approaches and single-cell transcriptomics data. Furthermore, the candidate will build data-driven computational models for cell population dynamics and design strategies for cellular reprogramming. The topics of the research project include, but not limited to, stem cell rejuvenation, regeneration and cellular conversion for regenerative medicine in the context of muscle, brain, and other tissues. In addition, the successful candidate will maintain the CBG long-standing collaboration track with experimental biologists to validate predictions of the models. Finally, he/she will participate in the project management and planning, including supervision of Ph.D. students of the project.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(29) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral researcher in Mathematics (Geometry)
Develop independent research and participate in a research project on the geometry of convex domains in hyperbolic manifolds. Limited participation in the teaching missions of the Mathematics Department (at most 70h/year). Participation in the research activities of the Mathematics department (seminars, reading groups, etc).
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(30) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher in Analytical Environmental Cheminformatics
Within the project, the Postdoctoral Researcher will establish, develop and maintain analytical and computational mass spectrometry and cheminformatics methods and workflows, primarily for target and non-target environmental, metabolomics and exposomics analysis. The developed methods will be an integral part of tackling the many open research questions within the Environmental Cheminformatics Group (led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emma Schymanski) in conjunction with many active and potential collaborators.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(31) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Applied Cryptography
Cryptolux is a team of cryptographers and security researchers interested in applied cryptography, cryptanalysis, privacy, network security, cryptographic blockchains and is led by Prof. Alex Biryukov, we are affiliated to the Departement of Computer Science (DCS) and to the Security and Trust center (SnT).
Contribute to a research project on future directions in cryptography and IT security and expect to perform the following tasks:
- Shaping research directions and producing results in one or more of the following topics:
- Design and cryptanalysis of symmetric cryptographic primitives
- Cryptocurrencies, ZK proofs, blockchain
- Privacy enhancing technologies, Tor
- Side-channel attacks and countermeasures
- White-box cryptography
- Disseminating results through scientific publications
- Providing guidance to Ph.D. and M.Sc. students
- Attracting funding in cooperation with academic and industrial partners
- Coordinating research projects
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(32) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications for 5G and Beyond Wireless Networks
The University of Luxembourg is seeking to hire a highly motivated and an outstanding researcher in the area of emerging 5G and Beyond Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications (URLLC) for its Interdisciplinary Centre of Security and Trust (SnT), within the Signal Processing and Communications (SigCom) research group, led by Prof. Björn Ottersten and Dr. Symeon Chatzinotas.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(33) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Data Scientist / Postdoctoral researcher in digital healthcare / machine-learning
With the current position offer for a data-scientist we search for highly motivated and curious researcher with a background in biomedical statistics and machine-learning methods. With a strong focus on multimodal and longitudinal data from patients with Parkinson’s disease we want to tailor multiparametric data to individual patient`s needs. Please tell us what you would understand under the term “predictive individualized reference modelling” and if you like to shape it with us.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(34) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Scientist in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
The candidate is expected to perform and administer high-quality scientific research intended for publication in relevant journals of the disciplines. The candidate shall initiate, develop, lead, and guide research collaboration with industry and other external stakeholders. To that end, the candidate will work closely with other researchers and the Outreach officer to engage the private and public sectors in creating the opportunities for such collaborative and commissioned research. Such research includes, but is not limited to, applied thesis projects at the award-winning one-year Master programme in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, short- and long-term projects at the post-graduate level, and research carried out by university professors. To increase the viability of such projects, facilitation and involvement in writing grant applications for competitive national and international funding agencies are envisioned.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 31/07/2021
(35) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: PostDoc in Bioinformatics / Computational Biology
We seek a highly motivated bioinformatician or computational biologist who is well versed in the statistical analysis of large-scale biological data and bioscientific programming for a project on the study of neurodegenerative disorders. The candidate should have experience in the analysis of large-scale biomedical data (omics, clinical or neuroimaging data), using statistical methods and machine learning. The candidate will conduct integrative stratification analyses, focusing on omics and clinical data, and digital sensor or neuroimaging data for neurodegenerative diseases. This will include the review, set-up and application of software analysis pipelines, and the joint interpretation of disease-related data together with experimental and clinical collaborators. The project will use new biological high-throughput data from patients, healthy controls, as well as in-vitro and in-vivo disease models. With the help of statistics, machine learning and pathway- and network- and analyses, the goal is to improve the mechanistic understanding of disease-associated alterations in common neurological disorders.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(36) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Scientist in Applied NLP and ML for software engineering and regulatory compliance
The successful candidate is expected to assume a leading role in defining, acquiring, managing, and scientifically contributing to projects in the area of applications of machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) in the regulatory compliance domain. The candidate will carry a leading role in the Software Verification and Validation Laboratory (SVV) and support PhD candidates in their thesis research. The candidate will be involved in the development of novel and cost-effective solutions based on ML and NLP. The candidate will carry a responsibility regarding the group’s project portfolio and ensure a continuity in the experimental research activities and rapid prototyping.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(37) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Scientist in Cloud architectures for ML systems
The successful candidate is expected to assume a leading role in defining, acquiring, managing, and scientifically contributing to projects in the area of Cloud computing and computer systems. The candidate will carry a leading role in the SEDAN research group and support PhD candidates in their thesis research. The candidate will be involved in the development of new approaches for cloud infrastructure development and orchestration for distributed applications including machine learning and fintech using acceleration technologies such as GPUs and/or FPGAs. The candidate will carry a responsibility regarding the group’s project portfolio and ensure a continuity in the experimental research activities and rapid prototyping.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(38) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Scientist in Wireless and Satellite Communication Systems
The successful candidate is expected to assume a leading role in defining, acquiring, managing, and scientifically contributing to projects in the area of wireless and satellite communication systems. The candidate will carry a leading role in this area and support PhD candidates in their thesis research. The candidate will work closely with Profs. Chatzinotas & Ottersten and the members of the SIGCOM group.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(39) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Search, Optimization, Machine Learning and Technical Standardization
You will play a key role in the joint research programme between the Luxembourg Institute of Standardisation, Accreditation, Safety, and Quality of Products and Services (ILNAS) and the University of Luxembourg, that aims at creating an innovative environment for smart-ICT and related standardization efforts. Three Ph.D. students will be working on the following smart-ICT targets: Trustworthy ICT, Aerospace, and Construction.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(40) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Fellow in Engineering
A postdoc position is available in the frame of the project “Di-Plast” funded by Interreg.
The tasks include:
- Support the software development and implementation of a holistic process chain evaluation tool based on VSM
- Managing and contributing to the project deliverables
- Communicating and coordinating with partners
- Research related to the following areas: value stream optimization, circular economy, decision support systems
- Contributing to the standardization activities of VSM as national ISO delegate
- Providing guidance to PhD and MSc students
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(41) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associates (Postdoc) in Artificial Intelligence for Space Applications
This is a fully funded Postdoc position for 2 years (possible extension(s) up to 5 years in total). The position holder will be involved in European Space Agency (ESA) funded projects and will be working closely with our industrial partner LMO. He/she will be required to perform the following tasks:
- Propose and develop models and algorithms (Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, etc.) in order to meet the projects demands
- Work closely with project’s stakeholders
- Shaping research directions and producing results
- Attracting funding in cooperation with industrial partners
- Participating in proposal writing
- Coordinating research projects and delivering outputs
- Disseminating results through scientific publications
- Providing guidance to PhD and MSc students
- Participating to the teaching activities
- Providing support in setting up and running experiments in the SnT Computer Vision laboratory
- Proposing and implementing real-time solutions
- Participating in organizing relevant workshops and demonstrations
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(42) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Post-doctoral fellows: Quantum Field Theory meets Atomistic Modeling
Two postdoctoral positions are available in the Chair for Theoretical Chemical Physics (TCP), led by Prof. Alexandre Tkatchenko in the Department of Physics and Materials Science (DPhyMS) at the University of Luxembourg (http://www.tcpunilu.com). These positions are embedded within the FNR-CORE grant “Broadly Applicable Methods for van der Waals Interactions in Molecules and Materials”.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(43) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associates (Postdoc) in Optimization and AI for Robotic Motion Planning and Control
The successful candidate will contribute to research in motion planning and control for mobile robots and robotic manipulators combining optimization-based approaches with methods from artificial intelligence or machine learning. The results will be applied in different research projects in the area of Industry 4.0, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and spacecraft control, also in collaboration with industrial partners
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(44) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Security and Dependability of Information and Infrastructures
Successful candidates have a unique opportunity of participating in the shaping of a challenging and innovative research themes, as well as contributing to the ambitious research agenda of the CritiX lab, supported by the Luxembourg National Research Fund, FNR (http://www.fnr.lu/funding-instruments/pearl), the European Commission and several other projects, namely with Intel Labs, Huawei, and others about to start (https://wwwen.uni.lu/snt/research/critix/research_projects). They will be given excellent conditions for the development of their research skills, in terms of working conditions, mentoring and laboratory facilities.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(45) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Machine Learning for pose-estimation and autonomous navigation of aerial robots in urban environments
The successful candidate will join the young, strong and motivated SpaceR research group focused on increasing the autonomy of aerial, planetary and orbital robotics for on-earth applications, space exploration, on-orbit servicing and manufacturing, and space resource utilization. This innovative research group is led by Prof. Miguel Olivares-Mendez. The candidate will carry out research under the framework of the 5G-SKY project.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(46) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate (postdoc) in Computer Science
- Conduct highly innovative research in cybersecurity on a research project entitled “Secure and Verifiable Test and Assessment Systems”
- Contribute to the design, analyses, validation, and implementation of security protocols to enhance the privacy and reliability of online exams
- Support project management
- Publish research results and present them at international conferences
- Contribute to reports and research publications
- Engage in dissemination of results to stakeholders
- Provide guidance to Ph.D. and M.Sc. students
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(47) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associates in Computer Vision
The successful candidates will join the Computer Vision, Machine Intelligence and Imaging (CVI2) headed by Prof. Djamila Aouada in order to carry out research in the general area of Computer Vision. Multiple positions are open.
CVI2 offers the opportunity to work on multiple projects (projects with industrial partners such as Lift-Me Off, ARTEC 3D and DataThings and/or national and international academic projects). All projects require conducting full scale experiments, including real-time implementation, data acquisition, training and validation at the SnT Computer Vision Lab. CVI2 is a young group composed of highly motivated and active members. Their work focuses on innovative research topics such as 3D shape modelling, 6DOF object pose estimation, human behavior understating, and deep learning and is disseminated in top-tiers venues.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(48) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Fellow in Statistical Physics of Active Matter
A Postdoc position is available in the frame of the project “Statisical Mechanics of Active Matter” funded by the FNR. The goal of the Postdoc project is to combine recent methods of stochastic thermodynamics and large deviation theory to address problems of optimal control in active matter. The candidate is also expected to take part in the scientific activities organized within Statistical Physics of Active Matter group and the Department of Physics and Materials Science, such as seminars, colloquia, and summer schools.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: October 1st, 2021
About University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg –Official Website
The University of Luxembourg is a public research university in Luxembourg.
The University of Luxembourg was founded in 2003, by combining four existing education and research institutes.
The university offers fourteen bachelor’s degrees, forty-two master’s degrees, and doctorates. Students at the university getting a bachelor’s degree are required to spend one semester abroad. The university also offers sixteen vocational training and lifelong learning training courses.
The university is multilingual. Courses are generally taught in two languages, being French and English or French and German. Some courses are taught in three languages and some courses are taught entirely in English.
The university has three faculties, the Faculty of Science, Technology, and Medicine; the Faculty of Law, Economics, and Finance; and the Faculty of Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences, and three interdisciplinary centers, the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust; the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine; and the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History. All the faculties offer baccalaureate, masters, doctoral, and vocational programs.
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