What Does It Take to Be an Astronaut?
Astronauts clean and maintain space stations in addition to supervising missions.
A Master’s degree, preferably in a STEM field, is required for aspiring astronauts.
In addition, you must complete two years of training and pass NASA’s infamously difficult physical exam.
Anyone interested in science, engineering, or astronomy will be able to find work in the field.
When Armstrong set foot on the moon in 1969, America’s children saw stars in their eyes and dreamed of a never-before-imagined career: they wanted to be astronauts.
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Much has changed in the last 50 years. Although a career as a YouTube star has surpassed the popularity of astronauts, many children still want to explore space.
Of course, becoming an astronaut is a difficult task. There is only one possible job for this career: the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or NASA.
When it comes to astronauts, NASA doesn’t have a large workforce. NASA currently employs 48 active astronauts, and less than 600 people have flown into space in the last 50 years. But if you have a dream and determination, you may be able to join the ranks of these true adventurers.
NASA astronaut S. Jessica Meir raises her thumb after landing in Kazakhstan aboard the Soyuz MS15 capsule with two other ISS Expedition 62.
What does an astronaut do?
Unlike Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story, Astronauts do not fly through space yelling, “Into Infinity and Beyond!” They, like everyone else, require real-world tasks.
At the end of space missions, astronauts take on various roles, including commanders and pilots.
Astronauts play a variety of roles in the refinement of space missions. The culprit is the commander, who ultimately makes the most critical decisions in an area mission. The pilot collaborates closely with the commander. with specialized knowledge or skills
Astronauts also carry out a variety of routine tasks to keep space stations operational. The crew cleans, inspects, and repairs broken items. They also exercise for two hours per day to keep up with the physical demands of the job.
How to Become an Astronaut?
There is no “astronaut” major in college. People chosen by NASA to be astronauts are not necessarily those who have dedicated their lives to space exploration. Instead, they are math and science graduates who meet all NASA requirements.
Prospective astronauts must have a master’s degree and at least two years of relevant professional experience. Alternatively, they must complete at least 1,000 hours under the pilot’s command in a jet plane.
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Prospective astronauts must not only meet all physical requirements, but they must also have a master’s degree and at least two years of relevant professional experience.
The tricky part begins now. Astronauts must pass a NASA-administered long-term flight astronaut physical exam. You are unlucky if you are shorter than 5 feet 2 inches or taller than 6 feet 3 inches. Candidates must have 20/20 vision, even if they wear corrective lenses. Even while sitting, your blood pressure should not exceed 140/90.
When applying for jobs, astronaut Anne McClain has some surprising advice: Prepare your resume. Please make sure that it is concise and error-free.
NASA wants its astronauts to pay attention to minor details, which is a necessary skill for scientists.
How difficult is it to become an astronaut?
Every four years, NASA hires new astronauts, and a large number of people apply. NASA chose eight astronauts from a pool of 6,000 applicants in 2013. And, despite the fact that 18,300 people applied for the 2017 category, only 12 were accepted, representing a 1% acceptance rate.
In 2017, only 12 of the 18,300 astronaut applicants were accepted for the NASA class, resulting in a 1% acceptance rate.
It is not an easy road to become an astronaut. Whether NASA accepts your application or not, it will be some time before you leave Earth.
First, you’d like to finish a two-year military training course that includes physical training and classroom study. Candidate astronauts are learning Russian to communicate with the Russian Mission Center and study spacecraft as well as the science involved in space stations.
Physical tests are also required of aspiring astronauts. They must first obtain a scuba diving license and then swim three laps in a pool while wearing a flight suit. They must also go through military survival training on land and sea, which is essential in an emergency.
Finally, students should practice driving the typical high and low atmospheric pressures in simulations.
What type of education do you need to become an astronaut?
Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree in addition to a degree in a relevant MINT field such as engineering, biology, natural philosophy, technology, or mathematics. They must have studied medicine or completed an aircraft pilot training program.
Astronauts typically attend college for at least six years and possibly longer if a doctorate is required.
How long do you plan to stay in space?
Astronauts must complete two years of mandatory military training in addition to six years of education and two years of professional experience. This all adds up to decades of planning. After that, astronauts may be required to attend for months or years before their first space mission. Astronauts must complete extensive mission training before leaving Earth to prepare them for space exploration better.
A rocket takes off far from Earth in the middle of the night.
Alternative Space Exploration Careers
You’d like to work for NASA, but you’re not particularly interested in visiting space. Or the fierce competition for astronauts sounds like undue stress. The good news is that you can still include travel without ever leaving the planet.
NASA, research institutes, and universities all hire professionals for various positions to ensure that we get the most out of space exploration. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were over 66,000 aerospace engineers employed in 2019. These people create spacecraft, as well as aircraft and missiles for national defense.
Atmospheric scientists extend their research into space by using satellites and radar systems to study atmospheric phenomena and climate. In 2019, approximately 10,000 people were working as atmospheric scientists. Those who want to work in space but do not want to be astronauts can pursue aerospace engineering, atmospheric science, or astronomy.
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Astronomy is another popular career path, with 20,500 people currently employed as astronomers. If you’re interested in science and want to learn more about galaxies, planetary formation, stellar evolution, and matter theory, astronomy is a fantastic field to consider.
You could also look into careers in space such as plasma physicist, hardware engineer, electronics engineer, avionics technician, and meteorological technician.
Becoming an astronaut is challenging to work in that is not for everyone, but if you have a passion for space exploration, don’t let training challenges hold you back.
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