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Multiple Faculty Position at Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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Multiple Faculty Position at Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia invites online application for Multiple Faculty Position of Assistant/Associate/Full Professor Position in various Departments. In this post we are providing a list of faculty positions available at Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Eligible Candidate may Apply as soon as possible.



(01) Faculty Position 

About Job: Faculty Positions in Electrical Engineering at College of Engineering #050521

The Electrical Engineering Department at Alfaisal University is seeking a full-time professorial rank (Assistant, Associate or Professor) faculty member specialized in communications and networks. The sought candidate should be a PhD holder, with a demonstrably strong research, teaching and mentoring/advising record. Success in external grant application and research project management should be highlighted, in addition to a consistent publication activity. Expertise is a must in student-centred delivery and management at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Candidate should also showcase a proven record for regional and international accreditation frameworks and procedures, as well as standard departmental services.

Deadline of Application:  Open until filled

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(02) Faculty Position 

About Job: Faculty Positions in the Mechanical Engineering -College of Engineering- Alfaisal University

The Mechanical Engineering Department at Alfaisal University invites applications for a full time position at the Assistant, Associate or Professor level. The hiring will be at the rank commensurate with experience, achievements and qualifications of the successful candidate. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering or a closely related discipline, preferably from an ABET accredited institution. The successful candidate must have a strong research record, and have experience teaching and supervising graduate and undergraduate students. The successful candidate is also expected to actively contribute to community outreach and service to the department, college, and university.

Deadline of Application:  Open until filled

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(03) Faculty Position 

About Job: Faculty Positions in Software Engineering Department at College of Engineering #091218

Applicants must have Ph.D. degree in Software Engineering, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, or Machine Learning. The successful candidate must have a strong research record and have experience of teaching and supervising both graduate and undergraduate students. The successful candidate is expected to bring experience, energy, motivation and leadership to the Department of Software Engineering. The candidate should have in-depth knowledge, proven by a strong teaching and research record, to teach courses in one or more of the following areas: Cybersecurity, Cryptography, Secure Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data and Data Analytics. In addition, the candidate should be able teach core courses in Software Engineering and Computer Science

Deadline of Application:  Open until filled

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(04) Faculty Position 

About Job: Faculty Position in the College of Science and General Studies

The Department of Mathematics invites applications for a full-time position. Candidates with a proven ability to teach the following undergraduate courses are invited to apply: courses include Statistics for engineering and life science, Calculus I, II, III, linear algebra.

Deadline of Application:  Open until filled

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(05) Faculty Position 

About Job: Assistant Professor of English for the Department of Humanities-

Duties for this position (12-14 hours weekly classroom teaching) will begin in fall semester 2020, and include: lesson preparation, assisting with curriculum development and assessment, mentoring and advising students, attending staff meetings and workshops, and playing a full and active part in the life of the university. The teaching load is usually 4 sections of the first-year composition sequence. Application materials consisting of a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, and contact information for three references must be e-mailed to Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Deadline of Application:  Open until filled

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(06) Faculty Position 

About  Job: Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies 

Deadline of Application:  Open until filled

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(07) Faculty Position 

About Job: Assistant professor of Arabic โ€“ Position in the College of Science

Teaching different Arabic courses, research and service.

Deadline of Application:  Open until filled

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 View Postdoctoral Positions Click Here

(08) Faculty Position 

About  Job: Faculty Positions in Accounting

The College has the following openings(at all levels) in the areas of:-

Accounting (two openings)-
Marketing (one opening), and-
Operations Management/Project Management (one opening).

Deadline of Application:  Open until filled

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(09) Faculty Position 

About Job: Faculty Positions in the College of Law & International Relations

The candidate would be expected to teach both introductory and specialized courses, and to participate in the intellectual life of a talented, vibrant and unique legal community. Candidates should have a superior academic record with demonstrable evidence of, or a strong potential for, excellence and innovation in teaching, scholarly research and service.

Deadline of Application:  Open until filled

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 View Fully Funded PhD Positions Click Here


(10) Faculty Position 

About Job: Faculty Positions in College of Pharmacy

Application for Assistant/Associate/ Professor for College of Pharmacy, in the following specialties:

  1. Clinical Pharmacy
  2. Pharmacy Practice
  3. Pharmacokinetics
  4. Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  5. Pharmaceutics
  6. Medicinal Chemistry

Deadline of Application:  Open until filled

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About Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia โ€“ Official Website

Founded in 2002 by the King Faisal Foundation as a nonprofit student-centered (a concept that needs to be properly defined) university, Alfaisal University opened its doors and admitted its first 80 students in 2008. Alfaisalโ€™s total enrollment now exceeds 2500. The enrollment is 67% Saudi National with the remaining 33% being students from over 40 other nations. The total number of faculty is nearly 200 with international faculty from 31 countries. The Board of Trustees includes representatives from five firms, four international firms, and a representative from the Ministry of Education [This claim needs to be substantiated since one of the sponsors that is Saudi Oger went bankrupt in 2017  but still appears in the list of founders and partners of Alfaisal University


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