When used as a cover letter, the postdoc application letter format is generally 3 to 4 paragraphs long and begins with an introductory paragraph. Writing a postdoctoral cover letter is basically the same as writing any other cover letter.
Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template I VacancyEdu.com #1
September xx, xxxx
Associate Professor
University of Pennsylvania
Dear Dr. xxxx
I am applying for the postdoctoral position in your Laboratory. I have done my PhD under the guidance of Dr xxxxx, Director, xxx, xxxx and am presently working as senior research fellow in her laboratory at xxxx. I have submitted my thesis to the university and awaiting Viva-Voice which will be held very soon. I would be immediately available to join your lab.
I am highly motivated to work in the field of T cell activation and differentiation. During the course of my graduate work, I have developed an interest in the inflammation and pathways regulating T cell function. I am especially intrigued by T cell signaling and how different signals TCR, cytokine signaling and co-receptors like xxx and TLR work together to induce T cell proliferation and differentiation. How Notch regulates xxx signal strength by regulating E3-Ubiquitin ligases and thereby modulates T cell differentiation. Kinetics of NF-κB signaling in T cells and role of Notch signaling in the formation of lipid raft and immune synapse are other aspects which excites me.
My graduate work has focused on the immune dysfunction in oral cancer and role of immunosuppressive factors/cells present in the tumor microenvironment. I have worked on the lymphoid as well as myeloid cells during the course of PhD. I have analyzed the different regulators (positive as well as negative) of T cell signaling and how they modulate the T cell function in cancer setting. The important among them was the Notch signaling which has implications in increasing the efficacy of T cell based therapy. We have addressed the root cause of immune dysfunction and its association with MDSCs, Tregs and Th17 cells. We have addressed how MDSCs accumulate, their life span, suppressive potential, and also how they induce Th17 differentiation and inhibit Treg differentiation in in vitro conditions.
Apart from this I have also worked on project “xxxx signaling in regulating effector functions of xxxx cells. I am well versed with the biology and in vitro expansion of xxxxx cells.
During my doctoral program I have thoroughly used multicolor flow cytometry (nine color), western blotting, real-time PCR, siRNA, molecular cloning, co-culture assays, Mixed leukocyte reactions, Immunomagnetic sorting of cells (MDSCs, Tregs, Naïve CD4 cells and CD3 cells, γδ T cells), cytometric bead array and ELISA for quantitation of cytokines, proliferation assay (Dye dilution and tritiated thymidine assay), 51Cr release assay, confocal microscopy, chemotaxis assays to perform the experiments.
I have learned animal handling especially animal dissection, harvesting of liver, spleen, mammary glands, vertebrae and femur bones, Tail vein injection.
I have basic Knowledge about mass spectrometry sample processing; however, I would be highly fascinated to gain expertise in each aspect involved in the project.
I am interested in the work going on in your laboratory and could be an asset to your Laboratory because of my experience and skill.
I envision my future research to span across some interrelated sub-areas of immune function and dysfunction. I believe that I am an outstanding researcher in my specialty, based on my background and achievements. Having succeeded in the current research, employing the knowledge from different fields of molecular biology and Immunology, I feel well prepared for the further challenging studies and research in the fields of molecular immunology, perhaps on very different topics, as well as on the topics I am familiar with. The main motivation here is to make advances in our understanding of molecular mechanisms of T cell function and its interaction with the tumor.
Enclosed is a copy of my CV and thesis.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely Yours
Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template I VacancyEdu.com #2
Dear Dr. XXX,
I am writing this mail to express my interest in conducting my post-doctoral research under your supervision. I am interested in working on the advertised project of understanding the epigenetic regulation and role of steroid synthesis on physiology and development.
I have also previously worked on the xxx, which is differentially expressed in adult xxx cells during the xxx development and inhibits steroidogenesis by reducing the expression of xxx enzymes. In this study, I proved that the overexpression of xxx in mice testis (mediated by adenovirus) has the potential of inhibiting the differentiation of testicular and prostatic cells by reducing the size of testis and prostate but has no effect on the growth of seminal vesicles. It has also found to reduce the level of xxx and xxx by reducing the steroidogenic enzymes such as xxx, xxx and xxxx. This is the first study reporting a time-course analysis of the implications of long term overexpression of xxx in mice testis and its effect on other organs such as prostate and seminal vesicles. This study suggested that xxxx may play an important role in the differentiation of male reproductive organs such as testis and prostate.
I would further like to extrapolate my substantial experience and research more in this field by analysing the transcription circuitry of steroid biosynthesis at single xxx cell level and thereby on its application in prostate cancer biology.
I have completed Ph.D in xxx (xxx) from Department of xxx, xxxx University. My thesis project entitled as “xxxxxxxxxx”. The research concentrated upon exploring the role of xxx, a xxxxx-anchored adhesion protein in pathogenicity of xxxxx, a causative agent of xxxx using interdisciplinary approach of molecular biology, cell biology and biochemistry. Through my doctoral study, I have proposed a model of how the xxxx protein matures in the xxxx lumen upon xxxx anchor attachment. I have then further explore this adhesion protein and the linked signaling pathways in xxxx and published several papers related to this work.
My avid interest and motivation towards research has kept enforcing me to work along while pursuing my job. I worked on varied project like xxxxxxx and some more in association with Dr. xxxxx, professor at xxxx University.
I have conducted immunization based studies on mouse animal model such as Sprague Dawley rats and FVB mice that involves mice handling, xxxx extraction, purification of Primary Leydig Cells, Preparation of Recombinant Adenovirus, Adenovirus injection, immunohistochemistry, FACS (Fluorescence activated cell sorting), Radioimmunoassay, Western blot analysis, ELISA, Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Assays, neutralization assay, agglutination, immunofluorescence along with using molecular biology approach i.e. molecular cloning, PCR and expression analysis at both transcript and protein level, mutational studies by side-directed mutagenesis approach and biophysical tools like MALDI-TOF/TOF analysis, Mass SpectrometryI dentification of Proteins, Circular Dichroism (CD), Transmission electron Microscopy (TEM) and data analysis using bioinformatics approach like 2D-Progenesis Samespot Software, functional analyses and pathways generation using Ingenuity Pathways Analysis and top gene suite, PCA analysis along with R-programming package “FactoMineR” to reduce the complexity of the dataset, Modelling and Docking Studies using Rosetta 3.2 biomolecular comparative modelling and docking suite, Expasy server, EBI server, CHIMERA software, Multiple alignments, similarity searches, BLAST, Microbial BLAST , FASTA, ClustalW version 1.8, ClustalX 1.8, primer designing.
I believe that these features of knowledge on steroid synthesis, in vivo studies on mice models using interdisciplinary approach, a substantial research experience, skills command over the molecular, cell biology and biochemistry subjects and professional experience in training students along with the strong motivation will go a long way in pursuing the post-doctoral research in your prestigious institute under your guidance. I feel well prepared for the further challenging studies and research to epigenetic regulation of steroid synthesis in Leydig cells and its role in development. Given the opportunity, I am confident that I will be able to contribute successfully to this project with the motivation, commitment and determination with hands on experience in this field to succeed in this area.
Please find enclosed the attached Curriculum Vitae (CV) including the references details. Do suggest if any other information is required from my side.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thanking You,
Yours sincerely
Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template I VacancyEdu.com #3
Dr. xxxxxx
Full lab address, INDIA
Mоbile: xxxxxx
Email: xxxxxx
Skype id: xxxxxx
Re: Molecular Biology in xxxxx University.
I am writing for the faculty position in Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and Biochemistry at xxxxxx University. I have worked under the supervision of xxxxxx (Seniоr Scientist, xxxxxxxx Research Institute, India) and have awarded doctorate degree (affiliated with xxxxx University, India) in mid xxxxx.
My doctorate (Topic- “xxxxxx”) work involves understanding the role xxxx terminal domain of RNAP-II of Sacchromyces. cerevisiae, which consists of eukaryotic highly conserved heptapeptide repeat xxxx. The xxxx serves as the primary point of contact for a wide variety of molecular machines involved in the RNA biogenesis during the transcription cycle. I have identified the of total set of proteins interacting with xxx of RNAP-II using Molecular biology, Microbiology and Prоteоmics (2D Gel Electrоphоresis, Nanо-LC/MS and MALDI TOF/TOF). Furthermore, I have identified the binding affinities and specificity of these protein or protein complex with respect to the phosphorylation pattern of xxxx using Pull dоwn assay, IP, Western blоt, Fluоrescence anisоtrоpy, Circular dichоrisim and molecular modelling.
I am extremely cоmpetent when it cоmes tо data analysis including statistical analysis, and have had three papers published including оne in xxx, xxxx xxxx and xxx during my PhD and three manuscript are in communication process, please refer tо my resume fоr details.
I have an excellent track recоrd as a hard-wоrking member оf the labоratоry team and am always ready tо lend a hand and оffer suggestiоns when invited. I enjоy dynamic team work and being able tо cоnfer with my cоlleagues abоut current prоjects. The experience I gained wоrking in a natiоnal laboratory like the xxxx and xxxx was invaluable. I developed many cоntacts while attending conferences. I have alsо presented three pоsters during my PhD in international conferences – again, please refer tо my resume fоr details.
My research experience in different tоpics gave me a gооd flexibility оf mind, and enabled me tо learn many techniques in microbiology, mоlecular biоlоgy, cell biоlоgy and prоteоmics. Fоr my future career, I see Assistant professor position of at xxxx. as the ideal way tо broaden my knowledge and scientific activity. I hоpe my scientific background, experience and skills meet your requirements. I assure yоu that if, given an оppоrtunity, I will perfоrm tо the best оf my abilities tо accоmplish individual as well as team gоals.
xxxx University has been upheld as the premier science research institute in middle east and I have lоng aspired tо wоrk fоr the university. I wоuld welcоme the оppоrtunity tо discuss this applicatiоn with yоu further.
My curriculum vitae are attached to this e-mail. Please let me know if you would like any other additional information. I look forward to hear from you.
Yоurs sincerely,
Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template I VacancyEdu.com #4
Dear Professor,
Hope this email finds you well.
This is to bring your attention to a postdoctoral position in your group.
I, xxxx and have completed my Ph.D. in xxxx under the mentorship of Dr. xxx, Discipline of Chemistry, xxxxx, India. The title of my thesis is “xxxxxxxxx”.
Currently, I am working a postdoctoral research associate, School of xxxxx xxx, xxxxx University, South Korea.
Under the thesis title ‘xxxxx’, my work was focused on the synthesis of simple xxx complexes at xxxx condition, solid-state structural reactivity, and their applications as molecular precursors for nanostructures synthesis and performance evaluations of these nanostructures in catalysis, waste-water treatment through adsorption or photocatalysis, and sensing of hazardous contaminants. Moreover, I have also tried to explore the application of the metal-organic frameworks/coordination polymers for dye adsorption and catalysis.
I have used various techniques for characterization and analysis purpose such as molecular structure determination by Single-crystal X-ray diffraction, powder-XRD, FT-IR, XPS, BET-surface area, AFM, SEM-EDAX, TEM, TGA, combustion method (CHNS and O analysis), particle size analyzer (DLS analysis), LCMS, GC-MS, UV-Vis, cyclic voltammetry and photocatalytic reactor. I am also familiar with software which is necessary for the determination of the structure of the metal complexes, characterization of nanomaterials and data analysis such as CrysAlisPro RED software and Win GX, ChemDraw, Diamond 3.1, Mercury, and Origin.
Due to my research expertise and hands-on synthesis in both material and chemistry with the handling of different instrumentations, this would be surely helpful to attain more pronounced results.
I believe my candidature would suffice for a postdoctoral position in your group.
I have enclosed a copy of my curriculum vitae. If you require any other information then kindly let me know. I will be happy to provide the same. Your kind consideration of my application is requested and I hope that you will give me a chance to pursue my research in your group.
I look forward to hearing back from you.
Thank you
Best regards,
P.S., CV in brief:
Thesis title: “XXXXXX”
List of publications: Published: Journals-xxxx, Book Chapters-xxx
Submitted/under preparation: Journals-xxx
Research Interest: Inorganic/or Nano-materials, Waste-water treatment (adsorption/photocatalysis) using Nano-materials, Sensors (electrode modifications and detection of contaminants), Heterogeneous catalysis, Crystal engineering (solid-state structural transformation).
Thank you
Best Regards,
xxx xxxx, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
xxxx, xxx University
xxx, Republic of Korea
E-mail: [email protected]
Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template I VacancyEdu.com #5
xxx xxxx, Ph.D.
[email protected], +91 xxx
Dear Dr. xxxx,
With great confidence and enthusiasm I would like to submit my CV for the position of a postdoctoral researcher in your lab. I have obtained my Ph.D. degree in xxx from xxx University, India; I have worked in the lab of Dr. xxx based at xxxx, xxxx. My PhD dissertation focussed on understanding the shape-function relationship of multidomain protein xxxx as a function of temperature using SAXS as a major technique. Currently, I am looking for positions where my skills sets can be put to use in overcoming new and exciting challenges.
It has been a long standing research interest to exploit the tools of biophysics to explore newer possibilities and better drugs for efficacious treatment regimes as well as diagnostic methods; this reason has motivated me to apply for this position in your lab. During my Ph.D. dissertation I got a chance to explore the therapeutically important protein – xxx, a multidomain xxx sensitive protein from a perspective of temperature. The SAXS data analysis showed that the protein remains semi-active at physicological temperatures thereby enabling activation of protein even at semi-optimal concentrations. This data has been published in the journal xxx (xxx). Another part of my study revolved around a truncated yet active version of xxx, here SAXS data coupled with TEM and FPLC helped us to discover temperature induced amyloid formation in native xxx. These amyloids were capable of releasing active protein over prolonged incubation, this was particularly important observation as this could exploited for shipping of therapeutic protein at ambient temperature as well as a sustained release mechanism of treatment. This study was also published in the journal xxx (xxx). Apart from my dissertation project I was involved in numerous other projects in lab which has enabled me to learn following skills:
Skills |
Qualification |
Strong background in structural biology |
o A strong understanding and experience in other techniques such as Peptide Mass Fingerprinting (PMF), CD (Circular Dichroism), Mass Spectroscopy (MS), X-ray Diffraction (XRD). |
Small Angle X-ray Scattering |
o Expert at handling and data collection on SAXSpace (Anton Paar GmbH, Austria) o Adept at performing SAXS data analysis using ATSAS suite of programs (Data reduction, Data analysis and Molecular modelling) o Expert at studying shape changes of protein as a function of protein or ligand binding as well as changes in extrinsic factors o Capable of performing data collection on solution as well as solid samples |
Experience in Protein biology |
Recombinant protein purification
o Extensive experience (~6 years) in recombinant expression of protein of human origin from blood plasma, kidney as well as biosimilars and bacterial xxx. o These proteins were purified using affinity, ionic, hydrophobic interaction and gel filtration chromatography. o Expert in operating Äkta purification systems (Pure, Start and Xplorer) |
Requirements |
Qualification |
Experience in molecular biology |
o Accomplished gene cloning for recombinant protein expression from bacteria o Can perform site directed mutagenesis of genes to generate protein truncates and mutants to investigate role of domains of specific residues in protein function and stability |
Protein Functional Assays |
o Adept at protein functional assays both colorimetric as well as fluorescent assays o Trained in amyloid characterisation using a milieu of techniques such as TEM, Congo Red staining as well as ThT assay o Well versed with ELISA (competitive, sandwich and direct), Western Blotting, Densitometry and biotin mediated pull down assays o Can perform PMF of proteins and their MASCOT analysis |
In addition to my scientific writing I also have experience in preparing and delivering presentations and reports for funding agency as well as key opinion leaders. Apart from my bench work I was extensively involved in other lab duties such as purchasing of lab reagents and maintaining the in house SAXS facility by scheduling and maintaining the records of beamtime allotment. I could accomplish all this due to my high work ethics combined with my targeted approach and interpersonal skills. Post Ph.D. I have briefly worked as Research Associate in lab of Dr. xxx, where my role was to perform field trials of the DNA aptamer based xxx estimation kit developed in the lab. Currently, I am looking for a challenging role and be a part of the team where my technical as well as soft skills can be implemented to contribute constructively in ongoing as well as future projects. I am confident that if I join your lab then my vast experience in SAXS data collection and analysis shall be extremely useful in exploring structural-function relationship of proteins and use this data to develop novel drugs. My particular interest would be high throughput screening of small molecules using SAXS data as well as exploring the possibilities of drug repurposing in cancer targets.
I have enclosed a copy of my CV for your better understanding of my skills and qualifications. I shall more than welcome the opportunity to be interviewed or discuss my experience with you. I may be contacted on +91 xxx or [email protected]. Thank you for your time and consideration. Looking forward to hear from you.
Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template I VacancyEdu.com #6
This is in reference to the Postdoctoral position in your laboratory. I have completed my PhD under the mentorship of Dr. XXX, PI, Structural and xxx xxx Lab., xxxxxxxxx, India. Presently, I am working on CRISPR-Cas9 system and generating cancer-causing knock-in/out mutations in human cell lines, in xxx Lab., xxxx, xxxxx, India.
During the course of my graduate work, I have worked on human DNA intercrosslink repair proteins mainly xxxx and xxx. I have performed structural & functional characterization of xxx xxx repeat, xxxx xxx, xxx xxx domain and pathogenic mutants. In xxxx repeat, we find xxx motif that binds to major groove of dsDNA (xxxxx et. al.,xxx, xxx). In xxxx, we did the comparative studies of xxx Domain and pathogenic mutants (xxxx et. al. manuscript under preparation). Furthermore, we performed protein-protein interactions studies and found that xxx xxx repeat and xxx xxx domain interacts with xxx xxx (xxxx xxx et. al., xxx, xxx). I have performed molecular and essential dynamics of xxx and it’s phosphorylated analogs to address the effect of phosphorylation at the structural and functional level (xxxx et. al., xxx, xxxx). During my PhD, I have also worked in a team to explore the structure and functions of different homologous recombination repair proteins such as xxxx, xxxx, xxxx, xxxx and effect of novel anticancer drugs on apoptosis and cancer (list all relevant collaborative workxxxx, p. xxx9, xxx; xxxx,) (more details in my CV).
I have extensive experience in protein biochemistry. I am well versed with Cloning, Site directed mutagenesis, Protein expression & purification, Protein characterization and protein-protein interactions, cell biology techniques such as cell culture maintenance, electroporation, transfection, transduction, and western blotting. I am experienced in protein crystallization, structure determination using molecular replacement and molecular modelling, dynamics and docking. However, I have an appetite to learn more interdisciplinary skills, and to solve a biologically relevant question.
I am applying for this position because I am interested to work on Structural Biology and Cellular Biochemistry. Opportunity to work on the proposed project will fulfil my ambition to become a successful researcher. I’m sure, I’ll grow under your competent supervision.
My future goal is research in integrative Structural biology that may help to understand the basic mechanisms of the disease or pathway. I want to pursue my career in research and academia.
Enclosed is a copy of my CV.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours Sincerely,
Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template I VacancyEdu.com #7
Dear Dr. xxx,
I have worked on cancer xxx during my Ph.D and with this letter; I would like to apply for the postdoctoral position in your laboratory as advertised on www.xxxx.org. Currently, I am finalizing my doctoral thesis and expecting to complete all the formalities of my doctoral degree by xxx/ xxx xxx.
I believe, the postdoc position in your laboratory will provide me an opportunity to further strengthen my current skills as well as learn new scientific methods to achieve my long term goal of establishing my independent research group.
From the days of my masters’ degree in biotechnology, I had a vivid interest in cancer biology; therefore, for PhD, I joined ‘xxxx Group’ headed by Dr. xxxx at xxx, xxx, India. Under my thesis title ‘xxxxx’, my work was focused on the understanding the mechanism of differential xx post-translational modifications in human xxxx cancer. By working with human tissue samples, animal model and several in-vitro studies, I could gain significant insight how different xxx alter with clinical parameters and can be helpful in defining filed cancerization. I could also dissect the regulatory pathway of xxx and identify its xxxx mediated increase in xxx cancer. Further, I also showed the synergistic effect of xxx inhibitors in combinatorial chemotherapy as pretreatment of xxx lead to the chromatin relaxation and increase in the amount of DNA bound chemotherapy drugs and cell death. Moreover, out of my immense interest in tumor microenvironment, I could also report that, how differential composition tumor microenvironment can give a false negative impression and attribute the expression of any protein to tumor cells. Apart from my thesis work, I have also worked on role of xxx variants in cancer and DNA damage response. From my PhD, I would get xxx first author papers (one is published and rest two will be uploaded soon) and a review article. I have also co-authored xxx papers and a book chapter in reputed journals and trained six students for their short term dissertation. Thus, during my PhD, I have got significant experience in the field of xxx as well as communication and leadership skills.
I am highly motivated, hardworking and results driven researcher. Taken together, based on my exposure and expertise gained during PhD, I find myself a suitable candidate for the postdoc position in your laboratory where I can both contribute to the ongoing research and propose and work on new questions at the same time.
I have enclosed a copy of my CV which includes a list of publications, contact details of the referees and a summary of my research experience. Thank you very much for your consideration and looking forward to hearing back from you.
Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template I VacancyEdu.com #8
Dear Dr. xxxxxx,
This is xxx from xxx Lab, xxxxx.
Here are some points may bring your attention:
· For Post-Doc position I’ll arrange my own fellowship through xxx-fellowship of xxxx. (If you ask for)
· I work in the field of xxx Biology.
· I am very much Interested in you lab and seeking a Post-Doctoral Position under your supervision.
· We have talked before in a Conference in xxx, India during xxxx.
I am a xxx year Ph.D. student working under the Guidance of Dr. xxx. This is my last year of the Ph.D. course and I will be getting my Degree in this year (Within xxx xxx). The Project I am working on is “xxxxxxx”. I have published my work in xxx international peer reviewed journals this year.
Our lab focus on xxx, the structural details of protein degradation process as well as its role in cellular homeostasis in normal and cancer cells. Recently we have reported a novel function of xxx as a xxx modulator, through its interaction with xxxx. Apart from that I am involved in a project to find out altered signaling pathway in cancer mediated by xxxx an oncoprotein involved in many cancers. I am also working towards understand the role of xxx in xxx stem cell differentiation. Although my PhD work is based on molecular cell biology I have a lot of interest in understanding the molecular mechanism of Protein degradation by xxx and its role in mammalian cell physiology. Since your lab is focusing on understanding the molecular mechanisms protein degradation in mitochondria as well as the fundamental details of structure and function of xxx and xxx, it would be great if I can get an opportunity to work with you as Post-Doc fellow and begin my real research career under your supervision. Since I would like to pursue my carrier in the xxx BIOLOGY, your research group found to be a best fit for me.
(I have attached my CV, and my xx published paper for your reference, please find the attachment).
Thanking you in anticipation for a reply.
Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template I VacancyEdu.com #9
Date: xx-xx-xxxx
Your name
Your affiliation address
Mob: xxxxxxxxxxxx
E-mail: xxxx@xxxxx
Dear Dr. xyz
Re: Postdoctoral position
I am writing to apply for the position of postdoctoral fellow in your laboratory at the University of Somewhere School of Medicine as advertised on xxxx.com. Currently, I am pursuing my Ph.D. in xxx with specialization in xxx under the guidance of Dr. xyz. During my doctoral studies, I have been working on the xxxxx. My Ph.D. thesis has been submitted, and final viva-voce examination is expected by mm-yyyy.
The fundamental aim of my doctoral research work was to discover [Briefly write about your research topic, key findings with citations if any]
In order to achieve my research endeavours, [Write about key techniques and assays you used to achieve your research goals].
Since you are seeking an individual interested in [Write about research areas they are looking for]; I consider myself a suitable candidate for this position with a working hand in [List few relevant expertise], which is well evident by my first-author publication on this subject (xyz et al, 20xx). Moreover, I have an experience in designing the experiments, writing the manuscript, and guiding other fellows. A postdoctoral position in your laboratory will further strengthen my research capabilities as an independent investigator.
I am attaching my most-updated CV, which includes list of publications and contact information of three referees. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.
Looking forward to listen from you Thank You
Sincerely ,
Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template I VacancyEdu.com #10
Dear Dr. xxx,
I am writing to indicate my interest for the position of postdoctoral fellow in your research group. Your research work is very much related to my research experiences. I have seen your nature of work and publications. I would love to be a part of such groups and thus would like to apply for the postdoctoral position.
I, XYZ, have completed my Ph.D. work in xxxx Research Institute (xxx, xxx, India) and submitted the thesis to xxx University. My thesis work is entitled as “Identification of molecular mechanism for XYZ”. I have expertise in animal handling, dosing, and dissection, especially in rat and mouse models. During my Ph.D., I got experience in primary cell culture and maintenance of cell lines, transfection, and siRNA.
I am well acquainted with various cell and molecular biology techniques such as DNA Isolation, RNA isolation, and Real Time-PCR along with protein analysis techniques including Native/denaturing PAGE, 2D gel electrophoresis, LC-MS, western blotting, co-immunoprecipitation and immunoprecipitation.
I have a deep interest in in vitro as well as animal model based mechanistic assessment of different cellular pathways using different molecular and cell biological techniques. My curriculum-vitae containing details of the referees and my research experience is attached with this mail along with the publications (first author).
These above mentioned reasons motivated and boosted my keenness to join your research group. I am looking forward to this potential opportunity. Anticipating for positive response.
Best Regards,
Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template I VacancyEdu.com #11
Dear Dr. xxx,
This is in reference to your advertisement on http://www.xxxx.com/ regarding postdoctoral position in your laboratory. I have worked on interaction of xxx in tumor biology and therapeutic interventions at xxx Research Institute, xxx, India under the mentorship of Dr. xxx (http://www.xxxx). I have successfully defended my doctoral research in xxx.
During my Ph.D, I have investigated role of xxx on xxx cancer progression and their molecular signaling involved. Enhanced xxx was found in tissue as well as in serum, and associated with poor and/or better outcome in clinical patients suggesting complex role of xxx in xxx cancer progression (xxxx et al; journal, xxxx). I investigated regulatory pathway of xxx in xxx cancer metastasis and identified xxx mediated invasion and migration of xxx cancer cells (Manuscript communicated). In addition, I have uncovered regulation of xxx by xxx and their dependency on xxx axis in xxx cancer cells (Manuscript under preparation). Moreover, I have elucidated crosstalk of autophagy and apoptosis induced by xxx analogue (xxxx et al; journal, xxxx). I further deciphered the role of xxx and DNA damage response pathway in anti-cancer activity of xxxx hybrid (xxxx et al; journal, xxxx). Apart from my thesis work, I have also worked on identification and mechanism of action of novel molecular entity against cancer (xxxx et al; journal; xxxx; xxxx et al; journal, xxxx; xxxx et al; journal, xxxx).
I believe postdoctoral position in your laboratory will provide me an opportunity to further strengthen my current skills as well as learn new scientific methods to achieve my long term goal of establishing my independent research group. I am a focused and hardworking researcher.
I have enclosed a copy of my curriculum vitae, which includes a list of publications and contact details of the referees.
Waiting to hear back from you.
P.S., CV in brief:
Name: xxx
Thesis title: xxxxx
Lab: xxxx’s lab (http://www.xxxx).
List of publications: First/equal first author-xx, Co-author-xx.
Research Interest: Cancer progression, metastasis, DNA damage, autophagy, therapeutic intervention and drug discovery.
PhD Application Cover Letter Template I VacancyEdu.com #12
Lab xxxx, xxxxx Division
xxxxx Institute,
xxxxx, India
Assistant Profesor
National Centre for Biomolecular Research
Masaryk University
Kamenice 5/A4
Brno 625 00
Czech Republic
xxxst, July xxxx
Dear Dr. xxxxx,
I am writing to apply for postdoc position (Biomolecular Chemistry-xxx lab) in your Group at National Centre for Biomolecular Research, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. I hold M.Sc degree with first division in Biotechnology from xxxx University, xxx-India. Currently I am a research fellow on a project “Elucidating the role of xxx and xxxx damage response pathways in novel Anti cancerous xxxx” at xxxx Research Institute, xxx, India.
I am a highly driven person, and my studies in Life Sciences have fuelled my motivation with passion. After completing my Masters, I have decided to prolong my stay at xxxx Institute xxxxx – India driven by my passion for science and the desire to learn as much as possible. I joined this institute to gain an upper hand in experimental expertise. In this time I have successfully carried a project on xxx damage and xxx pathway, aimed at elucidating the role of xxxx kinases in xxx phopshorylation upon drug-induced xxxx damage and showed that xxx binds to xxxx groove of xxxx to instigate xxxx damage and stabilizes xxx by post translational modification which in part causes perturbation of xxx interaction. For these studies, we employed various key concepts and techniques ranging from cell and molecular biology techniques which include but not limited to flowcytometry, western blotting, comet assay, confocal/fluorescence microscopy, Plasmid and siRNA transfection, in vitro kinase assay, in vivo ubiquitination assay, co-immunoprecipitation and chromatin-immunoprecipitation along with luciferase reporter assay. In addition I also worked in close association with clinicians on differential role of xxxx variants in regulating xxx for this I successfully cloned xxxx and xxxx with the help of site directed mutagenesis in third generation tet-on system and further made stable cell lines of xxx stably expressing these variants. In our lab we also demonstrated xxx induces ROS mediated xxxx through activation of endoplasmic reticulum stress and inhibition of xxx pathway (author et al, xxx) so I am well versed with experimental procedures associated with Autophagic studies. I also developed orthotopic syngenic murine mouth and breast cancer model. Thanks to these projects, I developed a keen interest in studying basic cellular processes, in particular DNA damage, Autophagy and their interplay with cancer risk. I now feel ready to undertake the challenge of a PhD. I want to pursue a career in science and I am fully aware of the fundamental importance of seeking the highest level of training, and of the necessity to expand my sphere both in terms of scientific and personal life.
While looking for a suitable PhD position, I found your lab, gone through your research attention and therefore decided to contact you for this PhD position, as it is a strong match and combine the fields I am passionate about with the added advantage of studies involving DDR pathways. This will positively help to expand my understanding of basic cellular processes in a physiological context, in particular during development. Importantly, this PhD would offer me the opportunity to join, one of the best Universities. Getting training here will be in my interest as Masaryk University is known for uncompromising in high quality of research. I would like to have this possible opportunity to receive the level of training that can be the foundation of my future scientific career, to broaden my horizons and develop as a scientist and as a person.
Please find the attached CV, I would like the opportunity to be interviewed and share more about my qualifications.
Thank you for your time and consideration and letting me know the possibilities.
xxxx, M.Sc
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- How to Write an Effective Cover Letter