26 Postdoctoral / Research Associate Positions at King’s College
London, UK
King’s College London, UK invites online Application for various Postdoctoral / Research Associate Position. We are providing a list of Postdoc positions available at King’s College London, UK.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Imaging Biology.
We are seeking a talented, highly motivated and enthusiastic Postdoctoral Research Associate with experience in the biological validation of molecular imaging agents to work in the Stasiuk group in the Department of Imaging Chemistry and Biology. The successful candidate will have extensive experience in in vitro cancer biology, in vivo tumour models, MRI imaging, be self-motivated, able to work independently, and will have excellent written and verbal communication skills.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 05-Apr-2021
(02) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate – Cancer Computational Scientist.
The Cancer Bioinformatics group (http://cancerbioinformatics.co.uk/) within the Breast Cancer NOW Unit, School of Cancer and Pharmaceutical Sciences, at King¿s College London, is currently seeking a Research Associate with expertise in machine learning and computer science in the field of translational cancer research to join our efforts in understanding the histological and molecular alterations of triple negative breast cancer. This position will function under the supervision of Dr. Anita Grigoriadis.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 11-Apr-2021
(03) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate, Addictions.
We are looking for an experienced researcher to work as part of a UK team conducting a Realist Evaluation of Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) and Injecting Equipment Provision (IEP) services across the UK. The aim of the study is to understand the contextual factors that impact on the use and effectiveness (engagement, retention and harm reduction) of opiate substitution therapy and needle and syringe service provision models for high-risk people who inject drugs in the UK as well as the cost of provision of these models.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 20-Apr-2021
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(04) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Medical Statistics/Health Economics.
We are seeking an enthusiastic individual with an interest in applied statistical methods and health economic analysis to work on an exciting programme of research funded by the Wellcome Trust, King’s Health Partners and the NIHR. The portfolio includes an evaluation of the implementation of art-based therapies within local populations at scale, as well as supporting a funded programme grant from Maudsley Charity, IMPHS (Integrating our Mental and Physical Healthcare System).
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 09-Apr-2021
(05) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Doctoral Fellow Diabetes Nursing.
The Foundation of European Nurses in Diabetes (FEND) Doctoral Fellowships have been created to give diabetes nurses the opportunity to undertake a PhD project that addresses an important clinical project relevant to the health and care needs of people with diabetes. The Fellows will work with the support of the current FEND Chair in Clinical Diabetes Nursing Professor Angus Forbes (who will supervise their PhD) and the wider diabetes research team at King¿s College London.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 25-Apr-2021
(06) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Statistical Genetics.
We are seeking a highly skilled postdoctoral researcher in statistical genetics to undertake applied and methodological research in cross disorder pathway analyses for psychiatric disorders.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 10-Apr-2021
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(07) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in the Department of Digital Humanities.
ISOOKO is an EU-funded international project (coordinated by King’s) that develops, pilots and evaluates a socio-technical process and platform allowing communities to engage actively with digital content and each other. The aim of the platform is to provide a digital space to support peace education and reconciliation in societies emerging from conflict. The platform is being piloted in two countries recovering from civil conflict, Rwanda and Kenya. ISOOKO has been following a `living labs’ methodology based on co-creation and community involvement in participatory design and evaluation events. The project uses mixed methods methodologies and data analytics to investigate how user communities interact with and respond to the platform and to evaluate the impact of the project. The person appointed to the role will be the primary researcher on the King’s team, responsible for the following (all in collaboration with staff from other project partners):
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 18-Apr-2021
(08) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate
This is an exciting opportunity for a post-doctoral researcher who wishes to work on adult social care within a thriving research team that enjoys collegiate working. The post is funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Applied Research Collaborative (ARC)¿s National Priority Social Care theme and is located within the ARC South London¿s social care theme at King¿s College London. The post will involve working on study/ies involving ARC South London social care and other ARC social care themes. This will be a great opportunity to learn about collaborative working and the NIHR ARC programmes of research which have a focus on the implementation of research into practice.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 18-Apr-2021
(09) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 08-Apr-2021
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(10) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Chinese Migration.
The Lau China Institute in the School of Global Affairs at King’s College, London, exists to conduct research on contemporary China, education (through a successful MSc China and Globalisation degree and over 30 doctoral students) and outreach. It has six academic staff, an international network of collaborations, and undertakes extensive public engagement.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 31-May-2021
(11) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate, Department of Psychological Medicine.
We are looking for a post-doctoral research associate with a background in mood disorders to join the Department of Psychological Medicine at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN), King’s College London. The appointee will join one of the world’s leading academic groups carrying out research in Translational Psychiatry.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 02-Apr-2021
(12) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in health psychology.
We are looking for a Research Associate to work on a Cancer Research UK-funded project aimed at investigating the feasibility and acceptability of providing support to patients who have been referred with suspected cancer on the two-week wait pathway, but who do not have cancer diagnosed at that time. This will help to ensure interventions to encourage early diagnosis of future cancer are implementable within NHS settings and acceptable to patients.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 18-Apr-2021
(13) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Epitope Discovery.
This post is made available through a Cancer Research UK – Programme Foundation Award. Dr Michele Mishto (Dep. of Immunobiology & CIBCI) is lead investigator of a project entitled “Identification of tumour-specific spliced epitopes to target large cohorts of cancer patients by immunotherapy”. The project is funded by Cancer Research UK (programme Foundation Award) for 6 years, beginning in 2021.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 19-Apr-2021
(14) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate
We are seeking to employ a mixed methods researcher to join a multi-disciplinary team led from King’s College London (KCL) and including GamCare, the UK’s largest gambling support charity, to work on a study to develop a ‘trigger’ question to identify people affected by gambling-related harms. This one-item screening question will then be tested out in three Local Authorities (LAs).
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 19-Apr-2021
(15) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in the Department of Digital Humanities.
ISOOKO is an EU-funded international project (coordinated by King’s) that develops, pilots and evaluates a socio-technical process and platform allowing communities to engage actively with digital content and each other. The aim of the platform is to provide a digital space to support peace education and reconciliation in societies emerging from conflict. The platform is being piloted in two countries recovering from civil conflict, Rwanda and Kenya. ISOOKO has been following a `living labs’ methodology based on co-creation and community involvement in participatory design and evaluation events. The project uses mixed methods methodologies and data analytics to investigate how user communities interact with and respond to the platform and to evaluate the impact of the project.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 18-Apr-2021
(16) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Assistant or Associate – Bioinformatician.
The Centre for Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine is located in Guy’s Hospital. It is internationally recognized for research on adult and pluripotent stem cells and is a focus for cutting-edge stem cell research currently taking place across the College and its partner NHS trusts, as part of King’s Health Partners. Through the Centre, King’s aims to drive collaboration between scientists and clinicians to translate the potential of stem cells into clinical reality for patients.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 12-Apr-2021
(17) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Centre for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine.
Two Postdoctoral Research Associate positions (PDRA) are available in the Spagnoli lab. in the Centre for Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine at King’s College, London. Our team uses interdisciplinary approaches to study pancreatic development and stem cells. The candidates will join a Wellcome Trust-funded research programme aiming at studying the pancreatic tissue environment in all its complexity using cutting-edge models.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 15-May-2021
(18) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate
We are seeking a post-doctoral researcher with a strong experience in nonlinear and ultrafast optics in applications to plasmonic or dielectric metamaterials and metasurfaces to join our team working on the ERC Advanced Grant Integrating Complex Vector Beams and Active Metasurface Devices. The project is led by Professor Anatoly Zayats of the Department of Physics, King’s College London.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 15-Apr-2021
(19) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate
An exciting opportunity is available to work in an internationally-prominent multidisciplinary epilepsy research team. The postholder will play a central role in both acquiring and analysing data for a major research project that will assess the mental health needs and outcomes of young people with epilepsy that could transform our understanding of mental health in epilepsy
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 11-Apr-2021
(20) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate / Research Fellow in Radiochemistry for Cell and Nanomedicine Imaging.
We are looking for a Research Associate / Research Fellow in Radiochemistry for Cell and Nanomedicine imaging with expertise and skills in radiochemistry for cell and nanomedicine labelling and PET imaging, including nanoparticle characterisation and preclinical evaluation in models of disease. This role will encompass varied responsibilities, including work on a wide range of collaborative projects. The PDRA will perform preclinical research in radiochemistry including preparation and radiolabelling of small molecules, biomolecules, nanoparticles and cells, and in vitro and in vivo biological studies, including preclinical imaging (mainly PET, but also potentially SPECT, optical and MRI). The primary objective will be to work collaboratively with internationally-leading research groups in the area of cell and nanomedicine-based therapies, to drive the integration of the novel radiolabelling and imaging tools developed within the programme with the preclinical and clinical development of these therapies.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 17-Apr-2021
(21) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate – Randall Centre for Cell and Molecular Biophysics.
The post is funded by the British Heart Foundation to test the effect of specific genetic variants on cardiac contractility. This collaborative and interdisciplinary project combines expertise and technology from three research groups within the BHF Centre of Excellence at King’s. The successful candidate will contribute to the generation of a new animal model via gene editing, characterise the cyto-architecture of the cardiac muscle cell using superresolution microscopy, and perform combined mechanical and structural experiments.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 06-Apr-2021
(22) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate –Nanomedicine.
This position is to conduct and complete an ERC-funded project. The project develops a bone regeneration strategy using a nano drug delivery system based on porous silicon, for the combined, sustained release of lithium and silicon ions. Using lithiation strategies adapted from battery technologies, the researcher will develop silicon nanoparticles incorporating lithium within their crystal structure, capable of regulating the release of silicon and lithium ions. The nanoparticles will be formulated for 3D printing and used as a biodegradable scaffold to support the regeneration of bone in vitro and in vivo through established collaborations.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 18-Apr-2021
(23) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in the Department of Chemistry
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 21-Apr-2021
(24) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in the Department of Physics
This position is for a researcher to assist with research projects concerning problems in particle astrophysics and cosmology, including dark matter, baryogenesis, models of inflation and possible sources of gravitational waves. Successful candidates will be expected both to collaborate with existing members of the group and to lead their own research projects in these areas. We are particularly interested in candidates open to interacting with group members working on gravitational physics and applications of theoretical physics.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 11-Apr-2021
(25) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate (Maternity Cover) in Centre for Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine.
The Centre for Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine is located in Guy¿s Hospital and is a focus for the cutting-edge stem cell research currently taking place across the College and its partner NHS trusts, as part of King¿s Health Partners. Through the Centre, King¿s aims to drive collaboration between scientists and clinicians to translate the potential of stem cells into clinical reality for patients.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 11-Apr-2021
(26) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in the Department of Digital Humanities.
ISOOKO is an EU-funded international project (coordinated by King’s) that develops, pilots and evaluates a socio-technical process and platform allowing communities to engage actively with digital content and each other. The aim of the platform is to provide a digital space to support peace education and reconciliation in societies emerging from conflict. The platform is being piloted in two countries recovering from civil conflict, Rwanda and Kenya. ISOOKO has been following a `living labs’ methodology based on co-creation and community involvement in participatory design and evaluation events. The project uses mixed methods methodologies and data analytics to investigate how user communities interact with and respond to the platform and to evaluate the impact of the project.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 18-Apr-2021
About King’s College London –Official Website
King’s College London is a public research university located in London, United Kingdom, and a founding college and member institution of the federal University of London. King’s was established in 1829 by King George IV and Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, when it received its first royal charter (as a university college), and is one of the oldest universities in England. In 1836, King’s became one of the two founding colleges of the University of London. In the late 20th century, King’s grew through a series of mergers, including with Queen Elizabeth College and Chelsea College of Science and Technology (in 1985), the Institute of Psychiatry (in 1997), the United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals and the Florence Nightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery (in 1998).
King’s has five campuses: its historic Strand Campus in central London, three other Thames-side campuses (Guy’s, St Thomas’ and Waterloo) nearby and one in Denmark Hill in south London. It also has a presence in Shrivenham for its professional military education and in Newquay, Cornwall, where its information service centre is based. In 2019/20, King’s had a total income of £964.3 million, of which £200.5 million was from research grants and contracts. It has the fourth largest endowment of any university in the United Kingdom, and the largest of any in London. It is the 12th largest university in the United Kingdom by total enrolment. Its academic activities are organised into nine faculties, which are subdivided into numerous departments, centres, and research divisions.
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