Aalto University, Finland invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Aalto University, Finland.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Researcher, developing hydrogen electrode to meet the circular economy principles
The number electrolysers for hydrogen generation are expected to increase drastically as industry, energy and traffic sectors strive to cut emissions. Yet, electrolysers fabrication requires utilization of non-renewable minerals, e.g. platinum group metals for polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyser (PEMEL) electrodes to catalyse the reactions. Both mineral processing to fabricate these materials and their recycling after the end of the device lifespan consume energy and chemicals creating a tremendous pressure for developing more sustainable electrocatalysts and electrodes, which meet the circular economy principles.
We have a position for a doctoral student working on development of more sustainable electrocatalysis and recycling. Your project will focus on developing material and energy efficient electrocatalyst and electrodes for hydrogen generation in PEMELs alongside with development of a novel recycling method for these. This position is part of the doctoral school of Aalto Hydrogen Innovation Center, which will be supported by common seminars, networking activities and contact with industry. You will work in two leading groups (https://www.aalto.fi/en/department-of-chemistry-and-materials-science/electrochemical-energy-conversion-and-storage and https://www.aalto.fi/en/department-of-chemical-and-metallurgical-engineering/hydrometallurgy-and-corrosion-hydromet) in the fields of hydrogen electrocatalysis and recycling at the Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering enabling you to grow as a top scientist in both fields. Also top-level research infrastructure will support your research.
If you are creative and diligent and have completed a MSc degree in electrochemistry, chemical engineering, material science or equivalent field, you might be the doctoral student we are looking for to join our teams. We appreciate good research project management skills and collaboration skills, as you will work in the interphase of two research groups.
Deadline : 9.8.2024
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Candidate in Computational Geometry
We are looking for a Doctoral Candidate to join our computational geometry team on the grant entitled “Algorithms in hyperbolic geometry” funded by the Research Council of Finland. Computational geometry is the theoretical basis for all types of geometric processing of data, and it is an important and vibrant area of Theoretical Computer Science. The research of the doctoral candidate will be about data structures, algorithms, and computational complexity in Euclidean and especially non-Euclidean (e.g. hyperbolic) settings. The team The daily supervision will be carried out by Assistant Professor Sándor Kisfaludi-Bak. The computational geometry team will have one other PhD student and one or two postdoctoral researchers. There is also a strong presence of Theoretical Computer Science at Aalto, with several professors and their groups working on nearby fields of algorithms. Your role and goals Your primary role as a doctoral candidate in the computational geometry team is to train and work as a researcher, together with the local team or other collaborators. You will do theoretical research as well as write and publish high-quality research articles for top conferences and journals of the field. You will have a chance to grow your international and professional network by travelling to and presenting at conferences and workshops. By the end of your studies, you will be an independent researcher, and write a doctoral dissertation summarizing your scientific contributions. In addition to research work, PhD candidates are expected to participate in teaching in accordance with the institution’s standard practices. Your experience and ambitions We welcome outstanding and motivated applicants with a master’s degree in computer science, mathematics, or other closely related area. We hope that applicants have a strong background in algorithms and discrete mathematics, and a deep interest in geometry. Experience with hyperbolic geometry is not required. What we offer We offer a two-year fixed-term contract with the possibility for a two-year extension, during which you will be working towards your Doctoral dissertation. The employment is a full-time paid position with occupational health care. The starting monthly salary in the position is 2747,07 euros. There is also generous financial support available for international research visits and conference attendance. Ready to apply? Please submit your application via our electronic recruitment system. The application form will close on 11 August 2024 at 23:59 Finnish time (UTC +3). If you are currently working at Aalto University, please submit your application via HR System Workday (Career – Find jobs – Apply). Please be prepared to add the following attachments:
Deadline : 11.8.2024
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Researcher in Statistical Machine Learning
We are looking for a doctoral researcher (PhD student) with a strong mathematical background and/or strong programming abilities to work on statistical machine learning, specifically simulation-based inference (see project description below). The position is based at the Probabilistic Machine Learning group of the Department of Computer Science at Aalto University, Finland. You will be supervised by Dr. Ayush Bharti and Prof. Samuel Kaski. The project involves close collaboration with Assoc. Prof. F-X Briol and his research group on the Fundamentals of Statistical Machine Learning at University College London (UCL), including funding for research visits to UCL. There are also opportunities to collaborate with other groups in the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence.
Dr. Bharti is an independent research fellow supported by the Academy Research Fellowship of the Research Council of Finland. This funding is provided to support him in establishing his research group in the field of simulation-based inference. Prof. Kaski is Professor of Computer Science in Aalto University and Professor of AI in the University of Manchester. He is Director of Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence and ELLIS Unit Helsinki, and Research Director of the Pankhurst Institute for Healthcare Technology.
Deadline : 15.8.2024
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral researcher to study wave-ice interaction through laboratory experiments
Marginal ice zone (MIZ) is the transition from ice-free ocean to the pack ice, characterized by ice-ocean dynamics and discrete ice floes. In MIZ, waves have an effect on sea ice and sea ice effects the waves. We can assume that with global warming the MIZs of the oceans will grow in size, because the thinner ice of the future will break more easily than the thicker ice of yesterday. If earlier either thick ice or high waves were challenging for ships and offshore windfarms, we now need to consider also the situation where ice and waves occur at the same time. The sea ice landscape has changed: What was marginal, is now important.
The scientific interest in wave-ice interaction has recently increased spectacularly, but our knowledge on ship-wave-ice interaction is still limited. We can speculate that ice floes moving with waves are more dangerous for ships than ice floes in calm water, but as we do not understand the mechanics of ship-wave-ice interaction processes, we just do not know. While this problem is practical and related to safety of shipping, fundamental basic research is required in order to identify and understand the key physical phenomena. In addition to marine technology, wave-ice interaction is an important research question in geophysics.
Your task is to design and conduct laboratory experiments on ship-wave-ice interaction in the Aalto Ice and Wave Tank. Our ice tank is unique due to its large size (40 m × 40 m). Most ice tanks are long and narrow and most wave tanks are wide. The Aalto Ice and Wave Tank is the only wide tank where both ice and waves can be created. At the moment we are constructing a new wave maker that will allow us to study short-crested irregular waves. In addition to laboratory experiments, our international group studies ice, waves, and ice loads on ships on research vessels in Antarctic waters.
As a doctoral student in our group, you will be able to conduct novel laboratory experiments and may be able to join us in Antarctic field work.
Deadline :31.8.2024
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral researcher in the field of sustainability in packaging in the Science Translation Framework for Sustainable Bioproducts Innovation (SciSustain)
Sustainable development requires science-based decision-making to improve and implement solutions that mitigate climate change. However, translating scientific findings is complex and requires a collaborative, multidisciplinary, holistic, robust, and reliable approach to exploring the economic, technical, environmental, and social aspects of bioproduct solutions. SciSustain combines translational engineering research and consolidated sustainability methods in a framework for supporting sustainable bioproduct innovation. The framework is designed to assess innovations and suggest novel approaches to improving sustainability and circularity in packaging.
This project is under the Valmet Beyond Circularity and brings together anchor firms such as UPM, Stora Enso and Metsä as well as Paptic – a rapidly growing SME, and LignEasy and Boreal Bioproducts – startups challenging the status quo of side streams valorization. These seven companies have united forces with Aalto and a multidisciplinary team to translate science. Are you up for this challenge? Join us!
Deadline : 25.7.2024
(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral researcher in circularity, environmental and economic impact of wood cascading
Wood construction can play a significant role in mitigating climate change; however, we need to use forest resources thoughtfully to maximize their carbon sequestration potential, ensure their health, preserver biodiversity and maintain ecosystems services. Reusing and recycling wood products in a material cascade can improve the environmental performance of wood construction as well as enhance resource efficiency. Furthermore, cascading wood products can lead to value creation through the provision of services to circulate side-products and use waste materials. Despite this, the uptake of wood cascading has been slow due to concerns about the availability and quality of waste wood, competing regulations and a lack of markets for cascaded wood products. In particular, a lack of more convincing information about the environmental, social, and economic benefits of wood cascading is hindering uptake.
Deadline : 11.8.2024
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Researcher, identifying and measuring Nordic energy poverty
We are now looking for a Doctoral Researcher, who is interested in the social justice of energy transition, to work in the EP-Nordic project (https://research.fi/en/results/funding/81440). Energy poverty is scarcely studied research field in Nordic countries, but recent energy crises demonstrated that vulnerabilities to energy poverty persist also here. EP-Nordic, funded by the Research Council of Finland, targets to identify and map energy poverty in the context of Nordic welfare states and produces appropriate ways for measuring its extent and depth. Doctoral Researcher can also partner in other relevant projects including ORSI (https://www.ecowelfare.fi/).
The main duty of a Doctoral Researcher is conducting doctoral research, including research planning, literature reviews, conceptual work, interviewing vulnerable consumers, collecting and analysing research material (such as statistical and survey data), reporting and publishing results, and writing research articles and collaborating with other Nordic researchers. The target time for completing a doctoral degree at Aalto University is four years. Doctoral Researcher position also includes some teaching duties.
Deadline : 15.8.2024
About Aalto University, Finland –Official Website
Aalto University is a university located in Espoo, Finland. It was established in 2010 as a merger of three major Finnish universities: the Helsinki University of Technology (established 1849), the Helsinki School of Economics (established 1904), and the University of Art and Design Helsinki (established 1871). The close collaboration between the scientific, business and arts communities is intended to foster multi-disciplinary education and research. The Finnish government, in 2010, set out to create a university that fosters innovation, merging the three institutions into one.
The university is composed of six schools with close to 17,500 students and 4,000 staff members, making it Finland’s second largest university. The main campus of Aalto University is located in Otaniemi, Espoo. Aalto University Executive Education operates in the district of Töölö, Helsinki. In addition to the Greater Helsinki area, the university also operates its Bachelor’s Programme in International Business in Mikkeli and the Metsähovi Radio Observatory in Kirkkonummi.
Aalto University’s operations showcase Finland’s experiment in higher education. The Aalto Design Factory, Aalto Ventures Program and Aalto Entrepreneurship Society (Aaltoes), among others, drive the university’s mission for a radical shift towards multidisciplinary learning and have contributed substantially to the emergence of Helsinki as a hotbed for startups.Aaltoes is Europe’s largest and most active student run entrepreneurship community that has founded major concepts such as the Startup Sauna accelerator program and the Slush startup event.
The university is named in honour of Alvar Aalto, a prominent Finnish architect, designer and alumnus of the former Helsinki University of Technology, who was also instrumental in designing a large part of the university’s main campus in Otaniemi.
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