University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Quantum Chips: integrating micron-scale optoelectronic components for scaling of quantum technologies on-chip
Deadline : Friday 28 February 2025
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Physicochemical impact of cyclical Cold Climate, Glaciation and Permafrost perturbances on Geological Disposal Facility host rocks and engineered barrier materials (PICCY)
Deadline : Friday 28 February 2025
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Metasurfaces for quantum networks
Deadline : Friday 7 February 2025
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Perovskites for Quantum Technologies: collective excitonic states in quantum dot supracrystals for bright and fast microscopic light sources
Key objectives for this project include:
- Synthesis and characterization of perovskite nanocrystals and supracrystals: the student will develop and refine protocols for synthesizing perovskite quantum dots, followed by their controlled self-assembly into supracrystals.
- Demonstrating superfluorescence and laser oscillation: by carefully characterizing the photophysical properties of these supracrystals, the project aims to achieve superfluorescence and explore its enhancement via the cavity effect of a supracrystal. Laser oscillation will also be targeted, with a focus on achieving lower emission thresholds to facilitate highly efficient laser sources suitable for both classical and quantum optical applications.
- Investigating lead-free perovskite alternatives: to address environmental concerns associated with traditional lead-based perovskites, the project will explore the synthesis and integration of lead-free perovskite materials, such as CsCuX₃ (X = halide). This aspect will examine whether these materials can match the performance metrics of their lead-based counterparts, contributing to the development of safer, sustainable photonic devices.
Deadline : Friday 7 February 2025
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Computing with photonic quantum systems
Loss is ubiquitous in natural systems, due to interactions with their environment. For information processing, it is a way to lose entropy, which is arguably what you need to
do to extract only the salient features from data. Instead of seeing loss as an imperfection to be engineered around, can we harness it? For example, the natural properties of photons include that they aren’t conserved – one photon can be split into two lower energy photons. As part of a funded research project, we are currently developing ways to compute that use photon loss -and gain – as features, not bugs.
This PhD project will start from these novel ways to compute and develop the potential applications they are most suited for, devising test algorithms that can be run on existing hardware, such as the photonic quantum computer hosted by the National Quantum Computing Centre. There are many possible directions the research could take, and there will be freedom to explore multiple promising avenues depending on your interest
Deadline : Friday 7 February 2025
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Vortex pinning dynamics in a quantum fluid
Originally discovered in liquid helium, superfluidity is an example of quantum mechanics on the macro-scale, where useful bulk behaviour (fluid flow without viscosity) arises from the cooperative behaviour of many tiny particles. This macroscopic quantum behaviour is found in systems as disparate as extremely dense and relatively hot neutron stars, and ultracold dilute-gas Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs), and has direct parallels to another important macroscopic quantum effect – superconductivity (flow of charge without resistance). This research project will explore the role that vortices, quantum whirlpools, play in both supporting and destroying such useful bulk quantum properties.
In particular, you will study the interaction between vortices and pinning potentials, of relevance to almost all superfluid and superconducting systems. Free vortices are associated with energy dissipation in both systems, meaning that engineering defects for vortex pinning is a key part of the design of high-temperature superconductors. On the cosmological scale, vortex depinning is expected to be at the heart of the internal dynamics of pulsars and neutron stars, offering an explanation for the peculiar glitches that are observed as the star slows its rotation. Superfluids formed of ultracold atoms provide an extremely clean and well-controlled system for studies of collective quantum behaviour in general, and vortex pinning dynamics in particular. They enable exquisite control over interactions, geometry, and vortex nucleation. Pinning potentials can be created with laser beams and arbitrarily reconfigured, and vortices can be directly imaged with standard optics and a camera. Importantly, in superfluids formed of mixtures of ultracold atoms we can tune the interactions to emphasize quantum effects such as fluctuations.
Deadline :Friday 7 February 2025
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Superabsorption with 3-level emitters
Superabsorption [1], the process by which an ensemble of atoms collectively enhances the rate at which it converts radiation energy into electronic excitation has been proposed in a variety of nanostructures such as arrays of quantum dots, molecular rings, and recently experimentally demonstrated with atomic [3] and molecular systems [4] where it was enabled by highly sophisticated control approaches. However, the exotic experimental conditions that were required present an impediment to harnessing the effect for practical applications.
In this project, we will study a promising different approach for realising superabsorption under much less demanding conditions. Specifically, we shall study a collection of three level emitters inside a conventional microcavity. In this setup, the necessary quantum control is provided by an external global microwave drive which allows the coherent suppression of emission pathways [2].
Deadline : Friday 7 February 2025
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Thermal effects in cryogenic electronics for quantum computing
This PhD will focus on the development of experimental techniques for accurate on-chip thermal assessment and management. The student will address the following critical challenges:
- Development of novel on-die thermometry techniques using diodes, transistor gate electrodes and CMOS-compatible superconductors.
- Chip-scale thermal mapping based on local heat sources and sensors under realistic operational conditions for quantum computing.
- Thermally accurate circuit modelling aimed at both quantum and classical chip designs
Deadline : Friday 7 February 2025
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Dynamics of spontaneous magnetic multipole ordering
Magnetic properties of materials have been under intense scrutiny for decades, motivated on the one hand by the constant need to improve storage applications to meet the requirements of our modern information society and on the other hand by complex and yet not fully understood fundamental phenomena such their connection to high-Tc superconductivity and new phases like altermagnetism with potential long-term applications. Exotic magnetic properties associated to high-order multipole states (quadrupole and beyond) in heavy-fermion metals have also recently attracted interest, not the least due to the connection to unconventional superconductivity [1,2].
Motivated by these questions, the project will investigate quadrupolar and dipolar ordering in a cold atom system of rubidium atoms with light-induced magnetic interactions. Note that in contrast to other quantum simulation schemes, we are operating with real spin in real magnetic fields and not pseudo-spins in synthetic gauge fields. In this well-controlled system, spontaneous quadrupolar ordering linked to anti-ferromagnetic dipolar ordering is found similar to the condensed-matter systems [3-5]. Recently, we observed a spontaneously drifting multipolar spin density wave, an out-of-equilibrium generalization of sliding spin density waves [6], but many aspects of the dynamics are still unclear.
The project is aimed at a detailed imaging and understanding of the magnetic atomic structure by optical and microwave means by measurements of the complete Stokes parameters of the transmitted pump and dedicated probe beams. It will analyse the excitation spectrum of the system (magnons) above and below the threshold of ordering and look at the mechanisms responsible for the stabilization of the particular phases, in particular the highly interesting time-dependent phase and its relation to dissipative time crystals. We will look at the possibility of skyrmions and magnetic bubbles and their switching dynamics, which are currently discussed for spintronic quantum technologies. In addition, the investigations have an interdisciplinary aspect as the spontaneous emergence of the coupled magnetic light-spin structures has common features with self-organization and nonlinear dynamics in fields like hydrodynamics, biology and chemistry.
Deadline : Friday 7 February 2025
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Optical and photonic integration in microfabricated quantum magnetometers
Progressing quantum magnetometry in defence and security applications, such as airborne navigation and maritime situational awareness requires reliable low size, weight and power (SWaP) sensors to be used in conjunction with complementary sensing modalities (e.g. sonar, gravimetry, ground penetrating radar). Data fusion with these technologies makes new requirements for quantum magnetic sensors which are best addressed by development of devices exploiting microfabrication of optical-atomic systems to achieve better encapsulation and ruggedisation. Development of integration of light sources, polarising optics and detection into the microfabricated atomic cell will be a significant enabling step in the transfer of quantum magnetometers from an R&D prototype to a reproducible, reliable and scalable component. The development of these techniques will exploit recent advances in photonic integration. New research in optical magnetometry of use in biomedical applications, such as unshielded magnetoencephalography and transcranial magnetic stimulation, will also inform the development of novel sensing schemes enabling higher dynamic range and measurement responsivity.
Deadline : Friday 7 February 2025
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Vectorised absolute geomagnetic optical magnetometer
Optically pumped quantum magnetometers, exploiting long-coherence time magnetic resonances in the ground state of thermal alkali vapours, now offer sensitivity to geomagnetic fields (50 micro-tesla) at parts-per-billion (sub-pico-tesla) sensitivity, exceeding that of the best classical sensors by an order of magnitude or more. Recent developments at Strathclyde, using unique mass-produced alkali vapour atomic cells, chip-scale lasers, additively manufactured optomechanical housings and novel digital signal processing, have achieved this sensitivity in pocket-sized sensor packages.
One of the great advantages of quantum magnetometry based on alkali vapours is that these measurements uniquely combine sensitivity and an absolute measurement, calibrated by physical constants to a well-defined frequency scale. Classical inductive sensors suffer from irreducible thermal scale factor drifts, and proton magnetometers cannot be operated with sufficient bandwidth and sensitivity for a standalone measurement in most applications. Systematic elimination and calibrated vectorisation (using Serson’s method, or phase harmonic analysis, developed at Strathclyde) of alkali quantum magnetometers offers a self-calibrated, compact technology for measurements outside magnetic shielding.
Deadline : Friday 7 February 2025
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Four-wave mixing and memories in atomic vapours
This project seeks to develop a dual-species platform for quantum computing and simulation with neutral atoms, providing a route to implementing active quantum error correction essential for future scaling beyond 100 qubits. This hardware will simultaneously provide a versatile platform for analogue computing and simulation due to the ability to independently control inter- and intra-species interactions, providing a route to performing studies of complex many-body physics as well as increasing the diversity of real-world optimisation problems that can be tackled using neutral atom hardware.
Over the last decade, neutral atoms have emerged as one of the most promising platforms for quantum information processing, with a major advantage over competing technologies arising from the ability to scale to large numbers of identical qubits as required for performing practical quantum computing. To date, several experiments have demonstrated trapping of qubit arrays with > 256 qubits. To couple neutral atom qubits, highly excited Rydberg states are used which have extremely large electric dipole moments giving rise to strong and controllable interactions. These can be exploited to perform high fidelity multi-qubit gates, with F>0.95 demonstrated for two qubits and intrinsic fidelities of F>0.995 for multi-qubit gates, or for performing quantum simulation of controllable spin models as required for studying materials or solving optimisation problems.
Deadline : Friday 7 February 2025
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Leverhulme Doctoral School in Nature Inspired Acoustics – Sensors & Devices
The interdisciplinary Leverhulme Doctoral School in Nature-Inspired Acoustics (NIA) is seeking excellent candidates for its second cohort of PhD students.
Biomimicry studies nature’s scientific principles and uses them as inspiration for designs or processes with the goal of solving human problems. The interdisciplinary research of the doctoral school aims to pioneer discoveries in basic materials science and measurement sciences to develop technologies for creating complex biomimetic acoustic structures and to develop biomimetic sensors such as miniaturised, low-energy, insect-inspired antennae.
Within physical sciences, biologically-inspired technology in acoustics has been explored in many systems from insects to mammals. Miniaturised devices inspired by insects are potentially useful for distributed sensing, integrating a variety of sensors for acoustics, temperature, pathogens, etc. To date such state-of-the-art devices only approximately replicate the biological form rather than the complex structural and signal processing functionalities of insect systems, require a significant power supply, and are far less durable. In collaboration with the other themes within the doctoral school the sensors and devices research students will focus on developing new nature-inspired sensors integrating biomimetic structure and function and enabling low-energy distributed sensing.
Deadline : Sunday 31 August 2025
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Chip-scale atomic platforms for timing and sensing
The separation of atomic energy levels provides previously unobtainable accuracy and precision in metrology, with a système international (SI) traceable reference to frequency and length, which are intrinsically tied to the definition of other SI units such as temperature and voltage. Instrumentation that utilises atomic spectroscopy for metrology remain at the state-of-the-art for atomic clocks, magnetometers and wavelength references. On-chip atomic systems offer a simplicity and design versatility that has found application in the measurement of physical quantities such as time, length, magnetic field, and rotation, finding commercial deployment in navigation, medicine, surveyance and communication. However, the performance trade-offs made to scale down these early proof-of-principle apparatus have largely hindered the capabilities of field deployable atomic sensors. The proposed research will facilitate the needs of a growing quantum technology market through the development of comprehensive chip-scale platforms that are adaptable to a plethora of field-deployable sensing applications.
The research within this project is focused on the miniaturisation of cold-atom systems for chip-scale position navigation and timing. The project will investigate the integration of micro-fabricated components for laser cooling, such as micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS) vacuum cells for cold atom physics [1,2]. This study will evaluate cell pressure and alkali density longevity as we explore new mechanisms for mass producibility and vapour cell isolation. This technology is built upon previous research our team has led over the past decade, where microfabricated cold and thermal atom systems have been fabricated and used in the construction of atomic wavelength references [2,3] and clocks. Beyond the platform engineering, the project will utilise the chip-scale platform for microwave atomic clock measurements, with an outlook to fully integrated approach to cold atom metrology. The hybridised micro-engineering and atomic metrology research of this project advances the state-of-art in chip-scale capabilities while providing a sovereign lab-on-a-chip research programme.
Deadline : Friday 7 February 2025
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Nanodiamonds for sub-cellular quantum thermometry in living organisms
The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) defect in diamond is an optically-active colour centre that shows much promise for all-optical sensing. Its ground state is a spin-triplet that has been investigated as a potential qubit. The interaction of the system with the environment also allows detection of magnetic fields and, through the frequency shift of a microwave-frequency spin-resonance, temperature. Current measurements use pulsed control of the spin state of the NV centre to enact rephasing of the spin, allowing decoupling of the system from environmental noise while retaining sensitivity to the parameters being measured.
In addition, even when embedded in nanodiamond (typically diamond particles smaller than a few hundred nanometers), the NV centre retains the ability to be used as an effective sensor. Diamond is biologically inert, yet can be functionalised through surface chemistry modifications to target structures of interest within cells. Nanodiamond therefore offers an exciting route to all-optical, sub-cellular detection of biological activity.
Deadline : Friday 7 February 2025
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Matter-wave interferometry in microphotonic waveguides
The aim of this project is the demonstration of integrated atomic-optical systems for matter-wave interferometry. It builds on existing activities at Strathclyde in atom interferometry with coherent matter-waves and work on developing miniaturised technology for rotation sensing. An exciting geometry for this is the use of atomic waveguides, the analogue of fibre-optics for atoms, which would allow the atomic wavefunction to propagate in a near perfect environment. A coherent matter wave confined in a ring trap is formally equivalent to the coherent laser field in a ring cavity, known from the ring laser gyro. The interesting difference is that the sensitivity to phase rotation scales with the relativistic energy of the particle/wave involved. This scaling offers an increase in sensitivity per quantum particle of over ten orders of magnitude when comparing atoms to photons. There are many hurdles to a practical realisation; however, a significantly increased sensitivity seems achievable. Our research programme uses quantum gases, cooled to ultra-low temperatures to create Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs). These BECs are a powerful and adaptable tool for precision measurement, providing control over the atomic wavefunction in much the same way that a laser allows control over light.
Deadline : Friday 7 February 2025
(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Advancing the performance of the next-generation of compact optical atomic clocks
Atomic clocks are the hidden-in-plain-sight quantum technology that modern society is reliant upon. Since their invention over 50 years ago, atomic clocks have been applied to an increasing range of applications with demanding requirements on timing and frequency stability. These range from the clocks in GPS satellites, to time-delay enabled earthquake detection, to high-bandwidth telecommunications, to the stability of electrical grids.
Moving from microwave to optical clocks provides orders of magnitude improvement in performance. However, the widespread employment of ultracold optical clocks is hindered by two features: their inherent complexity, and the sensitivity to vibrations and accelerations that are counter-intuitively introduced by use of laser-cooled atoms. The former limits the SWAP-C, while the latter effectively precludes the operation of an ultracold optical clock on a moving platform.
This project will involve the study of optical atomic clocks, with the goal of demonstrating a compact and accurate atomic sensor. This project will build on the joint expertise at Strathclyde and the Fraunhofer Centre for Applied Photonics to develop a compact atomic clock systems for portable operation, while providing performance beyond the commercial state-of-the-art. Specific areas of expertise to be explored at the construction and development of narrow-linewidth lasers for low-noise interrogation, optimised optical system design for compact optical clocks, maximising the signal-to-noise ratio of background-free detection channels, and a broad exploration of atom-light interactios in atomic gasses. You will gain knowledge of atom-laser interactions and engineering techniques to bridge the technology gap between lab-based and field-grade devices.
Deadline : Friday 7 February 2025
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Quantum simulation of correlated many-body phases
Quantum Simulation seeks to gain fundamental insight into the behaviour of complex quantum systems, which underlie diverse fields ranging from materials science to chemistry and biology. New understanding can now be gained by modelling (or simulating) this behaviour with experiments that are controllable on a microscopic, quantum-mechanical level.
Within this PhD project, we will use ultracold atoms in optical lattices in a quantum-gas microscope setup, with the capabilities of single-site-resolved atom detection. We will will build on new experimental capabilities in our setup able to generate arbitrary light potentials by spatial light modulators that are projected onto the atoms with a high-resolution microscope [1,2].
Within the first part of this PhD project, we will apply our dynamically programmable light potentials in a new context: the study of Mott insulating states in quasi one-dimensional quantum systems. Our goal is to observe ‘rung’ Mott insulating states, which form in ladder systems at exactly half filling [3,4]. In such a state, atoms delocalize over each rung of the lattice while the overall many-body quantum state remains insulating.
Deadline : Friday 7 February 2025
(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Theory and simulations of frequency combs in micro-ring resonators
Frequency combs are spectra consisting of a series of discrete, equally spaced elements and form the modern standard of optical frequencies and clocks. Frequency combs led to the Nobel Prize in Physics to John Hall and Theodor Hänsch in 2005. Micro-resonator-based frequency combs have attracted a lot of attention for their potential applications in precision metrology, gas sensing, arbitrary optical waveform generation, quantum technologies, telecommunication and integrated photonic circuits. Micro-resonator combs are generated in ultra-high-Q optical resonators that enable the confinement of extremely high optical power levels in very small mode-volumes. The high optical power densities lead to the conversion of a continuous wave laser into a comb of equidistant optical modes that can be used like a ruler for optical frequency measurements.
Dr Pascal Del’Haye of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light (MPISL) in Erlangen, Germany, has developed and optimised micro-resonator frequency combs based on periodic and soliton like waveforms of the light circulating in the optical cavity. These are the temporal counterparts of periodic and cavity-soliton solutions discovered and analysed in the Computational Nonlinear and Quantum Optics (CNQO) group at Strathclyde for more than ten years.
The project will run in a close collaboration between Strathclyde and MPISL. The CNQO group at Strathclyde is in a unique and strategic position worldwide being the inventor of the theory and first developer of the simulations associated with cavity-solitons, the key elements of the optimal frequency-comb generation using resonators. Dr. Del’Haye will be the external supervisor of the PhD student who will periodically visit MPISL and compare the results of the simulations and theoretical models with the experimental data.
Deadline : Open until filled
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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Ultra-high common-mode noise rejecting ELF/ULF gradiometer
Active radio-frequency imaging in the super-low and ultra-low frequency (SLF/ULF) bands makes complex demands of the transceiver system used. Conventional antennae trade size for sensitivity at low frequencies, which is incompatible with high-resolution imaging. Penetrative imaging at these frequencies is an important enabling technique for nuclear threat reduction, treaty monitoring and border security.
Quantum magnetic sensors break the size-weight-sensitivity constraint for magnetic detection in the SLF/ULF bands, as the magnetic signal is transduced by resonant detection on polarised alkali ground state Zeeman transitions, generating magneto-optical rotation. Signal generation by this process is free of the inverse-frequency scaling which degrades inductive measurement at low frequencies.
To realise these benefits in penetrative imaging, it is essential to separate with very high discrimination (part-per-million or better) the excitation field from the signal response. Magnetic gradiometry, utilising alkali spin maser techniques in a unique microfabricated caesium cell, is under development at the University of Strathclyde. The technique under development targets very high common-mode noise rejection (CMNR) by cancellation of common-mode systematics at source, ensuring the bandwidth, uniformity and linearity required for high CMNR.
Deadline : Friday 7 February 2025
(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Generation of quantum light states with low-noise-VECSEL-pumped optical parametric oscillators
Cavity-enhanced nonlinearities, in particular optical parametric oscillation (OPOs), are among the most widely used systems for the generation of non-classical states of light, of interest for several quantum applications, such as imaging [1], communication [2], and computing [3]. However, OPOs remain bulky and complex, especially when one accounts for the addition of the noise suppression required for typical laser sources. Vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VECSELs), on the other hand, are capable of very low noise operation and are intrinsically shot-noise limited over a broad frequency range. Further they provide the means to embed the nonlinear process directly inside the laser cavity. Recently, our group demonstrated the use of a VECSEL as the pump source for a single-frequency OPO for the first time, achieving broadly tuneable, narrow linewidth at optical communications wavelengths [4], taking advantage of low noise and relaxation-oscillation-free laser dynamics. To-date, this intra-VECSEL cavity singly resonant OPO (VECSEL ICSRO), has undergone ‘standard classical’ characterisation only. In this project, we will investigate the quantum properties of the system for the first time, in a variety of operating regimes:
- Below threshold, OPOs are a source of squeezed vacuum, a quantum state typically exploited for achieving sub-shot noise sensitivity in optical interferometry and narrowband heralded single photons [5].
- Above threshold the OPO generates squeezed coherent states and intense twin beams, characterised by an intensity difference noise that is theoretically zero. These beams can then be exploited for sensing and metrology e.g. for high-sensitivity spectroscopy.
- Far above threshold (>4x threshold) can lead to regimes in which signal and idler beams are simultaneously individually squeezed in intensity, i.e. not only would their intensity be quantum correlated but the individual beams could also exhibit sub-shot-noise statistics. However, this is typically spoiled by the classical noise of the pump laser and by cavity relaxation oscillations. This has previously been experimentally realised in microcavity OPOs [6], owing to their low threshold of a few μW, where low noise pump lasers are easily available. A relaxation-oscillation-free VECSEL ICSRO could potentially target the realisation of sub-shot-noise laser beams at relatively high power (100s mW).
Demonstration of quantum states of light from a compact, highly stable, ultra-low noise VECSEL-based OPO platform will allow for the creation of transportable lasers for tests in quantum imaging and sensing, such as spectroscopy and sensitive trace gas-detection.
Deadline : Friday 7 February 2025
About The University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland – Official Website
The University of Strathclyde (Scottish Gaelic: Oilthigh Shrath Chluaidh[5]) is a public research university located in Glasgow, Scotland. Founded in 1796 as the Andersonian Institute, it is Glasgow’s second-oldest university, having received its royal charter in 1964 as the first technological university in the United Kingdom. Taking its name from the historic Kingdom of Strathclyde, its combined enrollment of 25,000 undergraduate and graduate students ranks it Scotland’s third-largest university, drawn with its staff from over 100 countries.
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