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23 Fully Funded PhD Position at Uppsala University, Sweden

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23 Fully Funded PhD Position at Uppsala University, Sweden


Uppsala University, Sweden invites online Application for number of  Fully Funded PhD Position at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Position available at Uppsala University, Sweden.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) Fully Funded PhD Position

PhD position summary/title: PhD in surface and interface characterization of battery electrodes using operandi photoelectron spectroscopy.

Energy storage becomes increasingly important for developing a sustainable society, in which e.g. the use of fossil fuel needs to be reduced. Batteries can today replace the combustion engine in vehicles and in doing do it is an important component for electrification of the transport sector. Here it is important that the batteries are both safe and long-term stable. The redox reactions involved in energy conversion in batteries occur at the interface between the solid electrode and the electrolyte. Upon battery use oxidation occur at the anode and reduction occur at the cathode.

Deadline of PhD Position: 4 June 2021

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(02) Fully Funded PhD Position

PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Chemistry with specialization in Organic Chemistry

This project aims to fight bacterial resistance against existing antibiotics through development of metallo-beta-lactamase inhibitors. These substances will be given as part of combination therapies along with antibiotics to protect the latter against enzymatic cleavage. This interdisciplinary project will include the design of new drug candidates, development of synthetic routes for their preparation and evaluation of their binding to beta-lactamases using advanced NMR spectroscopic techniques. The studied compounds will be tested for activity against isolated beta-lactamases as well as against bacteria, in collaboration. The project will provide training in synthetic organic and medicinal chemistry as well as in advanced NMR spectroscopic techniques.

Deadline of PhD Position: June 2, 2021

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(03) Fully Funded PhD Position

PhD position summary/title: PhD-student position in structural biology of antibiotic resistance.

A large proportion of clinically used antibiotics act on bacterial translation. Clinical resistance mechanisms include efflux pumps, mutations or modifications of the target, degradation or modification of the drug and factor-assisted protection of protein synthesis. There are few examples of factor-assisted rescue and they are mostly poorly understood. The aim of this project is to clarify the structural and mechanistic details of such mechanisms, for example FusB-mediated resistance to fusidic acid (FA). The project will include single-particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) as well as other methods in structural biology, biochemistry and biophysics and will involve collaboration with the group of Magnus Johansson

Deadline of PhD Position: June 4th 2021

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(04) Fully Funded PhD Position

PhD position summary/title: PhD position – Chromosomal hybrids: A Source of Globally-Spread Antibiotic Resistant Pathogens.

The Hughes research group at IMBIM, Uppsala University, is seeking a highly motivated candidate to pursue PhD studies into the genetic basis of antibiotic resistance. The research group investigates bacterial chromosome organization and mechanisms of evolution of resistance to antibiotics. Recent research suggests that the formation of chromosomal hybrids has contributed to the creation of globally widespread virulent and antibiotic resistant bacterial pathogens. The mechanisms of hybrid formation, factors that influence their rates of formation, and the global prevalence of strains with hybrid chromosomes among clinical isolates are currently unknown. The candidate will develop experimental model systems to study the mechanisms and rates of formation of hybrid chromosomes in bacteria, use whole genome sequence analysis to study the genetic architecture of hybrid strains, and apply bioinformatic analysis to evaluate the prevalence of hybrid strains among clinical isolates. The project aims to clarify the factors that promote or constrain hybrid formation using a combined bioinformatic and experimental approach

Deadline of PhD Position: June 7, 2021

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(05) Fully Funded PhD Position

PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Medical Bacteriology – focusing on bacterial biofilms and antibiotic resistance.

The position is within the research group of Linus Sandegren at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology. The focus of the research group is on fundamental aspects of antibiotic resistance evolution and how resistance plasmids are maintained and disseminated between pathogenic bacteria and serve as platforms for evolution of antibiotic resistance. This PhD position is focused on how bacterial biofilm formation affects antibiotic resistance development and spread of resistance plasmids. In the proposed projects we will study how newly identified mutations affecting K. pneumoniae biofilm formation affect bacterial susceptibility to antibiotics, how different antibiotics and antibiotic concentrations affect biofilm formation, and how biofilms affect the evolution and spread of antibiotic resistance. We will use this knowledge to design and test antibiotic combination treatments with better effects against biofilms. The project involves collaboration with researchers at Uppsala University hospital.

Deadline of PhD Position: June 7, 2021

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(06) Fully Funded PhD Position

PhD position summary/title: PhD in Chemistry with specialization in Microbial Chemistry.

As a graduate student in Microbial Chemistry, you will be part of a research group that has the long-term goal of using advanced genetic engineering to develop photosynthetic microorganisms converting solar energy and atmospheric carbon dioxide into chemicals and fuels in direct processes. The model system is cyanobacteria. In this EU-funded research project, Promicon: Harnessing the power of nature through productive microbial consortia in biotechnology – Measure, model and master, the focus in the part done at Uppsala University is to optimize synthetic microbial consortia (consisting of a cyanobacterium and one or two additional bacteria) for generation of butanol from CO2 and sunlight. Butanol production will be demonstrated in photosynthetically driven synthetic microbial consortia grown in capillary (photo)biofilm reactors.

Deadline of PhD Position: 19 May 2021

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(07) Fully Funded PhD Position

PhD position summary/title: PhD in physical chemistry with focus on environmentally friendly quantum dot solar cells.

In this PhD project quantum dot solar cells will be synthesized and investigated in detail. Quantum dot solar cells are composed of a thin layer consisting of nanometer sized semiconductor particles (quantum dots) sandwiched between two suitable contacts. New environmentally friendly quantum dots will be developed in this project, and the quantum dots will be investigated using a wide range of methods. Complete solar cells will be prepared and characterized using electrical and optical methods and also advanced X-ray methods.

Deadline of PhD Position: 10 June 2021

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(08) Fully Funded PhD Position

PhD position summary/title: PhD-student in Molecular Microbiology.

The PhD project deals with how bacteria deploy so-called toxin-antitoxin systems to survive in stressful environments, for instance in the presence of antibiotics. The project will specifically investigate the molecular mechanisms governing the regulation of toxin production, the environmental factors that trigger toxin expression, and how toxins affect bacterial survival in the presence of antibiotics. The studies will primarily be carried out using the pathogen Salmonella Typhimurium as a model.

Deadline of PhD Position: May 31st 2021

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(09) Fully Funded PhD Position

PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in experimental nanoelectronics and spintronics.

 Electrons possess a magnetic property called ‘spin’ that can be Up or Down. Spin-polarized electrons or spins form the basis for spintronics that enabled ultrahigh-density magnetic memory storage and precision sensing, thereby revolutionizing the information technology age. Over the past decade, the advent of 2D materials brought a fresh stimulus for spintronics. This project aims to use the spin of electrons to realize efficient spin devices using 2D materials and advance towards complex spin integrated circuits. The project involves advanced nanofabrication in state-of-the-art cleanroom facilities at Ångström Laboratory, and precision measurements utilize a number of sophisticated techniques to characterize the devices’ 2D material heterostructures.

Deadline of PhD Position: 31 May 2021

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(10) Fully Funded PhD Position

PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Neurobiology – Neurocircuitry analysis.

This PhD project aims at decoding the subthalamic nucleus and its neurocircuitry both anatomically and functionally using viral-genetic methods including mouse transgenics and optogenetics, transcriptomics (RNA sequencing methods), tract tracing, histology, and behavioral assessment. Particular focus on molecular skills and viral-genetics methods in neuroscience. The project is experimental with focus on unraveling the correlation between neuronal populations and their functional roles.

Deadline of PhD Position: 20 May 2021

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(11) Fully Funded PhD Position

PhD position summary/title: PhD-student in Molecular Life Sciences.

The aim of the PhD project, which is part of an ongoing project in the lab, is to find the key parameters defining the efficiency of mRNA translation and co- or post-translational targeting and processing of polypeptides inside the living cell. In order to achieve this, the current experimental and analytical systems for single-molecule tracking in the lab need to be further developed and extended. This work includes, e.g., fluorescence labeling of key components of the protein synthesis machinery, but also analysis of data and mathematical modelling of reaction-diffusion systems.

Deadline of PhD Position: 17 May 2021

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(12) Fully Funded PhD Position

PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Scientific Computing focusing on Deep Learning for Agricultural Genomics.

The PhD position offered is connected to a project grant to Carl Nettelblad. The project focus is the development and usage of artificial intelligence models for discovering population structure and predicting production traits in plant and animal breeding. This work is partially conducted in collaboration with industry partners. The development of more advanced methodology can promote diversity preservation efforts relating to historical local varieties.

Deadline of PhD Position: 31 May 2021

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(13) Fully Funded PhD Position

PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in Nanotechnology with focus on applications of novel 2D materials.

The PhD project is part of a larger collaborative project between several groups at Linköping University and Uppsala University. New and exciting 2D materials synthesized through the chemical exfoliation of laminated parent 3D crystals will be investigated at the Division of Nanotechnology and Functional Materials for targeted applications, with a particular emphasis on catalysis, energy storage, ion sieving, biocompatibility and antibacterial activity.

Deadline of PhD Position: 20 May 2021

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(14) Fully Funded PhD Position

PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Molecular Pharmaceutics at the Department of Pharmacy.

The PhD student will work within the project A generic nanosized drug delivery platform for optimal absorption of antibiotics with minimal intestinal side effects. The overall goal of the PhD project is to design efficient drug delivery systems that specifically deliver the drug to the site of absorption in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). We will through an interdisciplinary approach design nanoparticles that can solubilize and transport an effective drug dosage to the intestinal epithelium for complete absorption. Focus is set on the nature of the lipid building blocks to design stable and highly membrane-permeable nanocarriers. Nanotechnology will be coupled to in vivo relevant digestion-permeation assays to determine the biological fate. Mechanistic cell studies will allow exploration of molecular interactions and mechanisms behind absorption. 

Deadline of PhD Position: 17 May 2021

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(15) Fully Funded PhD Position

PhD position summary/title: PhD-student in Physics.

The aim of the thesis project is to investigate the nanostructures that are formed when a material is irradiated with ions, and to build a toolkit of methods by which the properties of these structures may be controlled. More specifically, we investigate the time- and depth scale for the exchange of electrons between the ions and the material. As the charge states of the ions change, so does the material modification resulting from interaction with those ions. 

Deadline of PhD Position: 31 May 2021

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(16) Fully Funded PhD Position

PhD position summary/title: PhD student in disassembling high-carbon energy landscapes in the UK.

The PhD position is part of the research project “Disassembling the power of high-carbon imaginaries” funded by the Swedish Research Council. The overall purpose of this project – led by Associate Professor Magdalena Kuchler – is to critically examine and better understand how powerful carbon-intensive imaginaries can be disempowered to accelerate low-carbon transition. By analysing and comparing four distinctive “carbonscapes” – open pit and deep mining “coalscapes” in Poland, and crude oil extraction and petrochemical production “petroscapes” in the UK – the project aims to: 1) identify and critically examine impulses of resistance to change; 2) determine how the material-discursive dynamics associated with high-carbon landscapes constrain and/or enable the power to (re)imagine energy futures, and 3) identify openings and opportunities for dismantling and destabilising incumbent fossil fuel imaginaries in selected carbonscapes.

Deadline of PhD Position: 2 June 2021

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(17) Fully Funded PhD Position

PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Masood Kamali-Moghaddam’s laboratory.

A PhD student position is available for highly motivated individuals with interest in molecular tools at the laboratory of Kamali-Moghaddam at Uppsala University, Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology. Research in the lab focuses on development of molecular tools and application of those in medicine and biology. The focus will be put on development of tools for detection and characterization of exosomes, and tools for multiplex protein analysis.

Deadline of PhD Position: 17 May 2021

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(18) Fully Funded PhD Position

PhD position summary/title: PhD student in disassembling high-carbon energy landscapes in Poland.

The PhD position is part of the research project “Disassembling the power of high-carbon imaginaries” funded by the Swedish Research Council. The overall purpose of this project – led by Associate Professor Magdalena Kuchler – is to critically examine and better understand how powerful carbon-intensive imaginaries can be disempowered to accelerate low-carbon transition. By analysing and comparing four distinctive “carbonscapes” – open pit and deep mining “coalscapes” in Poland, and crude oil extraction and petrochemical production “petroscapes” in the UK – the project aims to: 1) identify and critically examine impulses of resistance to change; 2) determine how the material-discursive dynamics associated with high-carbon landscapes constrain and/or enable the power to (re)imagine energy futures, and 3) identify openings and opportunities for dismantling and destabilising incumbent fossil fuel imaginaries in selected carbonscapes.

Deadline of PhD Position: 2 June 2021

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(19) Fully Funded PhD Position

PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Global Health.

The PhD project focuses on understanding the implications of sustainable development for antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Specifically, the project will compare the impact of major types of interventions and policies related to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with more targeted conventional interventions on antimicrobial resistance. The project will use and mix theory and qualitative and quantitative methods from both sustainability science and global health. These include content analysis, qualitative comparative analysis, network analysis and generalized statistical modelling. The project is a collaboration between UGHRIS and the research programme Global Economic Dynamics and the Biosphere (GEDB), based at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University.

Deadline of PhD Position: 12th May 2021

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(20) Fully Funded PhD Position

PhD position summary/title: 2 PhD positions in Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology.

Project 1: Non-invasive diagnosis of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease using magnetic imaging techniques

Project 2: Early detection of colorectal cancer using non-invasive, magnetic imaging techniques 

Deadline of PhD Position: 4 June 2021

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(21) Fully Funded PhD Position

PhD position summary/title: Three to five PhD candidate positions in Economic History.

The Department of Economic History invites applications for three to five PhD candidates all beginning on 1 September 2021. Two PhD candidate positions are available without a specific research orientation and one to three PhD candidate positions in specific research projects can be applied for

Deadline of PhD Position: 7 June 2021

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(22) Fully Funded PhD Position

PhD position summary/title: PhD position for the development of future-generation aqueous Li-ion batteries.

The general aim of the PhD research project is the development and fundamental understanding of aqueous electrolytes for future rechargeable Li-ion batteries with high energy density and low cost. More specifically, the project aims to identify and characterize passivation layers capable of stabilizing the electrode/electrolyte interfaces in the Li-ion cell. Development of electrolytes is based on the establishment and application of a high-throughput screening strategy with a fully-automated test station to prepare and test electrolytes online. The most promising electrolyte candidates are subsequently characterized in detail with a broad approach of analytical techniques, including operando gas analysis, electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance, vibrational spectroscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, etc. Data-driven models (machine learning) will support experimental design and data analysis

Deadline of PhD Position: 24 May 2021

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(23) Fully Funded PhD Position

PhD position summary/title: PhD student in the palaeoenvironment of early humans in Central Asia.

Central Asia is a key route for ancient human expansion out of Africa with early human migrants leaving behind stone tools in thick wind-blown dust (loess) deposits in Tajikistan, deposited over the last 2-3 million years. However, much remains unknown about the timing and environmental context associated with the first presence of modern humans and ancient hominins in Central Asia.

This PhD position is part of an exciting cross-disciplinary project, involving scientists from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Russia and Tajikistan, that will answer questions such as when did humans arrive in Central Asia and what was the environment and climate like at the time.

Deadline of PhD Position: 10 May 2021

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About  Uppsala University, Sweden –Official Website

Uppsala University  is a research university in Uppsala, Sweden. Founded in 1477, it is the oldest university in Sweden and all of the Nordic countries still in operation. It has ranked among the world’s 100 best universities in several high-profile international rankings during recent years. The university uses “Gratiae veritas naturae” as its motto and embraces natural sciences.

The university rose to pronounced significance during the rise of Sweden as a great power at the end of the 16th century and was then given a relative financial stability with the large donation of King Gustavus Adolphus in the early 17th century. Uppsala also has an important historical place in Swedish national culture, identity and for the Swedish establishment: in historiography, literature, politics, and music. Many aspects of Swedish academic culture in general, such as the white student cap, originated in Uppsala. It shares some peculiarities, such as the student nation system, with Lund University and the University of Helsinki.

Uppsala belongs to the Coimbra Group of European universities and to the Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities. The university has nine faculties distributed over three “disciplinary domains”. It has about 44,000 registered students and 2,300 doctoral students. It has a teaching staff of roughly 1,800 (part-time and full-time) out of a total of 6,900 employees. Twenty-eight per cent of the 716 professors at the university are women. Of its turnover of SEK 6.6 billion (approx. USD 775 million) in 2016, 29% was spent on education at Bachelor’s and Master’s level, while 70% was spent on research and research programs.

Architecturally, Uppsala University has traditionally had a strong presence in Fjärdingen, the neighbourhood around the cathedral on the western side of the River Fyris. Despite some more contemporary building developments further away from the centre, Uppsala’s historic centre continues to be dominated by the presence of the university.



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