Umea University, Sweden invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Umea University, Sweden .
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Two PhD positions in ecology, focusing on plant community ecology and ecosystem processes in northern Sweden
The projects will focus on interactions of plant communities with belowground and aboveground ecosystem processes, and their responses to environmental factors (such as wildfire, nutrient availability, climate change and biodiversity loss) in natural boreal forest and subarctic tundra in northern Sweden, through the use of both environmental gradients and ongoing term experiments. Through the use of these study systems, we anticipate one student focusing primarily on ecological interactions involving nutrient availability and the other on ecological consequences of plant biodiversity loss, although there is quite some flexibility around this. The projects will include both field work over the summer and autumn months, and corresponding laboratory work, data analysis and writing. While it is our intention that the students work on these systems, the scope of the project work is deliberately broad, and is adaptable to suit the specific interests of the students that are appointed. These projects would be ideal for anyone intending to specialize in community or ecosystem ecology with a focus on natural ecosystems. The principal supervisor of these theses will be Prof. David A. Wardle at Umeå University and the work will involve collaborators at both Umeå University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Deadline : 2024-04-02
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 2 doctoral students in Educational Measurement
In the subject Educational measurement, research is conducted on educational and psychological assessments. This can involve studying the characteristics of tests and how they function for their purposes and for different groups of individuals. At the department of Applied Educational Sciences, tests such as the Swedish Admission Test to Higher Education (Högskoleprovet) and national tests are developed, and within both of these test activities, there are areas suitable for doctoral projects.
Examples of relevant areas to investigate include the digitalization of assessments, adaptations for students with special needs, students’ perceptions of assessment, and studies of performance and changes over time. The specific focus of this project will be developed through a dialogue between the doctoral candidate and the supervisor.
Deadline :2024-03-29
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Student in Education with a focus on Didactics in Vocational Education
The doctoral position is in Education with a focus on didactics in vocational education and should cover questions related to teaching and learning in vocational education. The questions can address vocational education in contemporary or historical lighting, as well as include critical perspectives on pedagogical practices or educational reforms.
The doctoral student will be linked to the research group Didactics, educational history, and assessment.
The research group focus on various types of teaching and learning processes. Fundamental didactic questions – what, why, how, when, for whom and by whom – in relation to teaching (both past and present) are central. Research within the group includes curriculum studies, social studies didactics, educational history, studies on grading and assessment, on minority schooling, and on teacher-student-subject interaction. The group combines research, education and collaboration of relevance for the teaching professions and for teacher education.
Deadline : 2024-03-29
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 13 Doctoral student positions to the Postgraduate School in Educational Sciences
The Postgraduate School in Educational Sciences offers a coherent environment for doctoral education in the field of educational sciences at Umeå University. You will combine your doctoral education at a department with being part of a dynamic, interdisciplinary doctoral student group and have access to national and international research networks. As a doctoral student in the graduate school, you will contribute to the development of knowledge in the field, for the benefit of researchers as well as teachers and other educational professions.
Deadline :2024-03-29
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD-student
Umeå University is one of Sweden’s largest higher education institutions with over 37,000 students and about 4,700 employees. The University offers a diversity of high-quality education and world-leading research in several fields. Notably, the groundbreaking discovery of the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing tool, which was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, was made here. At Umeå University, everything is close. Our cohesive campuses make it easy to meet, work together and exchange knowledge, which promotes a dynamic and open culture.
The ongoing societal transformation and large green investments in northern Sweden create enormous opportunities and complex challenges. For Umeå University, conducting research about – and in the middle of – a society in transition is key. We also take pride in delivering education to enable regions to expand quickly and sustainably. In fact, the future is made here.
Deadline :2024-03-29
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 3 doctoral students in educational work
The ongoing societal transformation and large green investments in northern Sweden create enormous opportunities and complex challenges. For Umeå University, conducting research about – and in the middle of – a society in transition is key. We also take pride in delivering education to enable regions to expand quickly and sustainably. In fact, the future is made here. Are you interested in learning more? Read about Umeå university as a workplace The Department of Applied Educational Sciences at Umeå University’s Faculty of Social Sciences has about 100 employees, engaged in teaching, research and specially-commissioned activities. The department’s activities are broad, interdisciplinary and close to education practice. At the department, education and research are carried out in the subject areas of educational work and measurement in behavioral sciences.
Deadline : 2024-03-29
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Education with a focus on teachers’ practice in innovative learning environments
The doctoral position is in Education with a focus on teachers’ practice in innovative learning environments (ILEs). As doctoral student, you will be part of a research group working in the project titled ‘Towards a student-centered learning in innovative learning environments: A longitudinal study of played out practice and school organisation’.
The research group’s overarching objective is to investigate: (i) the nature of practices unfolding in ILEs (ii) teachers’ perceptions of educational change and its impact on established practice and how it challenges previous traditions of organising schools, and (iii) the evolution of the concept of student-centered learning over time. The research group employs a diverse methodology, incorporating qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods. Data for the project is gathered through classroom observations, interviews, and questionnaires. The Ph.D. student will initially engage with existing data and subsequently focus on students’ performance within ILEs.
Deadline : 2024-03-29
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Language teaching and learning
The research discipline Language teaching and learning is focused on didactic research regarding teaching and learning in language. You will find more information about the doctoral studies and our supervisors´ areas of expertise here. This doctoral position is a collaboration with Umeå School of Education and is part of the Postgraduate school in the educational sciences.
As a doctoral student, you formulate your own research plan in Language teaching and learning and independently develop your dissertation project in consultation with your supervisors. Your supervisors are assigned based on the project’s focus. You will have continuous supervision and follow-ups with your supervisors as well as with the Director of Research Studies. You will be a part of the department’s research environment where you are expected to contribute through active participation in seminars, research networks, academic gatherings and conferences. You will also take part in other meetings and gatherings at the department, such as workplace meetings and staff days.
Deadline : 2024-03-29
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Educational work
As a doctoral student, you formulate your own research plan in Educational work with a specialization in language, and independently develop your dissertation project in consultation with your supervisors. Your supervisors are assigned based on the project’s focus. You will have continuous supervision and follow-ups with your supervisors as well as with the Director of Research Studies. You will be a part of the department’s research environment where you are expected to contribute through active participation in seminars, research networks, academic gatherings and conferences. You will also take part in other meetings and gatherings at the department, such as workplace meetings and staff days.
Deadline : 2024-03-29
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Student in Science or Technology/Engineering Education
We are looking for you who want to study educational issues in science or technology/engineering, by completing a research education. Application deadline is 29 March 2024.
In collaboration with the Postgraduate School in the Educational Sciences at Umeå University, we are looking for a doctoral student in science or technology/engineering education. The position is located at the Department of Science and Mathematics Education, which focus on pre-service teacher training as well as research and development in educational sciences. The teachers and researchers at the department are mainly active within science education, technology/engineering education, mathematics education, and assessment for learning.
Deadline : 2024-03-29
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in History and Education
The doctoral position is open for applicants with research proposals in educational history and/or history didactics. This doctoral position is advertised in collaboration with the Umeå School of Education and is a part of the Postgraduate School in the Educational Sciences. Core parts of the doctoral programme are delivered in English, but the working language of the department and the research group is mainly Swedish.
Deadline : 2024-03-29
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in ecology with a focus on the role of (deep) root dynamics in permafrost-climate feedback
Permafrost soils contain twice as much carbon as the atmosphere, which they have protected for millennia. As arctic temperatures soar and the rate of permafrost thaw accelerates, there is a growing concern about large carbon losses from permafrost soils into the atmosphere. Even though around 80% of plant biomass in the arctic tundra is belowground, the crucial role of roots in carbon cycling remains unquantified. Roots can promote new carbon storage but also stimulate losses of old soil carbon. Here, deep roots are likely to be disproportionally important, as they increasingly interact with newly-thawed, vulnerable soils. Yet, few studies include root measurements, particularly in deeper soils. In this project we will quantify the role of deep roots in the carbon-climate feedback from thawing permafrost soils by using a long-term field experiment combined with a complementing microcosm experiment. The results will define the importance of root dynamics in deep soils and strongly improve our ability to predict feedbacks from arctic tundra to climate change.
Deadline : 2024-03-25
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Experimental Physics
The ‘Ultrafast Nanoscience’ group at Umeå University is looking for a highly motivated PhD candidate interested in performing research on ultrafast spectroscopy in condensed matter nanosystems. The PhD project interfaces exciting fields of research, including ultrafast science, photonics and chemistry, with an overarching goal to understand the dynamics of electronic degrees of freedom in nanostructured materials.
The PhD student will study the nonlinear optical properties and the ultrafast electron dynamics in molecular photoswitches coupled to photonic nanostructures and explore the fascinating physics of the so called molecular polaritons at ultrashort timescales. The project results will disclose novel mechanisms to control molecular photoswitches for applications in quantum computing and/or optical transistors.
Deadline : 2024-03-12
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Archaeology with a focus on Arctic & Sub-Arctic Wetlands
The Faculty of Arts at Umeå University develops the Humanities and invests in future Areas of Excellence.
The Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies invites applications for the doctoral training program in Archaeology with a focus on Arctic & Sub-Arctic Wetlands.
The Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies conducts teaching and research in Archaeology, Environmental Archaeology, Philosophy, History, History and Education, History of Science and Ideas, Religious Studies and Theology.
Deadline : 2024-03-10
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in History of Science and Ideas
The Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies conducts teaching and research in Archaeology, Environmental Archaeology, Philosophy, History, History and Education, History of Science and Ideas, Religious Studies and Theology.
Courses and degrees in History of Science and Ideas are offered at basic, advanced and doctoral levels. Over the years, the discipline has developed excellent research on several thematic topics, such as history of everyday life and social movements; history of science and technology; environmental history; forest history; history of medicine and health; history of religious thought; media history; and gender history. History of Science and Ideas in Umeå is a dynamic discipline that strives to foster cooperation beyond established knowledge and disciplinary boundaries. Our seminar in History and History of Science and Ideas is a significant meeting place for us. Swedish dominates as a working language/seminar language in history of science and ideas, even though part of the communication takes place in English, and our ambition is to gradually increase the English-speaking proportion. Another important venue, especially for media history, digital studies and culture, is the faculty’s humanities laboratory, Humlab. More information about the research environment is available on the individual researcher’s website.
Deadline : 2024-03-10
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Linguistics
The research discipline Linguistics is focused on studies of a general nature as well as on specific language areas. The research proposal should connect to one of the department´s subjects and our supervisors´ areas of expertise. In the project application you should demonstrate how your project is connected to the department’s research and supervisors. You will find more information about the doctoral training program here.
As a doctoral student, you formulate your own research plan in English, Russian, Scandinavian languages, Sami or Linguistics and independently develop your dissertation project in consultation with your supervisors. Your supervisors are assigned based on the project’s focus. You will have continuous supervision and follow-ups with your supervisors as well as with the Director of Research Studies. You will be a part of the department’s research environment where you are expected to contribute through active participation in seminars, research networks, academic gatherings and conferences. You will also take part in other meetings and gatherings at the department, such as workplace meetings and staff days.
Deadline : 2024-03-10
(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Media and Communication Studies
The Department of Cultural and Media Studies is part of Umeå University’s Faculty of Humanities and has approximately 70 employees. A unique combination of subject areas makes the department a creative environment at the intersection of art, culture, literature, and media. The department conducts internationally recognized research of high quality. For more information, please visit:
Media and Communications Studies is an interdisciplinary field that deals with mediated communication in all its forms in traditional, as well as digital and social media. Our forms of communication are today in rapid change, due to a radically altered media landscape and the ongoing digitization of society and culture. These changes also alter perspectives on media history. At the department, around 20 researchers, teachers and doctoral students in Media and Communication Studies work with different types of research projects in areas such as Media History, Digital Media, Environmental, Journalism and Strategic Communication. The research is extensive and varied and holds many different theoretical perspectives and empirical fields.
Deadline : 2024-03-10
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Sami
We are seeking a doctoral student in Sami, within one of the fields of literature, linguistics or educational science. A succesful candidate with a specialization in literature or educational studies will follow the study plan for Sami Studies. Similarly, a candidate with a focus on linguistics will follow the study plan for linguistics. We particularly welcome research proposals connected to our supervisors´ areas of expertise. You will find more information about the doctoral studentship here.
As a doctoral student, you formulate your own research plan in within the relevant specialization and independently develop your dissertation project in consultation with your supervisors. Your supervisors are assigned based on the project’s focus. You will have continuous supervision and follow-ups with your supervisors as well as with the Director of Research Studies. You will be a part of the department’s research environment where you are expected to contribute through active participation in seminars, research networks, academic gatherings and conferences. You will also take part in other meetings and gatherings at the department, such as workplace meetings and staff days.
Deadline : 2024-03-10
(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Religious Studies
The graduate program in Religious Studies has two specializations: socio-religious studies and historical-systematic theology. Students specializing in socio-religious studies study religious beliefs, ideas, behavior, collectives, and organizations in cultural and social life, drawing inspiration from the arsenal of theories and methods from social sciences. Students specializing in historical-systematic theology study historical and modern religious ideas and practices using historical, hermeneutic, philosophical, and theological theories and methods, with the emphasis on Christian traditions. Applications are restricted to studies within the specialization historical-systematic theology, with a specific focus on Biblical Studies, Philosophy of Religion, Systematic Theology, Church History, or Practical Theology.
Deadline : 2024-03-10
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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in History
The Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies conducts research and education within archeology, environmental archeology, history, history and education, history of science and ideas, religious studies, theology and philosophy.
At the department, the history research environment contains population history, disability history, gender history, history of emotions, military history, political history, Sami history, social history and history of education, spanning from medieval times to the present. There are currently about 20 researcher/teachers, several of whom are professors or docents, including doctoral students and a postdoctoral fellow. The weekly seminars at the department serve as an important meeting point for the academic staff.
Deadline :2024-03-10
(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Philosophy
The department offers courses and awards degrees in philosophy at the undergraduate (first-cycle), advanced (second-cycle), and graduate (third-cycle) level. There are 15 permanently employed faculty members in the subject. The research activity is high and research is pursued over a broad range of philosophical areas, including aesthetics, applied ethics, epistemology, history of philosophy, metaethics, metaphysics, normative ethics, philosophy of artificial intelligence, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, and political philosophy. A research seminar for the whole subject typically meets weekly during semesters. In addition, guest lectures, reading groups, workshops and conferences are organized. The research is highly internationalized and contributes to the advancement of knowledge through peer-reviewed publications in international journals and in books from international publishers. Collaborations take place with other scholars nationally and internationally. More information about the research environment is available on individual researchers’ webpages.
Deadline : 2024-03-10
(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Literature
Within the subject Literature, researchers at the department work within several languages and with a large number of genres and forms from different time periods. We usually work on individually designed projects but often share theoretical approaches or methodological starting points. You can read more about supervisors’ research interests here but note that your project does not need to be closely connected to research already carried out at the department. Instead, as a doctoral student you formulate your own research plan and develop your research project in consultation with your supervisors who contribute broadly with knowledge about theory, method, and academic craft. You will be part of the department’s research environment by participating in seminars, research groups, and academic gatherings. You will also take part in other department activities, such as workplace meetings and staff days. More information about doctoral studies is found here.
Deadline : 2024-03-10
(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Archaeology
The Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies invites applications for the doctoral training programme in archaeology.
The Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies conducts teaching and research in Archaeology, Environmental Archaeology, Philosophy, History, History and Education, History of Science and Ideas, Religious Studies and Theology.
At the department there’s a well-resourced archaeology group that is continuing to expand its research activities in the study of the human past, and whilst we place an emphasis on human–landscape interactions in the past, we are also interested in developing research into areas linked to sustainable heritage and management, and to expand our range of areas of interest in general. Currently, the staff consists of two appointed docents, three associate professors, three senior research assistants, three project assistants and three doctoral students.
Deadline : 2024-03-10
(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Computing Science with focus on Mixed-Precision Algorithmic Solutions
The EC-funded Center of Excellence for Exascale CFD (CEEC),, which started on January 1st 2023 and runs for four years, specializes in the area of numerical simulations for turbulence. Anyone who has ever flown knows that there can be turbulence, air currents that spin and twist with varying strength and direction. Today there are methods to calculate this seemingly unpredictable phenomenon, but they are complex and require a lot of computing power. Exascale computing offers such supercomputer performance. The main task of the advertised position is to contribute to the algorithmic development and enhancement of the consortium CFD applications. The work involves analysis of the consortium CFD applications using computer arithmetic tools, identifying possibilities for precision cropping, designing and implementing mixed-precision, better scaling, and more energy efficient (sustainable) algorithmic solutions, implementing provided algorithmic solutions, and benchmarking/ testing.
By working in CEEC, a PhD student will have an opportunity to collaborate with leading European researchers from five different countries and to contribute to the algorithmic development driven by production-ready project applications. This will be supported via regular discussions as well as two face-to-face meetings per year. The PhD student will also actively participate in dissemination of project results at various conferences and events.
Deadline : 2024-03-05
(25) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD-student in medical science
Radiotherapy plays a critical role in the fight against cancer and is used in about half of all cancer cases. Its aim is to precisely target radiation to cancer cells, while trying to minimise damage to surrounding tissues and organs at risk as much as possible.
Today’s radiotherapy presents several challenges, most of which relate to how treatment can be tailored to each individual patient. A key part of this is to accurately segment tumours and risk areas in images of the patient. Recently, artificial intelligence-based tools have revolutionised this traditionally time-consuming task by offering automated segmentation. However, there is still much to explore, such as how these models can be applied to real-time segmentation during patient movement, and how uncertainties can be calculated and used to develop more robust treatment methods.
This research project addresses these challenges and investigates what the next step is, i.e. how treatment plans can be created and verified in real time to adapt to the patient’s position and anatomy.
Deadline : 2024-03-01
(26) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Computing Science with focus on Cybersecurity
The multilayer cloud-edge continuum poses several challenges, such as smart placement, workload prediction and relocation, energy usage prediction, and security for critical applications and infrastructures. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is one of the critical threats that disrupt the benign services provided by servers based on distributed resources across the Continuum. The key security challenges faced by existing methods, particularly when it comes to DDoS attacks and defence strategies for the cloud-edge continuum. Challenges include unlimited reassignment of resources for microservices under attack, slow reaction time, lack of methods for validation in real environments, and weak kernel architecture in virtualised instances. Moreover, understanding the underlying differences between occasional benign load spikes and massive or stealthy DDoS attacks is unexplored in the cloud-edge continuum. Where machine learning (ML) is deployed both for optimising performance (benign adaptation) and attack detection (DDoS), security researchers face the problem of considering the compound effect of each ML component’s uncertainty.
Deadline : 2024-03-01
(27) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in computational science
We are seeking a highly motivated and skilled Ph.D. student in computational science to join our research team. In recent years, the life sciences have experienced an explosion of data from a variety of sources, including genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and imaging technologies. While statistical and machine-learning approaches have been widely used to extract valuable insights from this data, they can only provide correlations between critical variables, not cause-and-effect relationships. To make reliable predictions, we need such relationships. As a result, there is an increasing need for mechanistic models that can integrate diverse data sets and provide a deeper understanding of biological processes. This Ph.D. position is focused on developing and applying such models to advance our understanding of complex biological systems. The successful candidate will work at the interface of computational biology, systems biology, and biophysics and will have the opportunity to collaborate with experimentalists and computational scientists across a range of disciplines.
The Ph.D. student will join the Computational Biology group, which is a part of the interdisciplinary research environment Integrated Science Lab (Icelab) at Umeå University. The group’s research projects cover diverse topics, including biological networks, gene regulation, epigenetics, intermittent search problems, polymer physics, and DNA folding in the cell nucleus. We are also collaborating with earth scientists using network models to calculate CO2 emissions in the Arctic. The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to some of these topics but will also be free to develop their own research within the broader context of the group’s research agenda. The Computational Biology group is known for its collaborative and innovative research environment, and the successful candidate will be expected to engage with the group’s experimental collaborators in Sweden and abroad, including ongoing collaborations with researchers in Korea.
Deadline : 2024-03-01
(28) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Medical Science with orientation towards Molecular Biology
We are looking for a PhD student in Medical Science with an orientation towards Molecular Biology and a special interest in microbial host pathogenesis. The position at the Department of Molecular Biology at Umeå University is temporary for four years to start 1 May 2024 or as agreed. The PhD student will participate in activities provided by the Department of Molecular Biology, the Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS), and the Umeå Centrum for Microbial Research (UCMR), thus providing interaction with researchers from different research fields and access to various scientific and technical expertise.
Deadline : 2024-02-27
(29) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Chemistry, with a specialization in organic chemistry
Development of compounds that can affect biological systems is a slow and expensive process in many steps. One has to find compounds with desired effect and preferably also identify target proteins. In the research group we try to develop methods to improve this process, e.g. by simplifying the identification of the target of new bioactive compounds. The PhD-project will initially involve synthesis development to efficiently prepare compounds with possible biological effects. Later, the project might also involve development of methods to examine the biological effect of these compounds on a molecular level by mass spectroscopy.
Deadline : 2024-02-26
(30) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Medical Science with orientation towards Cognitive Neuroscience
As we age, our cognitive abilities, such as memory, attention and language skills decline; but the degree of decline varies substantially between individuals. The project will study potential blood-based biomarkers for cognitive aging, that is, measurements in blood that can potentially predict the aging-related cognitive decline of individuals, as well as their risk for neurocognitive disorders such as dementia. Such biomarkers are important for future individualized prevention and treatment of aging-related neurocognitive declines. A large focus for the project will be statistical analyses of protein levels in blood, including descriptions of how these levels change with aging, and are associated with cognitive changes, brain aging, and development of neurodegenerative disorders.
The project will be based mainly on existing data from a prominent longitudinal aging study, the Betula project, but data from other openly available databases may also be used. The PhD candidate will handle, prepare, and statistically analyse large quantities of data on blood markers, cognitive test performance, health- and lifestyle factors, as well as brain imaging. Though this project the PhD candidate will be part of the research environment at Umeå center for Functional Brain Imaging (UFBI).
Deadline : 2024-02-25
(31) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Molecular Biology
The PhD student’s project will use experimental evolution to investigate the predictability of evolution on the phenotypic level and at the levels of molecular networks, genes and mutations through a combination of experimental methods, bioinformatics and mathematical modelling. Evolution of antibiotic resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa will be used as a model system. A person who is employed as a PhD student shall primarily devote his-/or herself to his/her own education. The project and research environment will give the dedicated student the opportunity to train as a first-class researcher.
Deadline : 2024-02-23
About Umea University, Sweden –Official Website
Umea University is a university in Umeå in the mid-northern region of Sweden. The university was founded in 1965 and is the fifth oldest within Sweden’s present borders.
As of 2015, Umea University has nearly 31,000 registered students (approximately 16,000 full-time students), including those at the postgraduate and doctoral level. It has more than 4,000 employees, half of which are teachers/researchers, including 368 professors.
Internationally, the university is known for research relating to the genome of the poplar tree and the Norway Spruce, and its highly ranked Institute of (industrial) Design.
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