Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Computational imaging
We are looking for outstanding candidates with a PhD in electrical engineering, applied mathematics, physics, computer science, or a related discipline. The ideal candidates will have expertise in computational imaging, with a theory focus (algorithms for image reconstruction, including calibration and uncertainty quantification), with particular interest in deep learning, optimisation, or Bayesian sampling methods and/or an application focus (from astronomical to medical imaging, specifically radio-astronomical, magnetic resonance, or ultrasound imaging), including simulation work and real data processing.
Deadline : 10/01/2023
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title: Research Associate in Enabling CO2 storage using Artificial Intelligence
The successful candidates are expected to develop cutting edge deep learning models for multi-scale flow modelling of CO2 in subsurface reservoirs. Two aspects are of special interests (a) pore-to-core scale upscaling (b) upscaling of reactive flow processes. In addition, the successful candidates will contribute to a wide range of AI applications in subsurface flow modelling including (a) stochastic generation of porous media realizations using deep generative models (b) deep learning based property prediction using various architectures (c) Deep learning based proxy modelling with physics based losses and built-in model constrains (e) Effective optimization techniques for physics constrained implicit neural models (f) Efficient coupling of deep learning models to numerical solvers for hybrid CO2 flow modelling. The developed machine learning techniques will be open-sourced and be validated across a wide range of applications and on experimental data and direct numerical simulations generated by the project team.
Deadline : 09/06/2023
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Marine Ecology/Engineering
We are seeking a highly motivated Postdoctoral Research Associate (PDRA) with experience of analysing animal spatial distributions and/or electronic signal processing. The successful candidate will be trained in acoustic signal processing and/or spatial distribution modelling respectively. The candidate will then analyse the high spatial resolution datasets to estimate fish density as a function of distance from AMS, as well as other ecologically relevant parameters such as fish size and school statistics (number, size, depth, density etc.). The role requires strong organisational, large dataset handling and analytical skills, preferably in a statistical programming language such as R or Matlab. The role commences on 4 Sep 2023 or soon thereafter and is full time for a fixed term period of 9 months. The successful candidate will be based in Edinburgh, but may be required to undertake both national and international travel.
Deadline : 09/08/2023
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant/Associate in Marine Ecology/Engineering
We are seeking a highly motivated Research Associate (RA) with experience of working at sea to test the integration of the Smartrawl components. The successful candidate will be trained in the marine sciences and/or marine engineering and will deploy the system in the lab and at sea. They will be required to analyse the resulting camera datasets to improve the performance of the system, working with engineers and other researchers on the project. The role requires strong organisational, large dataset handling and analytical skills, preferably in a statistical programming language such as R or Matlab or Python. The role commences on 4 Sep 2023, or soon thereafter, and is full time for a fixed term period of 13 months. The successful candidate will be based in Edinburgh, but may be required to undertake both national and international travel.
Deadline : 09/08/2023
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate – Multiple stressor impacts on freshwater organisms (amphibians)
Biodiversity is declining at an alarming rate. Multiple stressors are driving many of these declines with freshwater (FW) ecosystems particularly impacted. Ephemeral FWs (e.g. marshes, ponds) are exceptionally biodiverse and highly exposed to varied environmental stressors. Amphibians have been a major faunal component of these habitats for at least 350 million years, being highly evolved to these ecosystems. Amphibians and wetlands are some of the most highly threatened Phyla/ecosystems globally, with wetland health key to the climate crisis, including in relation to the high methane levels emitted from human impacted systems. Using both field and laboratory approaches, here we will investigate the environmental stressor combinations driving negative impacts in amphibians (common frog, Rana temporaria) and seek to develop a biomonitoring approach to assess the health of these vital ecosystems. The use of both toxicogenomics and alterations to physiology to assess impacts on tadpoles allows both the anchoring of molecular initiating events to physiological endpoints and adversity as well as mapping responses to stressor combinations. Here pollutant mixture formulations will be based directly on measured levels in ephemeral FWs and combined with other ubiquitous stressors (salinity, heat wave and/or invasive crayfish – Pacifasticus leniusculus cue), all applied at environmentally relevant levels and combinations. These laboratory exposures will be highly novel and of vital importance to understand the true impacts of multiple stressors on iconic amphibian biota that inhabit vital ephemeral FWs. In contrast to the single-endpoint approach, here we propose to use ecological modelling to investigate effects on whole organisms and their populations in order to drastically improve the utility of these data for conservation.
Deadline : 09/22/2023
Click here for “Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template”
Click here to know “How to write a Postdoc Job Application or Email”
(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Machine Learning
We are looking for a highly experienced and skilled PDRA who will work on the EPSRC (Part of the UK national research council) project EP/Y017307/1, “Autonomous and Intelligent Laparoscopy Trainer with Real-Time Feedback (AILap)”, funded through UKRI’s “£13 million for 22 AI for health research projects”. The project aims to develop the next-generation laparoscopy training platform by bringing together physical realism and digital computation and developing automated real-time feedback along with the assessment; overall eliminating the need for supervision and enabling self-training with immediate and effective feedback for laparoscopy training. We will use AI techniques for monitoring and identifying human movements in real-time, by empowering the AI with advanced machine vision. We will develop a fully autonomous laparoscopy self-training system that provides insightful, intuitive, and timely feedback for improvement. We will develop machine vision and machine learning techniques and integrate those with physical box trainers. Our techniques will also be compatible with virtual reality trainers to equip them with automated immediate feedback. AILap system will be tested on a commonly performed laparoscopic procedure associated with proficiency-gain/learning curve and that involves laparoscopic suturing as an unreplaceable skill.
Deadline :09/18/2023
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post Doctoral Research Associate in Machine Vision
We are looking for a highly experienced and skilled PDRA who will work on the EPSRC (Part of the UK national research council) project EP/Y017307/1, “Autonomous and Intelligent Laparoscopy Trainer with Real-Time Feedback (AILap)”. The project aims to develop the next-generation laparoscopy training platform by bringing together physical realism and digital computation and developing automated real-time feedback along with the assessment; overall eliminating the need for supervision and enabling self-training with immediate and effective feedback for laparoscopy training. We will use AI techniques for monitoring and identifying human movements in real-time, by empowering the AI with advanced machine vision. We will develop a fully autonomous laparoscopy self-training system that provides insightful, intuitive, and timely feedback for improvement. We will develop machine vision and machine learning techniques and integrate those with physical box trainers. Our techniques will also be compatible with virtual reality trainers to equip them with automated immediate feedback. AILap system will be tested on a commonly performed laparoscopic procedure associated with proficiency-gain/learning curve and that involves laparoscopic suturing as an unreplaceable skill.
Deadline : 09/18/2023
About Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom – Official Website
Heriot-Watt University (Scottish Gaelic: Oilthigh Heriot-Watt) is a public research university based in Edinburgh, Scotland. It was established in 1821 as the School of Arts of Edinburgh, the world’s first mechanics’ institute, and subsequently granted university status by royal charter in 1966. It is the eighth oldest higher education institute in UK. The name Heriot-Watt was taken from Scottish inventor James Watt and Scottish philanthropist and goldsmith George Heriot.
Known for its focus on science and engineering, it is one of the 39 old universities in the UK comprising the second cluster of elite universities after Oxbridge.
Heriot-Watt was established as the School of Arts of Edinburgh by Scottish businessman Leonard Horner on 16 October 1821. Having been inspired by Anderson’s College in Glasgow, Horner established the School to provide practical knowledge of science and technology to Edinburgh’s working men. The institution was initially of modest size, giving lectures two nights a week in rented rooms and boasting a small library of around 500 technical works. It was also oversubscribed, with admissions soon closing despite the cost of 15 shillings for a year’s access to lectures and the library.
The School was managed by a board of eighteen directors and primarily funded by sponsors from the middle and upper classes including Robert Stevenson and Walter Scott. It first became associated with the inventor and engineer James Watt in 1824, as a means of raising funds to secure permanent accommodation. Justifying the association, School Director Lord Cockburn said:
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