University of Leeds, West Yorkshire, England invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at University of Leeds, West Yorkshire, England.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow in Sustainable Wind Supply Chains
This strategic role will help to expand the University of Leeds’ pipeline of research on circular economy solutions for the wind industry. You will investigate current wind supply chains from foundation industries such as cement and steel, to original equipment manufacturers, wind developers and operators, companies offering innovative circular wind products and services, and the decommissioning industry.
You will analyse current industrial capabilities in the UK and identify opportunities for green reindustrialisation through research, development, and innovation. You will investigate previous efforts to support local supply chain development and prepare recommendations for further support programmes.
You will engage with industry and policy representatives to understand their perspectives, capabilities, and needs. This will likely involve site visits, preparing and carrying out surveys and interviews, and facilitating workshops. You will translate research findings into accessible materials for diverse stakeholders in industry and government, alongside the preparation of academic peer-reviewed outputs.
Deadline : 07 January 2024
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title: Research Fellow in Time-Domain Measurement of Terahertz-Frequency Quantum Cascade Lasers
We seek a Research Fellow to join our large, well-funded group to investigate the optical and electronic dynamics of terahertz-frequency lasers. This exciting two-year position will give you the opportunity to work on two £1.5M EPSRC projects at the forefront of our rapidly growing field. You will focus on the development of femtosecond-laser based time-domain spectroscopy systems for measurement of terahertz-frequency Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) devices on ultrafast timescales. You will develop experimental approaches for mode-locking QCL devices, and for exploration of the interaction of acoustic pulses with QCL devices. The applications for this work include high precision spectroscopy and high-speed wireless communications.
You will join a world-leading terahertz group at the University of Leeds, with state-of-the-art growth, device fabrication, and terahertz experimental facilities, including THz time-domain spectroscopy, 2D spectroscopy and pump-probe systems.
Deadline : 04 February 2024
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
A post-doctoral research fellow (PDRF) is sought to join the preclinical MR team at UoL. You will be responsible for implementation and testing of optimised MRI / MRF pulse sequences on a Bruker 7T MR system, for optimisation of the protocol for scanning ex vivo tissue samples, and for co-ordinating the acquisition of microscopy data, including segmentation/labelling of microscopy volumes. This post is funded by a major MRC-award, held by Prof Derek Jones (Cardiff University). Fixed term for 18 months to complete specific time limited work.
Deadline : 01 February 2024
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow in Mathematical Modelling of Infection
Working in an inter-disciplinary environment in the Mathematical Immunology group at the School of Mathematics in Leeds; you will closely collaborate with mathematical modellers and statisticians at the Pontificia Comillas University (Madrid, Spain) as well as immunologists and virologists at The Pirbright Institute, Ghent University, Utrecht University and CIB Margarita Salas (Madrid), who will experimentally quantify infection dynamics across scales. You will use stochastic and deterministic approaches and develop computational tools to parametrise mathematical models of in vitro, within-host and population-level infection dynamics with the experimental data provided by these partners.
Deadline : 01 February 2024
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow in Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics
The University of Leeds invites applications for a 3-year postdoctoral position in theoretical and computational astrophysics, funded by a Research Project Grant from the Leverhulme Trust to work with Dr Chris Nixon.
This project is a collaboration with Jim Pringle (University of Cambridge) and Tim Naylor (University of Exeter). You will conduct original research into the dynamics of accretion discs, working both independently and in collaboration with project team members. This project seeks to advance our understanding of accretion dynamics through complimentary observational and theoretical modelling of accretion discs.
Holding a PhD in Astrophysics or a closely allied discipline (or have submitted your thesis before taking up the role), you will have expertise in the modelling of astrophysical fluid flows using analytical and/or numerical methods.
Deadline : 01 February 2024
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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow in Volcanology and Tectonics
We are seeking to recruit a creative research fellow to interpret InSAR data for tectonic and volcanic applications, and integrate results with other complementary datasets such as thermal imagery and radar backscatter.
The School of Earth and Environment at the University of Leeds is an internationally recognised centre of excellence for satellite geodesy and involving researchers from across the UK. We use state-of-the-art Earth Observation techniques, including Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR), to study earthquakes and volcanoes, and help understand the hazards they pose.
InSAR is particularly important to our work following the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Sentinel-1A satellite in April 2014 and the resulting increase in the availability, volume, frequency and quality of Earth Observation data. Production of InSAR velocity fields is now sufficiently mature for robust integration of the results with other datasets including topography, radar backscatter and thermal imagery to solve problems in tectonics and volcanology. Imagery from new small satellites, including commercial missions, also has growing potential for scientifically novel results.
In this role, you will specifically be responsible for analysing Sentinel-1 InSAR results in the context of other satellite datasets. You will use this to address questions in volcanology and tectonics, for example, the impact of topography on magmatic zone architecture and relationships between current seismicity and long term topography. Potential case studies include the western Galapagos, Continental Asian volcanoes and active tectonics across the Alpine Himalayan Zone.
Deadline : 01 February 2024
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: CAMIE Postdoctoral Research Fellows
The EPSRC Programme Grant Combining Advanced Materials for Interface Engineering (CAMIE) is a collaboration between the University of Leeds (UoL), Imperial College London (ICL) and Queen’s University Belfast (QUB).
CAMIE aims to develop new ways to store, manipulate and transport information, based on our unique approach to materials integration and interface control. Using the integrated Royce Deposition System, fundamentally different materials can be brought together into single hybrid structures to realise new emergent functionality useful for enhanced device performance. By controlling interfaces at the atomic level, we will seek phenomena that have the potential to reduce energy loss in novel structures: for example, using surface states of topological insulators (TIs) should reduce the current densities required to move chiral spin structures; molecular interfaces can enhance the effective spin-orbit coupling increasing charge-spin conversion efficiency; switching ferroelectrics that are coupled to spin statics and dynamics involves lower loss than switching ferromagnets. A complete understanding of such hybrid structures will pave the way to exploitable technologies likely to define the future of information processing and storage.
Deadline : 31 January 2024
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow in Galactic Plane Radio Surveys
You will work on an STFC-funded project with Professor Mark Thompson in the Astrophysics Group to investigate phenomena discovered in the MeerKAT Galactic Plane Survey at 1.4 GHz.
You will carry out a research program into the new population of filaments found distributed throughout the Galactic plane in the MeerKAT GPS data. You will complete the characterisation of these filaments and conduct investigations into their possible nature and origins. This will involve proposing, reducing and analysing follow-up observations. You will also search for possible exciting sources, if any, that are associated with the filaments.
With a PhD (or have submitted your thesis before taking up the role) in Astrophysics or a related field, you will have experience in the reduction and analysis of observational data at radio wavelengths and a developing track record of peer-reviewed publications in international journals.
Deadline : 31 January 2024
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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Clinical Research Fellow in Rheumatology
The appointee will join the Inflammatory Arthritis (IA) research group, under the direction of Dr Kulveer Mankia and Prof Paul Emery, primarily focussing on Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and IA research. You will undertake your own original research with the aim of achieving a PhD award. You will also act as the sub-investigator in clinical trials.
The applicant will develop and pursue original research, which may include studying disease progression in individuals at risk of inflammatory arthritis (including RA, palindromic rheumatism). The applicant will be involved in recruitment for clinical trials around RA prevention). There is expected to be a particular focus on imaging studies.
Deadline : 28 January 2024
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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow in Pulmonary Exercise Physiology
We are seeking to appoint a two-year postdoctoral research fellow to work on a funded multi-centre research project evaluating the impact of unexplained chronic cough on the ability to undertake activities of daily living and underpinning mechanisms associated with cough frequency post exercise.
You will be embedded within a vibrant and engaging multidisciplinary research group, working alongside an internationally recognised team of exercise physiologists and respiratory medicine academics based in the Faculty of Biological Sciences and Faculty of Medicine and Health. Alongside the core project, you will also have the opportunity to contribute to on-going studies across the pulmonary exercise physiology research group (led by Dr. Oliver Price) and collaborate with external co-investigators based at Hull York Medical School, Kings College London and University College London.
To apply for this role, you must have a PhD (or be close to completion) in exercise / respiratory physiology or closely related discipline. You should also have prior experience of conducting pulmonary function, cardiopulmonary exercise testing and/or physical activity assessment in patient populations.
Deadline : 25 January 2024
(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow in Traffic and Vehicle Modelling/Simulation
Based in the Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds, you will primarily contribute to the modelling and simulation of vehicles powered by electricity, hydrogen, ammonia or hybrid technology. This work aims to create and test a global optimiser (in a digital twin modelling environment) to increase powertrain efficiency and reduce energy consumption from these green vehicles, considering real-world conditions (e.g. transport mission; road topography; weather; and surrounding vehicles).
Joining the Spatial Modelling and Dynamics Research Group and working with Professor Haibo Chen and colleagues, you will specifically work to develop simulation capabilities required for a predictive and intelligent powertrain control system able to analyse the fuel economy and emissions reduction potential of the optimized route and velocity profile for a given transport mission.
You are expected to start with two EU projects, “nPETS in the field of vehicle emissions, transport pollution and health impact” and newly funded “ZEV-UP in the field of modular, cost-effective, and user-centric electric vehicles”. Your research will provide input to the assessment of policy intervention scenarios and strategies for short- and long-term green vehicle uptake in various markets, accelerating the transition to sustainable urban mobility and contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector.
Deadline : 24 January 2024
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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow in Architectural Heritage and Digital Modelling
You will join the Architecture & Urbanism Research Group and support a suite of projects. You will be responsible for supporting the consolidation of external partnerships between academic institutions in the UK and the global south (including the Middle East). You will have extensive experience in documenting endangered architecture structures using Terrestrial 3D laser scanning, processing data, generating sophisticated large Photogrammetry and Drone imaging models, creating a digital database of assets, and delivering capacity building training workshops on digital recording to early career professionals aboard.
Deadline : 14 January 2024
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow in Place-Based Decarbonisation
This is a unique opportunity to join the new Energy Demand Research Centre. EDRC informs and inspires energy demand reductions that support an affordable and secure low energy future. Collaborating with partners across policy, industry, civil society and academia, EDRC will deliver a world-leading transformative and interdisciplinary research programme that identifies and shapes evidence-based energy demand reductions for a sustainable and more equitable future. EDRC is supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the Economic and Social Research Council
EDRC is organised around five themes (Futures, Place, Flexibility, Equity and Governance). Located in the Place Theme this interdisciplinary role will be directly guided by Professor Greg Marsden with further cross-cutting work with Dr Kate Pangbourne (Governance lead) and Professor John Barrett (Futures lead), both based at the University of Leeds, and other Place related team members from across the consortium.
Holding a PhD (or submitted pending examination) in Geography, Environment, Engineering, Transportation or related topics, you will have an excellent working knowledge of how different aspects of pathways to zero carbon futures might impact on energy demand. The research will focus on the nexus of energy demand shifts, in particular across the transport and domestic energy sectors and how divergent this will be across places. Experience of how to approach understanding differences and challenges across different geographies and communities will be critical to the role.
Deadline : 12 January 2024
(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow in Process Demonstration of Li-6 Enrichment to support Tritium Breeding
One of the key challenges for commercial fusion is a viable fuel cycle that provides a steady supply of Li-6. Li-6 can be separated from natural Li (a mixture of the Li-6 and Li-7 isotopes) using a variety of processes; one of which is solvent extraction. However, these candidate processes have only been proven at small laboratory scale and data is needed at larger scales for engineering scale up.
The aim of this project is to prove that lithium can be recovered from a brine system, in the presence of a secondary ion (Mg) at scale above laboratory. This will be achieved by running extraction experiments on the 3-stage contactor rig at the University of Leeds.
Deadline : 12 January 2024
(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow – Preventing ‘Cuckooing’ Victimisation Project
You will work with Dr Laura Bainbridge, at the Centre for Criminal Justice Studies in the School of Law, to support research and impact activities on the Research England funded project: Tackling ‘Cuckooing’ Victimisation: Establishing a Research and Practice Network. The project will involve constructing a multi-sectoral and multi-level network to facilitate the exchange of ‘cuckooing’ knowledge and practice between members, and co-producing and evaluating a cuckooing risk assessment tool with project partners to be utilised by housing providers.
With a doctorate (or close to completion) that is relevant to this research field and proven experience of empirical research, you will work with and support project work, that will include: liaising with project partners; web page development; network promotion and management; organising and attending events; designing research instruments; conducting fieldwork; disseminating research findings; and report writing.
You will have a sound grasp of county lines cuckooing and/or criminal exploitation, qualitative research skills, and excellent analytical and writing skills. The ability to work both alone and also as part of a team are essential, along with strong organisational skills and the ability to work on a variety of tasks to set deadlines. The post may involve some travel and stays away from home, for example to undertake fieldwork or attend conferences.
Deadline : 11 January 2024
(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow in Muscle Biology
You will be embedded within a vibrant and research team, working alongside baisc scientists to better understand the molecular mechanisms of skeletal muscle (diaphragm) dysfunction in chronic heart failure, as funded by the British Heart Foundation (BHF). This project will focus on animal models, with possibilities to translate experiments to human, in order to investigate basic mechanisms of diaphragm dysfunction in heart failure. The successful candidate will be integrated into an internationally leading team of researchers in the areas of muscle biology (Dr Scott Bowen and Professor Derek Steele ) and cardiology (Dr Sarah Calaghan and Dr Al Benson), linking both in vitro and in vivo molecular and functional muscle measurements as well as in situ computational modelling.
To apply for this role you must have a PhD (or be close to completion) in biomedical science or a closely allied discipline. You should also have a background in skeletal muscle biology, alongside strong molecular/cell biology techniques (e.g., western blotting, qPCR, cell culture, confocal microscopy). Skills in single-fibre/muscle mechanics as well as experience working with disease models/handling animals is advantageous. Evidence of leading projects independently to a successful completion alongside experience managing junior colleagues is essential.
Deadline : 11 January 2024
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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow in Vascular Biology (Thrombosis)
A position for postdoctoral Research Fellow (1.0 FTE), funded by a programme grant of the British Heart Foundation, is available in the lab of Professor Robert Ariëns, based in the LIGHT laboratories at the University of Leeds. In this role you will play a key role in a research team that is studying the influence of fibrin structure on the stability of blood clots and the risk of venous thromboembolism, using Affimers to target specific parts of the protein. In this position, you will particularly be leading on the in-vitro characterisation of protein structure and function.
Deadline : 10 January 2024
(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow in Quantum Many-Body Physics
Applications are invited to work on a project New Paradigms of Order Amidst Quantum Chaos funded by Leverhulme Trust. You will work within the Theoretical Physics Group, in the School of Physics and Astronomy, as part of the research team of Dr Zlatko Papic.
The project will involve the development of new theoretical and computational approaches to study dynamics of interacting quantum systems, in the context of condensed matter physics and ultracold atomic systems. Some of the focus areas of the project include classical and quantum simulations of many-body systems (in particular, matrix product states and tensor network methods), quantum ergodicity and its violations (e.g. quantum scars and many-body localisation), as well as topological phases of matter. The job will involve collaborations within the group, e.g., with the group of Prof Pachos, as well as with our international collaborators.
You will have a PhD (or you will have submitted your thesis prior to taking up the appointment) in many-body quantum systems, broadly defined. You will also have experience in modelling, analysis and computational skills and evidence of contributing to papers in internationally recognised, peer-reviewed journals or evidence of publishable research in progress.
Deadline : 08 January 2024
About University of Leeds, West Yorkshire, England – Official Website
The University of Leeds is a public research university in Leeds, West Yorkshire, England. It was established in 1874 as the Yorkshire College of Science. In 1884 it merged with the Leeds School of Medicine (established 1831) and was renamed Yorkshire College. It became part of the federal Victoria University in 1887, joining Owens College (which became the University of Manchester) and University College Liverpool (which became the University of Liverpool). In 1904 a royal charter was granted to the University of Leeds by King Edward VII.
The university has 36,330 students, the 5th largest university in the UK (out of 169). From 2006 to present, the university has consistently been ranked within the top 5 (alongside the University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University, the University of Nottingham and the University of Edinburgh) in the United Kingdom for the number of applications received. Leeds had an income of £789.6 million in 2019/20, of which £139.9 million was from research grants and contracts. The university has financial endowments of £82.1 million (2019–20), ranking outside the top ten British universities by financial endowment.
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